Hi all,
So my speech and dizziness got really bad yesterday. Like so scary bad that when I rang doctors to make an appointment to finally see a gp to review my thyroid results, they told me to go to A+E.
They ran a barrage of tests and ruled out all the big nasties. They did find a brain calcification and have referred me to a neurologist. Doctor at A+E said they don’t think it is in the right place to be causing speech difficulties but they’re not a specialist, hence referral, and I’ve possibly developed an overnight stutter from stress (I’m not stressed).
Anybody know anything? Doctor google is a scary place and a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. But this is what I’ve found out that may/ may be not relevant:
The first link from brain calcification brings up basal ganglia calcification with a range of symptoms, including slowed speech and dizziness. One of the many causes? Hypothyroid by some mysterious mechanism that affects the parathyroid glands.
However, the speech isn’t slowed and stuttering all the time, it’s in and out, better today than yesterday which was the worst it’s been. So could it just be I REALLY NEED MEDICATING PLEASE?!!! (Gp appointment weds).
I’d appreciate opinions or any information people may have.