Those of you who are now well, how does it feel? - Thyroid UK

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Those of you who are now well, how does it feel?

27 Replies

I have been pondering this for such a long time and looking back I can't really remember a time when I wasn't affected by low thyroid.

I'm 35 now and was symptomatic by 16.

I guess I'm struggling to figure out what 'well' looks like. At the moment I can manage one thing a day. So I might be able to clean downstairs or do the food shop but never both. Or we can have a day out with the children (5&3) but I can't do anything the following day except potter about the house. Running has been totally abandoned.

I can't get up before 7:30/8am no matter what time I go to bed.

I'd like to know whether its unreasonable to expect to be able to get up at 6:00am and go for a run, or maybe clean in the morning and do the food shop in the afternoon. 🤷🏻‍♀️

It just seems so far out of reach at the moment.

Thanks all, 🌱

27 Replies
Buddy195 profile image

Have you had your key vitamins checked recently plant_lady? When folate, ferritin, B12 and Vit D were high in the range, I found I had more energy. Go easy on yourself, perhaps try some yoga or Pilates for an exercise fix instead of thinking about high impact options. Do you have a limited diet? If so, you may need to supplement more.

I found I was low in energy when I was vegetarian & my health improved when I became pescatarian. Going gluten free has helped me feel well again too.

Very best wishes to you.

in reply to Buddy195

Vits we're all high-ish in range in July so they're probably good still! Also gluten free and veggie/vegan.

I have been ruminating on reintroducing fish to see if that helps but it feels like a big step and I'm not quite sure about it so it's interesting to hear it helped you.

Have been doing yoga infrequently but I miss running but I guess I'm wondering more about whether that would be feasible; regardless of whether I do it or not.

Like, can I go for a run/do some kind of exercise and still go about my day?

'normal' people seem to be able to work, and exercise, and keep a house. I can do one of this things and I'm not sure whether just to accept my lot or keep hoping! 🤞🏼🌱

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to

I totally relate re addition of fish to diet after being veggie for so long, but I’m glad I did this (after 10 years!) as it did make a big difference to my energy levels & overall health.I was also a keen x country runner, but kept getting injured. I’ve now got a spin bike which gives me the same buzz but with less impact on my knees! I also pushed myself to join a Pilates class & I’ve found this beneficial not just physically but mentally. I’m not very good at it, so I’m still a beginner! When I have less energy, I no longer push myself to exercise but try to do some gentle stretches. I think the main thing is not being hard on yourself; your body needs time to rest and recover.

For me, I knew my health had improved when I was no longer feeling anxious every day, could think about other things rather than my thyroid condition, started planning days (& evenings) out and and family & friends commented that I looked a lot better!

You will get there plant_ lady; we are all here to support you along the way. 😊👍

in reply to Buddy195

how often do you eat fish now?

I feel like most of my symptoms are gone now; no anxiety, no burning feet, I'm not cold anymore, my speech isn't slurred anymore, my hair has stopped falling out, my ETD and post-nasal drip are gone. Which is great!

All that remains in the fatigue/malaise, but it takes up so much of my thinking because I can't do even a fraction of what I want to do. Even if I can't get back to exercise I'd like to be able to just lead the life I want to.

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to

I eat fish 2-3 a week and vegetarian options 4-5 times. I did try cutting out dairy but I saw no obvious changes like I did when eliminating gluten. I think it’s all trial and error to work out what’s best for you.I’m so pleased that many of your symptoms have passed & hope through trialling different options you can regain some energy.

Zazbag profile image

My brain is always clear. I can be in public places and the noise and movement doesn't drive me crazy. I can sleep through the night without waking. I feel good about how I look because my face is no longer swollen and I have lost the hypo weight I put on. I am no longer depressed and generally have a good mood. My digestion is much better than it ever was before, I don't have constipation and I am bloated only occasionally and if I eat foods that would typically bloat anyone, whereas before I was always bloated unless I just didn't eat. Also my appetite is more normal now. The only thing that makes me feel hypo is if I have done too much exercise at the gym.

I take 150mcg levothyroxine and 25mcg liothyronine. I also take 4.5mg of low-dose naltrexone for my Hashimoto's. I have been gluten, dairy and egg free since I was diagnosed 4 years ago.

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to Zazbag

I don’t know anything about LDN for Hashimotos Zagbag, do you have a link where I could find out more?

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Buddy195

in reply to Zazbag

It's so lovely to hear stories of people feeling well again. :)

Too much exercise! That is the dream; at the moment I'd just like to do some! It's filled me with hope.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to

Liothyronine gave me my life back.

Josephineinamachine profile image
Josephineinamachine in reply to Zazbag

Hi Zazbag glad you’re feeling better! Please could I ask what benefit you felt from the LDN? Thank you 😊

Mollyfan profile image

Zazbag, You could be my double….. this is exactly how I feel when I am well and I am on a very similar combination. I know I am currently well as I found myself singing to the radio in the car this morning rather than being irritated by it and turning the volume down.

Plant lady……. You do not have to feel this way and I really hope you can optimise your treatment. Sending hugs. 😘😘

in reply to Mollyfan

Thank you. :)

I'm seeing a private endo again in a few weeks, he increased my levo and if my TSH has reduced (from 3.something) He will start a trial of T3.

I've got pretty poor conversion so hopefully, that will start to really improve things. I've just been unwell for so long I don't really know what to expect!

Mollyfan profile image
Mollyfan in reply to

I really hope so, it has definitely been life changing for me. 🤞🤞

fuchsia-pink profile image
fuchsia-pink in reply to Mollyfan

And for me :)

I'm now 57 and have been on lio/levo combo for nearly 4 glorious years. I'd say that I am fully back to normal. I've lost the levo weight (bought some size 10 shorts the other day); brain is good and sharp. I breezed through menopause; can do a 5-mile daily walk; baby-sit the youngest 2 grandkids (5 and 16 months) without losing energy (or patience!) and it's ALL down to being properly medicated with good key nutrients.

So plant-lady please persevere and I hope you get that lio trial x

in reply to fuchsia-pink

This is so great to hear! I'm so pleased to hear that life can return to normal.

Strangely my mum and step-dad have said just today that they thought I looked so much better they've not asked about my health because they assumed I was well again because I look well!

I mean, the crippling fatigue hasn't left yet so hopefully it will soon. I'm desperate for a T3 trial... just need to be patient for a few more weeks and hope it works for me!

BiscuitBaby profile image

Hi plant_ladyI mostly agree with zazbag. I feel better now than I've done in years. I still can't run though. My heart rate rockets and I just can't go a mile without stopping. I keep trying and I keep telling myself it might not be 8 or 9 miles it used to be but I'm out! The difference is night and day really and I'm kind of at peace with the way I am now (heavier) because I'm relieved I don't feel how I did 6 months ago or even 2 years ago.

It will get easier when your body gets the right amount of hormone. I used to feel that having 2 things to do meant I was really busy and felt so overwhemed I didn't do either of them! It just seemed like such a lot of work. But now I can swim before work and try a run at the weekend. You'll get there in time, just be kind to yourself while you're waiting and listen to your body. If it needs rest, rest. You'll get losts of support on here. The information is so helpful and it really helps to know that you're not alone. It took me a long time to find this forum and in that time I had to deal with a hideous gp who made me feel terrible and like there was nothing wrong with me. This forum gave me strength and knowledge which gave me the power to mainly!! 😃

Hope you feel better soon.

in reply to BiscuitBaby

I used to feel that having 2 things to do meant I was really busy and felt so overwhelmed

I really relate to this. Even if those 2 things were hours apart I struggle and even up doing nothing for days after to recover.

But now I can swim before work and try a run at the weekend.

This is exactly what I'd like to be able to do (actually doing it is another matter!). Thank you so much for sharing. I really needed to hear these stories today.

BiscuitBaby profile image
BiscuitBaby in reply to

When I say I do it, it's not without consequence. I get very tired and need early nights etc. And I definitely can't do what I used to. I'm coming to the conclusion I can't live my normal life! However at the start of this year, it wasn't possible at all. I've been where you are where everything feels too much and you feel to crap to even try. Even when you try your body let's you down so it's soul destroying on every level. It can get better but definitely need the right medication and vitamins. Be kind to yourself on the way!

Tythrop profile image

Do/did poorley symptoms include muscle aches for any of you? Like low grade flu symptoms?

in reply to Tythrop

Not fluey for me but my muscles are always sore, like they're all too tight, legs mostly for me.

A2C3 profile image
A2C3 in reply to

I feel exactly the same as what you describe! Especially my legs 😥

in reply to A2C3

I got some relief doing really deep stretches but I'm stuck in a cycle of not having motivation/energy to do anything and deep stretching is hard work, so I don't do it and my muscles still hurt. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Tythrop profile image
Tythrop in reply to


A2C3 profile image
A2C3 in reply to

I bit the bullet and did a 30 min cycle today and my legs and joints are killing! I think I need a dose increase! 🤷‍♀️ I feel the same x

Tythrop profile image
Tythrop in reply to A2C3


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