Genetic counselling post DIO 2 test. Thinking that because my daughter seemed to have a sensible GP we could save £80 daylight robbery by asking for her results to be sent to him, we did that. He says he doesn’t understand them, so cancelled the request. Regenerus won’t release the results to her. My own consultation lasted less than 5 mins and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. Just confirmed I was heterozygous.Is paying £80 the only way to find out if she has inherited from me?
DIO2 test: Genetic counselling post DIO 2 test... - Thyroid UK
DIO2 test

When I had my DI02 test done with Regenerus labs I put Thyroid UK down as my doctor and they sent the results straight to me
Hi, what is the point with this test? If it reveals a problem is there any solution or therapy? Have you thyroid problems? Thank you.
Hi petalouda. There are other people on this site who could explain it far better than me and it is clearly dealt with in the information in the Thyroiduk website, including Dr Damian Downings explanation of its implications. Basically it is a problem caused by variation in the genes you inherit from your parents: either from one or both of them. It causes poor conversion of the hormone T4 into T3, which is the active form that we all need in our cells to function properly. People affected by this are likely to need more thanlevothyroxine treatment to feel well. Either by combining with liothyronine - Or using NDT instead. As I said it is more comprehensively explained on the website. In answer to your question I do have problems with my thyroid. If you look at my profiler is detailed on there. Best wishes Mugs.
Hi, I can't find Dr Damian dawning, have you the link? Thanks a lot.