How I improved my health ...: Hi everyone , I... - Thyroid UK

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How I improved my health ...

Boba profile image
19 Replies

Hi everyone ,

I wanted to say that I had huge health improvements since I am actively working on detox for quite some time . Now, I can sleep from 10pm -7 am deeply which didn’t happen for many years living with Hashimoto .

I am taking Levothyroxine 75mg but skipping slowly some days and taking Metavive 40mg sometimes instead. ( I would not recommend that to others but I am quite long way into detox)

One of main things is liver detox, slow process but great benefits. Milk thistle tincture(Vogel) is great and it should be only 7-8 drops at the start increasing slowly. If it induces headache It is from detoxification process so just taking less drops will help. Milk thistle cleans and regenerates the liver and it is not harmful to take for long time .

I stopped drinking coffe too, because increased homocysteine. (bio resonance test showed that I had)

Lately, I had prickly red rush all over thyroid and front part of the neck and it slowly disappeared with my energy and mood improvements so I think it is part of detox too. I did juicing ( celery, veggies) and lately herbal supplements and to be honest my symptoms are going away and although it’s a long process I wish I did it years ago.

Also, I wanted to say that I did quite big research for several years about autoimmune conditions and bought lots of literature, nutritional programmes, joined many health groups and decided to work on pathogens detox after all that information. There are some specific brands that I am using after trying many, but this post is not advertisement and if anyone is interested I am happy to answer the questions.

Here is one post that can be useful :

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tattybogle profile image

link to full article and results

... this does seem to be a clear case of Autoimmune Hypothyriodism . TSH 8.48.... fT4 8.32 [10-28.2] ... fT3 4.97 [4.26-8.10].... TPOab 707.... TGab 31.

At the same time as treating the parasite they gave him 2 weeks of levo at just 64mcg /day ... TSH became supressed , fT4 went top of range, fT3 went way over range.

Stopped levo... long story's FT4/3 results looked pretty good and stayed that way for 4 yrs , TPO/TGab reduced slowly but still present.

Don't know if it absolutely proves the connection between the treatment of the parasite and the improvement in thyroid results ... i suppose you could be difficult and suggest they just happened to coincide with a 'Hashimotos hyper swing'..... but it's certainly very interesting. And so nice to see some full thyroid results to consider instead of the usual 'TSH only' rubbish that you can't make any conclusion at all from.

Table1.Thyroid hormones and antibodies levels during four-year follow-up-

.... is very interesting .

and as well as detailing the interesting changes in TSH/FT4/FT3 and antibodies also provides yet other real life example of fT3 being relatively higher than fT4 (as % through range ),in people who feel well.

kaju20 profile image
kaju20 in reply to tattybogle

That's interesting about the parasite, may I ask what type of parasite? I seem to feel theres a possible link between when my thyroid became a real problem and travelling abroad. I keep wondering if it's a parasite contributing but no obvious indication like weight loss etc


tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to kaju20

It was called " Blastocystis hominis ", but you'd have to read the study i linked to, cos i know nothing more about it :) ..this one seemed to be found due to " man who presented with chronic urticaria, angioedema and soft stool consistency".... they then accidentally found hashimoto's , (but i'm not convinced that this proves the parasite caused the hashimotos's... however his blood results over the 4 yrs after treatment of the parasite are impressive.

If you click on the 'pubmed' link that Boba gives in the original post, under the abstract there are a list of other publications mentioning the parasite, but i didn't check any of the rest of them out.

kaju20 profile image
kaju20 in reply to tattybogle

Great thankyou, will give it a read. Looking back on old blood tests I think I already had hashimotos coming on the year I travelled. I wondered if a parasite in the mix just accelerated everything, as I cant think of anything else that went on around that time that could have triggered it so to speak. I went significantly downhill after that trip. Makes me wonder. Will give it a read. We have to be our own investigators isnt it :) thanks for that!

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to kaju20

I've always been able to blame mine very clearly on 'having a baby' and having the family genetics for 'thyroid gone wrong' :)Must be even more annoying for you if you're always wondering 'what happened ?'

kaju20 profile image
kaju20 in reply to tattybogle

You just wonder if there was an actual trigger, you live in hope you might be able to reverse it or at least some of these symptoms. I read the article, these skin problems seem to have some kind of link. I just assumed it's because everything is out of balance. But just like the study for this man. It said even going on a diet of non allergenic foods he still had skin problems. I'm doing the same. And finding I'm still flaring up. The most frustrating bit is that my gp refuses to test for anything. Just dishes out the antihistamines. Tut Might get there eventually. These are all parts to the puzzle. Thanks for posting... :)

Boba profile image
Boba in reply to tattybogle

Milk Thistle Complex drops from Vogel contains dandelion and other bitter herbs too great to detox and regenerate liver. I was told 8 or more years ago to take it and that I needed to take care of my liver. How I wish I started earlier !

Also, I had 2 polyps on gallbladder and I was told that bigger one (7mm back in 2016 ) has to grow to 9mm and my gallbladder would be removed then as precaution measure . I asked several doctors if I could remove only polyp somehow (asked here in U.K. and abroad in Eastern Europe) and all laughed and said that was impossible. I ignored check ups and did detox not ‘too soon too much’ but constant.

GP insisted early last year that I must do ultrasound to see how big polyp has grown and we should plan the operation. I did bio resonance ( in between) and practitioner told me that she would be surprised if the polyp was still there and that my gall bladder seems functioning great.

On ultrasound check there was no trace of any polyps my my gallbladder , doctor was confused and I was happy 😆

I took Fresh orange juice , olive oil and garlic gentle liver detoxes ( As Juice Lady recommends) , then are regularly squashed garlic (3 cloves) and salads with onions ( I learned along the way that garlic and onions are shortcut to clean and regenerate gallbladder and the liver)

Then Milk Thistle drops , Fresh thyme tea .. etc.

Milk thistle complex drops not only clean liver , it regenerates liver which is amazing !

I saw a video of famous American medical doctor( can check his name as I took notes ) that all hormones for thyroid are made in liver and I connected that slowly cleaning liver can help with my fatigue, skin issues, insomnia... and it did.

I went downhill with energy and hormones after first childbirth too. But crucial was before kids one kidney infection and tons of antibiotics (inter -veinal ), I believe that ruined my health.

Another thing is that I learned is that when thyroid is non functioning properly that there must be issue with kidneys and gallbladder too and that they influence each other.

And one more thing I would mention is that the liver cleansing path can be difficult especially at the start and sometimes feels that we feel worse but it is the healing process, don’t give up. Lots of water should be drank to clear system and I found colonics very, very helpful .

However, there is one period when through liver happens emotional detox too, and that is toughest part of the cleanse for many of us who exchanged experience. It can be turmoil:/

But, at the end of the tunnel there is light certainly and huge health improvements.


Imaaan profile image


Thank you for sharing that you're doing better and the treatment protocol you embarked on has been helpful to you.

I was interested in milk thistle for a year two now because I saw Isabella Wentz and a few others endorsing it. I never purchased it though after reading this below;

Even though I've read a few blogs mentioning their success with milk thistle for their hypothyroidism, I was concerned if it would mess with my levels. I decided on dandelion root tea but I drink it here and there. Since you had good success and it helped with sleep, I might just look in to it again and bite the bullet nu trying.

Thnxs for your post

wellness1 profile image
wellness1 in reply to Imaaan

Tania Smith referenced this study on her blog in the context of a T3 dosing mistake. It made me wonder about the popularity of milk thistle as a liver support supplement.

Therefore, a single dosing mistake is extremely unlikely to kill you. The body has ways of breaking down this hormone fast. In the short term, you’ll be fine. If you’re worried, take some Milk Thistle, which blocks a dominant thyroid hormone transporter, MCT8. The short FT3 peak will pass soon.

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to wellness1

Thanks for taking the time to share this link.

kaju20 profile image

This is encouraging thankyou for posting as I'm just starting out on a detox. For the last few months I've been slowly removing "triggers" for antibodies. Started with gluten, then dairy, any refined sugar (and easy on fruit sugars and starches), meat, nightshades, and now cutting down on nuts and eggs... basically trying to lower my toxin load. Pretty drastic but I'm already feeling a difference. I too have been researching autoimmune and it seems as though brining the body toxin load and avoiding possible allergens could help significantly. But it's tough... so I appreciate your post. It has encouraged me to keep it up! I have been wondering about milk thistle. Did you have a nodule on your thyroid? I'm hoping I might with persistence reduce the size of my nodule.

Well done! And keep going!

Boba profile image
Boba in reply to kaju20

Yes I did have nodules in 2012 just after having first child ( then discovered) and when Endo in hospital asked to come back to do biopsy, I went after holiday and it seems that nodule shrank and they never did biopsy luckily, as I am not keen on that In case it spreads after procedure. Still at that time I was unable to stand on my feet due to chronic fatigue, felt horrible and antibodies skyrocketed that literally they didn’t give the antibody measure result on blood report :/ I will never forget that time .

To make it worse GP would always ask if all is well at home and if I wanted depression tablets, while I told her that I feel as ‘ dead horse beaten and made to run ‘ and that I was unable to make few min walk with my newborn .

That made me keen to do all the research and visit GP centre least amount possible.

About that time I also discovered that I had gallbladder polyps (private clinic abroad) and larger was 5.5mm and grown to 7mm in 2-3 years.

Now all disappeared.

I would advice that you don’t take any iodine supplements as it will make nodules grow. ( it accumulates in thyroid nodules)

Organic celery juice ( must be organic celery, masticating juicer) every day freshly made and drank in the morning (before anything else) would be very helpful for you to start with. Cluster salts from organic celery are great detox .

Also, somehow try to find the way to test for parasites and it could solve ur health issues that you mentioned.

I was losing weight too.

Check for blastocystis hominis as it is very specific and here is mentioned Metronidazole to clear it up, but I read on Pubmed that long research found that Metronidazole or many other antibiotics don’t clear it up and that best effective one is trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole [TMP-SMX.

kaju20 profile image
kaju20 in reply to Boba

I've been reading through your other messages above. It's very encouraging because my experience is very much like yours minus the childbirth. I ended up in A&E last summer with pain in my gallbladder area. I could eat a drop of fat without the pain coming back! They did an ultrasound but said nothing was there... I after that had awful pain in my stomach it seems... symptoms appeared to be a stomach ulcer. The GP took sooooo long following up on anything that through diet things seem to be under control although I still get the pain around the gallbladder area now and again. I have been drinking alot of dandelion tea, milk thistle tea... bitters basically. I'm not sure if its tied up with the thyroid but I developed all around the same time what appears to be rosacea papulopustular. So I cant eat garlic, onions, cinnamon, citrus, tomatoes without my face flaring up.

My nodule has grown but the multi vit supplement turns out has iodine in! So I have stopped that now!

I went and bought organic celery today! How many sticks did you juice a day?

I feel like your post has come at the right time, I'm only a couple months into this detox, I'm hopeful I might have the same result as you!

Boba profile image
Boba in reply to kaju20

Hi,Sometimes if you take milk thistle it can cause sharp pain in the liver as it is part of detoxification. I would still prefer drops Milk Thistle Complex drops from Vogel( dr Jan De Vries developed the brand) it is easy to take only 15-20 drops a day in lil bit of water and it might have more potential for liver detox. Sudden Skin problems could be definitely related to parasitic infection problem.

I would juice whole celery ( bunch) as it it recommended to take full glass or more, I would say that it is good to take it every day( remember celery always must be organic ) as it will speed intestinal cleansing and you will not have side effects from pathogens die -off as it can be awful. Radishes are great cleaner for gall bladder too, if you can eat them in salads often.

In ur place ( knowing now) I would check for H Pylori( causes ulcer and makes us feel awful / food issues) and Blastocystis hominis. ( skin issue part that you mentioned)

For some you will need antibiotics ( but right ones) and food / herbs can really help.

For the skin issue you can take ‘Swedish bitters ‘ good brand it might really help to clear the skin and w energy.

Kerry Brogan MD ( Paleo diet) from US quite strongly suggested that pathogens cause Hashimoto ( listened her podcasts) .

This might help, I use Mimosa Pudica , it has good reviews but can be expensive.

Info is very good though:

The problem is that pathogens attracts toxins and heavy metals and feed of each other and wreck havoc in our body and especially immunity compromised/ stressed for any reason.

I was a member in dr Axe group on Fb as part of paid program one of many that I wasted money on, as it was very much to do ans follow and I had no mental or physical energy to do it .

But, what triggered my research is one lady with 2 kids of similar age and same health issues who said that she came across Turnpentine pathogens cleanse ( Candida Protocol by dr Jeniffer Daniels who is heavily censored) .

Now is good season to take regularly watermelon every day, purifies the blood and papaya but pls buy only large papayas as they are not GMO . The small ones could be often GMOs.

If you take every day spoon of seeds of papaya mixed with honey and chew well and eat it every day one spoon mix for 90 days.

Cleanse is a process as the pathogens fight back and reproduce quickly when detox starts.

So papaya seeds and honey mix has great results after taking for 90 days( clears system stops them reproducing) many great MD’s advice for pathogens detox.

Plus papaya seeds are great for the liver and digestive tract, helping with meat digestion especially.

And papaya flesh is great to clean gut while detoxing and I would invest and buy (large) Papayas and watermelons and eat in large quantities instead of vitamins.

Once you sort liver, gut and digestive tract you will just need good food.

Many people have the same issues, if you look on reviews for Mimosa Pudica ( Microbe Formulas) on US Amazon’s site. Amazon stopped selling it of course, but we are getting informed and healing Thank God 🌟

kaju20 profile image
kaju20 in reply to Boba

Great thankyou, I will look into all of that. I actually signed up to a paid course Dr Bonnie Nedrow. That's exactly what I'm learning on her course right now about toxins we're in contact with everyday. Its alot to take in all at once isnt it. But everyday I try to make a small change. It's taken a little while to receive her workbook and cookbook and I'm yet to have the recommended supplements that support the cleanse... I think you mentioned about colonic irritations , she encourages home enemas too... eek... then following a good cleanse of the emunctories she encourages a liver cleanse. Just that while my iron is very low and I dont seem to be absorbing all the good I'm taking in... (I think due to low stomach acid) I need to be careful with the fibre or clay scrubs to remove toxins. But following this 28 day non allergenic diet there is a 4 day liver cleanse.

I'm trying to combine this Dr's natural toxin elimination and listing to Dr Isabella Wentz protocol recordings. I appreciate any other good sources, so you've given me some good research you've done to have a look at.

I will see if I can get tested for the bacteria and parasite. I've been working on my stomach acid with ACV first thing in the morning HCL &pepsin with every meal. Trying to have a few tbsp of sauerkraut each day and biokult probiotics. If they dont start improving my skin I will look more seriously into parasites

We really have to educate ourselves isnt it.

I'll see if I can get hold of any large papayas.

The thyroid has thrown everything out of balance. I have to watch my blood sugar, my fat intake as cholesterol is high (due to lack of bile I believe...) I have various allergies to good cleansing foods... it's quite a challenge!

Imaaan profile image

Really appreciate your input. Thnxs mademoiselle.

MissRita profile image

If I’m taking 250 mg (1 capsule) how many would I need to take?

Boba profile image
Boba in reply to MissRita

1 capsule (250 mg) of Milk Thistle ?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

We need to be careful regarding Milk Thistle. This is one of my previous posts which explains the issues:

Silychristin, a Flavonolignan Derived From the Milk Thistle, Is a Potent Inhibitor of the Thyroid Hormone Transporter MCT8

And this is a search for other posts about Milk Thistle.

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