There is a silly post on many items
BIOU ? or some such thing. Does anyone know who or what it is ?
There is a silly post on many items
BIOU ? or some such thing. Does anyone know who or what it is ?
Gcart, I have no idea what you're asking about! Can you explain more, and maybe give us a link to an example?
When you are composing a reply, or posting a new post, along the bottom are the characters:
B I U @ 😀
In fact, even the blank box for making a reply shows them (under the words Add a comment here ...)
If you start typing a reply and want a word to be in BOLD, select the word, then click on B.
If you start typing a reply and want a word to be in italics, select the word, then click on I.
If you start typing a reply and want a word to be underlined, select the word, then click on U.
If you start typing a reply and want to call out to another member, click on @ and start typing the member's name. When you can see their name in full, click on that..
If you start typing a reply and want to insert an emoji character, click on the blue smiley face. That will then show all the possible emoji characters in a little window where you can select one!
I use the word "click" but if you are using a touch-sensitive device such as a phone, you can just use your finger. I think making the same approach work on phones and PCs is a major reason for the change.
Ah, ok, now I understand 🤣🤣🤣 thanks!
New toy box for Christmas👍💃
I know, it's been a long time coming! But the best things in life are worth waiting for (apparently, so I was told when I was a kid!)
It's great, previously i've only got to do bold or underlining by accident when the cat walked across the keyboard, now i can do it on purpose
Your cat is more helpful than mine. Mine's more likely to shut my laptop down than help with my formatting 🐈😹
Not totally helpful ... usually manages to invert the screen at the same time, takes me hours to figure out how to put it back , and then i forget how i did it
if you mean the tabs lurch over to one side, or go upside down on a laptop, you can make them go the right way up again by pressing control-alt-up arrow all together
I find this a lot easier than using my own
Where is Father Christmas I can't find him? 🎅
Santa is on furlough 🏄
lol's x
'Fury said to
a mouse that
he met in
the house,
"Let us
both go
to law: I
will prosecute
you. Come,
I'll take no
denial: we
must have a
trial; for
really this
I've noth-
ing to do."
Said the
mouse to
the cur,
"Such a
trial, dear
sir, with
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury
you to
"The Mouse's Tale" is a shaped poem by Lewis Carroll which appears in his 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Jeez , i knew the British Courts and justice system was in trouble, but i'd no idea it was that bad.Nice Work with the wordy shapy thingy .
I have found him now but Mrs Christmas looks a lot older imo.
She probably has Hashi’s 😂