I have often posted about the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
(MHRA) Yellow Card scheme for reporting issues with medicines - as in this recent post:
What you, I and probably most other people had failed to appreciate is that they also accept reports about diagnostic tests, software and apps.
See the light blue box here: yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/
Incidents involving a medical device including diagnostic tests, software and apps
I encourage anyone and everyone who has any such issues to file a report. It is a pretty painless, easy process.
If you have any doubt whether you should make a report, do so. The MHRA are perfectly able to handle inappropriate reports - for example, where they have no authority.
I STRONGLY encourage reporting to the MHRA even if you ALSO report to the supplier/vendor.
One issue I found in looking at the Airmid UK mobile phone app is that it has accessibility issues. Such as important test information displayed in mid-grey on a light-grey background - and in tiny type. If you don't have near-perfect vision, it could very well be impossible to read. Although my report was about other issues, I included this as it is important.
More information about the main issue I reported is available on this thread:
(Grey-on-grey is just a fashion without any basis in ergonomics and accessibility.)