The MHRA's Yellow Card scheme has been mentioned many times recently. Unfortunately, although the press release is dated 2012, the rate of reporting adverse effects of medicines has been falling.
It would be marvellous if this was because fewer people were suffering adverse effects, but I am a touch too realistic to believe that! I firmly believe that the number of reports should be at least ten times the number they report, probably a hundred times.
Please, if you have reason to believe that a medicine you are taking has adverse effects, report it.
Press release including video:
Direct link to the Yellow Card page:
All that is required is an honest belief or suspicion that adverse effects were caused by a medicine - and a few minutes to fill in a report. Absolutely it is fine to post here about these things; absolutely it is better if there was also a Yellow Card report filed by you. You don't need anyone else's permission. You don't have to persuade your doctor. Just do it - if appropriate!