I have decided to write a new thread after exploring patient access to digital records in Wales over the weekend.
The most important thing I found out is the open consultation in the screenshot which closes on the 30 November. There is an attached proposal and I see little reference to patient access. If you live in Wales this is your chance to make your voice heard follow this link
I also found a very interesting paper published in November 2018 about digital inclusion for older people, those with long term conditions, disability and infirmity. If you want to respond to the consultation above this provides very good information.
As for current access I did not get answers from my contacts but this is how I understand the current situation for GP record access in Wales
1. There is some patchy access to online appointments/ medication requests via MyHealthOnline
2. It seems that it is up to individual practices whether to register to provide patients with online services
3. There has not been a coordinated effort by anyone to provide patient access to online services or access to online medical records.
4. There seems to be some awareness of the problem and there is going to be a new health board to organise the whole Welsh digital infrastructure and provide funding streams.
5. Looking at MyHealthOnline it is possible on this system to provide access to medical records but I suspect this has never been implemented even when Practices registered for the basics
What does this mean?
NHS England was also this disorganised ten years ago. There has been a very active group of campaigners including some GP who have campaigned loudly to make leaders aware of patients views. Things took years to change.
I can see that things are going being completely reorganised in Wales. My advice is to reply to the open consultation and get as many people possible to create the demand for digital inclusion in the new set up. Contact patient representatives on health boards, GP Patient Participation groups, contact local councillors your MP etc etc
It is astonishing that NHS Wales is so far behind NHS England but patients can create change and the case and evidence is in place with the mandatory policies established in England.
If I find out more I will continue to post.