I had a fine needle aspiration about 15 years ago and was fine, drove home and carried on. The letter this week says i shouldnt drive. Any idea why? Are they just covering themselves in case anything happens, or can you really not drive after? Will have a snack/coffee before I leave hospital anyway
Driving home from hospital after a fine needle ... - Thyroid UK
Driving home from hospital after a fine needle aspiration?

Covering themselves, I think. If you’re not having a general anaesthetic or sedation you should be fine, so long as you’re sensible (and I’m sure you are!).
I had a FNA and drove myself home. It was very quick and painless but they have to cover themselves as others have said.
Mine hurt like hell afterwards even though it was a tiny needle and they used local anaesthetic. I guess we’re all different!
I think they often put this to make people aware they might not feel 100% afterwards, in common with many procedures. Also, if sedation were unexpectedly given, driving home would not only be inadvisable, but would invalidate your car insurance, as does any situation where the company might say your judgement could be impaired.
If hospital has advised you not to drive, you have to consider that insurance might refuse to cover you should you be involved in an accident. So, sensible to make other transport plans.