Synachten test: Hi all Sorry to be back again... - Thyroid UK

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Synachten test

Busyy profile image
14 Replies

Hi all

Sorry to be back again with more questions! Does anybody here know anything about cortisol levels ? My Endo felt I may also have Addison disease as my cortisol levels in the morning were borderline low!

I had the short synachten test done yesterday. Havnt seen my Endo yet with these results but would be interested to know how these look?

Pre synachten cortisol ........107

After 30 mins ..........530

After 60 mins ......623

Are these levels normal?

Many thanks for the help.

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Busyy profile image
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14 Replies
Emyloulou profile image

Hi, you will probably be told these are normal results and you don’t have adrenal insufficiency(Addisons) however they only rule out primary adrenal insufficiency not secondary and with a baseline cortisol of 107 I would feel extremely ill. You will probably need an insulin tolerance test to see if you have secondary AI but some endocrinologist won’t do them because they can be dangerous and they aren’t a nice thing to go through at all.

Was this initial cortisol taken in the morning and did they do an acth level? It would have gone straight to the labs in a bag of ice.

Busyy profile image
Busyy in reply to Emyloulou

Hi emyloulou

Many thanks for your reply, no an acth level was not done just cortisol levels pre and post synachten?

This test was done at 11.30am. I don’t feel unwell at all to be honest , my only symptoms are that of my hyperthyroidism which Iv been diagnosed with almost 4 weeks ago! I am taking Carbimazole 20mg once a day for this I’m on week 4 of this drug and still have symptoms and have not gained any weight despite eating enough for 3 people as im always hungry !

McPammy profile image

I experienced low cortisol. My reading was 68(155-650) at 9am. This was very low and like yourself my Dr thought I may have Addison’s. I had a synacthen test and they said the rise from the false ACTH was normal. I actually felt much better after the false ACTH injection. My cortisol remained low and I was feeling quite bad. However, I found out later that I don’t convert T4 to T3 very well. I am Hashimotos and had been on T4 Levothyroxine for many years. After quite a struggle with the NHS to get help which never came, I went private only. It was only then I was prescribed T3 medication. Oh boy what a huge success that’s been. Not only has my thyroid levels now resolved and are optimal but my cortisol has also improved and now normal. I have my cortisol checked regularly along with my thyroid. For myself it was the lack of T3 causing low cortisol. Infact just about low everything. I subsequently did the DIO2 gene test and that came back positive. So I have a gene fault that indicates I’m a poor converter T4 to T3 and that’s why I was struggling.

I’d suggest, even to just rule it out, that you do the DIO2 gene test through Regenerus Laboratories privately. And also recheck your bloods to see how high your T3 is, it should be high in the range not scrapping in at the bottom.

milupa profile image
milupa in reply to McPammy

Hi McPammy - I thought you had written down my story!!

I struggled with low (but not low enough) cortisol for so long, was finally given hydrocortisone and then:T3. Having the DIO2 gene test result has saved me so much aggro with every medical person who want to change my prescription back to T4!

I hope you continue to feel well!

McPammy profile image
McPammy in reply to milupa

Oh wow. So there we go then low T3 has a negative effect on your adrenals output. To be honest a felt as though low T3 had a negative effect on my whole being. Now I take it daily I feel 15 years younger( about the time I was diagnosed with Hashimotos).

I’m glad you got sorted too. I took 12 years of Dr visits and stays in hospital before I gave up with the NHS and went private where I was swiftly diagnosed and prescribed T3 which has given me my life back finally. Why oh why do these Drs not know the importance of T3 is this country.

milupa profile image
milupa in reply to McPammy

All that time we could have felt better... I was told at 35 that feeling awful was just 'part of getting old'! And yes, 12 years before I was diagnosed! My British husband insisted on moving to Germany (where I am from) because he thought I wouldn't survive the NHS. Turns out he needed the care we received even more urgently! I know we went to the 2012 olympics because I have the ticket-stubs - I cannot remember it. Diagnosed in 2013, both of us on T3 and finally doing well at 55 and 67.

(I have to say Endos in Germany are the same as in the UK, and most GPs are not too clued up either. But there some functional GPs and they are life savers)

Enjoy life!

McPammy profile image
McPammy in reply to milupa

I’m glad you both finally got there. What a terrible shame it wasn’t sooner. I too was at the 2012 Olympics. Not taking part 🤣 but feel I could now 🤣 with the help of my T3 and more youthful outlook. I’m 62 this week. Sorry though you must have been very bad. I got to a point where I couldn’t sit up let alone walk, that went on for 12 months or more. I did think it was my end without being too dramatic.

Onwards and upwards for us now hey. I do hope there’s not too many out there going through the same sort of journey. My heart goes out to them.

milupa profile image
milupa in reply to McPammy

Happy Birthday 💐💐💐!!

McPammy profile image
McPammy in reply to milupa

Thank you! Celebrations start on Friday xx

caroash profile image

Hi I had similar morning Cortisol to you 100 and was referred for a synactben test,due to advise on here I also requested a ACTH said which the endo agreed to,but I spoke to endo secretary and because Cortisol levels rose to Norma l levels line yours they didn't bother doing the ACTH test. I've had this done twice with synacthen normal,but always have low morning Cortisol,it seems they only treat Addison's and don't recognize low cortisol, unless low with the synactben test,It's really frustrating. It's a bit like giving someone loads of sugar to see if there blood sugar rises,which it will ,but doesn't mean their blood sugars function well without loads of sugar

caroash profile image
caroash in reply to caroash

Just to add the nurse told me that the synacthen must be done at 9.00 am or before,but no later and she won't do them any later as not accurate.

McPammy profile image
McPammy in reply to caroash

Get your T3 checked to see if you’re converting from T4 well enough x

caroash profile image
caroash in reply to McPammy

Hi I read your post thanks I will do,it seems pointless having these synacthen tests ,it would be better to take cortisol throughout the day,surely that would show accurately what levels are. But if T3 the issue will address that m Thanks again

McPammy profile image
McPammy in reply to caroash

You can get a day curve saliva test privately.

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