Does hashimoto’s cause a worse reaction to inse... - Thyroid UK

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Does hashimoto’s cause a worse reaction to insect bites?

hashiman profile image
37 Replies

Hello , I just wondered whether anyone could help me after a weekend gardening ? I have suffered at this time of year with insect bites for as long as I can remember for the last 10 years things have got a lot worse with my skin blistering around the bite and the itching is unbearable .... is this reaction made worse because of hashimoto’s? Just a thought as none of my family suffer in the same way , and if it is because of my condition is there anything I can take or do to make the situation better ? I take antihistamine and obviously using bite creams but they don’t seem to work .

Many thanks

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hashiman profile image
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37 Replies
hashiman profile image

Thanks JaneyJaney, I’d never heard of that before but after just googling it , it may well be this, but website says to treat with antihistamine and they don’t seem to be working , I take Piriteze every evening from March to October as I suffer with hay fever . Loratodine has never seemed to work .

hashiman profile image

I don’t suffer from dermatographism, having read about it . I need to see endo for checkup soon so I’ll ask his opinion. Definitely points to immune system going into overdrive though .... sounds familiar isn’t that what hashimoto’s is 😊 thanks for your help 👍🏼

hashiman profile image

That sounds a lot more like how my body reacts I will definitely go red around scratches and clothing always leaves marks for a while . I can’t write on my skin though .

greygoose profile image

For the itching, if all else fails, try Hemp Balm. It's really quite amazing. I've never found anything that works so well.

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to greygoose

Hi Greygoose , many thanks for the recommendation I’ll get some ordered up and give it a whirl ... Just for info do you have a bad reaction to insect bites too ?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to hashiman

Oh yes! Especially spider bites. Landed me in hospital for two weeks, once. But, it does seem to be getting better - although mosquitos still find me irresistable! lol

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to greygoose

Spider bites 😱 wow luckily I don’t think I get those .They sound pretty nasty to land you in hospital , you and me both with mosquitoes though .

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to hashiman

Yes, it first happened in Italy, where they have some real monsters! I had a raging fever for two days. Then it happened in France, all up my legs, and they all got infected... I won't go into the gory details, but it was pretty disgusting!

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to greygoose

Re. the mossies and the midges. Those of us that live in the woods all use Avon Skin-So-Soft. it's an oil spray. it's not designed as a repellent , in fact it's very nice to use , and smells lovely.

It's never failed to keep midges and mossies away from anyone iv'e met.

In fact i used to buy it in bulk before a woodland party and make a small fortune selling it at twice what i'd paid for it to people literally begging to have some after they'd had a few squirt's of ours.

So unless Avon have done anything silly like reformulate it in the last few yrs since i've come out of the woods........ i recommend you get some.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to tattybogle

Yes, someone else told me that, but I didn't really believe her. But, if you say so, too, I'm going to have to check it out! Thank you. :)

crabapple profile image
crabapple in reply to greygoose

greygoose and tattybogle , thought you might like this

I remember reading it at the time (not in good housekeeping though)

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to crabapple

LOL proper explorers !........ wood dwelling hippies have been using it since 1998, and probably earlier. A mad old man who lived in a cave told me about it .

Gingernut44 profile image
Gingernut44 in reply to greygoose

Many moons ago when my kids were young, I was an “Avon Lady” to make some spare cash. I had one lady who used to buy it when she visited her sister in Florida every year - she swore by it for keeping the mozzies at bay. That was 38 years ago - it has to be the “original” and not one of the newer fancy fragrance ones. Give it a whirl, if it doesn’t work for the mozzies, you’ll have nice moisturised skin 😀

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Gingernut44

Well, that would be a plus! My skin looks like an old prune! lol

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to tattybogle

is this the one?

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to greygoose

Yes. that the one. The bottle design looks slightly updated, but reassuringly similar.

It only used to cost about £2.50 though. Maybe they've figured out what all the tent dwellers are using it for. Or maybe they heard i was getting £5 a bottle.

I've even heard a 'proper' explorer swear by it.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to tattybogle

I shall order some right now, then. And hang the cost! lol

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to greygoose

Buy two . and sell one . i guarantee you'll soon meet someone who starts desperately 'borrowing ' yours.

Cat013 profile image
Cat013 in reply to tattybogle

I swear by it. It smells nice and really does work 😊👍🏻

tattybogle profile image

I only mention this because the photo shows it on the side of your finger. if you are getting this on other areas of the body not just palm/sides of fingers, or feet /toes then you can safely ignore the rest of this reply.

Are you sure it started with a bite? if it didn't , the blistering and intense itch could be pompholyx. This is (loosely)associated with thyroid disease, and it tends to come on only in the warmer months. I and a few others on here have it.

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to tattybogle

Hello thanks for your reply , this actually is quite tame to what generally happens with mosquito bites abroad , bites can be on my legs and arms and literally blister up to the size of a ten pence piece and then weep and the weeping kind of then crystallises . I have had similar happen in this country too. Does this sound like pompholyx ?

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to hashiman

No , i think your safe . pompholyx only happens on palms and soles and sides of fingers/toes. It's not from bites. It's done by some unknown weirdness from inside to out.

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to tattybogle

Yep just googled it , although the blisters look remarkably similar just smaller .

DoeStewart profile image

I dont have Hashimotos but if I get bitten by an insect it almost always ends up infected and I get antibiotics from GP. Most recent case was just over a week ago, weeding in front garden about 5pm, came in for a shower and realised I'd been bitten on side of leg. Used hydrocortisone cream straight away, witch Hazel for itching. Within 3 days it was infected. One of the GP's at my practice said I need to use a product contains Deet to stop being bitten, I use Jungle Formula extra strength but forgot to put it on on this occasion and paid the price.

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to DoeStewart

Thanks for you reply , I always use jungle formula abroad but still inevitably end up getting attacked , but never think to spray it in this country ... stupid really. It doesn’t seem to matter what you do they always get infected . I think I could live in a completely sterile environment and still end up with infection.

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to hashiman

See my reply to greygoose above . try Avon Skin So Soft. instead of that nasty smelling jungle formula.

i'll bet you 50p it works for you too.

Arrigo profile image

My brother has Hashi and a disproportional response to insect bites is unfortunately part of the 'experience' for him as well... A particularly bad episode was when he got bitten by several mosquitoes simultaneously, and his reaction was so bad that it sent him straight into WEEKS of hives.

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to Arrigo

Weird isn't it I'm sure as we have "over active" immune systems this is why our bites seem to turn so nasty .. Luckily I dont seem to suffer with hives if I religiously take antihistamines if I dont I tend to suffer with it under my arms .

Lora7again profile image

I get a bad reaction to insect bites and this has happened long before I developed thyroid disease. I have suffered with hay fever for over 50 years and all kinds of things bring me out in a rash. I always carry insect repellent with me especially if I am by a river or lake or a pond. I also have antihistamine tablets and cream with me all the time.

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to Lora7again

I have always suffered as a child too but I have to question whether I've always had Hashi's and this is the reason ... My daughter has it too and has always suffered with bites

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to hashiman

Some of my aunts have this and they don't have thyroid disease. My daughter also suffers with certain allergies and she doesn't have thyroid disease yet either. I thought it might be something to do with blood groups because my husband never gets bitten at all.

Lesleynotts profile image

I have a reaction to insect bites with swelling and redness. A few years ago I discovered that arnica ointment by Weleda was the most effective treatment for reducing the swelling, redness and associated itching.

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to Lesleynotts

Hi , thanks for your reply , it's been quite a busy thread and I have quite a few things to try now to alleviate symptoms and also the Avon skin so soft ! please don't let onto my mates !! Many thanks for your suggestion i'll give it a go

sunsetssr profile image

Do you have any underlining condition like Lymphoma?Low immunity like low IGG?

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to sunsetssr

Hi sunsetssr, not that I’m aware but having googled IGG I can relate to many of symptoms . Thanks for putting me on to this 👍🏼

Canta profile image

Hashiman, citronella oil dabbed at various points on to skin (test on small area beforehand) or clothing really does mask the odour which attracts mosquitoes. Taking a daily vitamin B complex pill also helps. If you forget and do get bitten, as soon as you notice place a hot teaspoon on the bite and hold it there until it cools. Do this a few times just to make sure - and obviously make sure the teaspoon isn't burning hot. Good luck :).

hashiman profile image
hashiman in reply to Canta

Hi Canta , I will certainly give this a go thanks for the recommendations . I take Thorne basic b complex daily along with quite a few other supplements. Never heard of the teaspoon before but will certainly give this a go . Thank you

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