I finally have my blood results, i would appreciate anyone's advice please?
Advice on blood results appreciated please? - Thyroid UK
Advice on blood results appreciated please?

Hi Bunny
Are you on any thyroid meds?
If not, you won't get prescribed with these results, as your GP will want your TSH out of range - and potentially waaaay out of range before treating you, even though you will feel absolutely dreadful by then.
If you are on meds, you need an increase. Your free T4 is only 25% though range, which is rubbish really, but at least is balanced by your equally low free T3! You will feel much better if you can get both into the top third of the range.
Your previous posts suggested you also need to work on your nutrients - and your thyroid (and meds) are happier when these are nice and high.
Good luck in your journey back to feeling tip-top x
Thankyou for your reply, no I'm not on any medication..my gp won't diagnose anything other than 'anxiety...which I do not have...i feel terrible, and have done so since December
I have more blood results too...my mcv is slightly high 102.6 (80-99), creatinine high 97 (49-92)....Ldh is really high 258 (135-214)...chloride low 94 ( 98-107)
I'm sorry - you're caught between a rock and a hard place. You probably won't feel much better until your free T4 and free T3 are better, but you won't get help from the GP to get them better until your TSH gets worse
See what you can do with your nutrients - and perhaps look at getting some levo privately??
Thankyou, I'm trying to get in touch with gp now,but their online system is down...Im trying to work out which specialist will help me most, as my kidney function is off, mcv is not right too. Do you think those thyroid results aren't great?

Previous post
Note you also have post about hyperpigmentation
This could be linked to adrenal issues
Ask for referral to adrenal and thyroid specialist endocrinologist
Email Dionne at Thyroid UK for list of recommended thyroid specialist endocrinologists
Roughly where in the UK are you?
Thankyou so much, I'm in North East Lincolnshire
Kidney function...low GFR linked to being hypothyroid
Sorry don't know of anyone on the list in that area
Have you had list from Dionne?
I couldn't find an email address on the website, ive sent a private message via Facebook...thankyou to both you and fuschia-pink I can't thankyou both enough
You do mean the Thyroid UK website?
I think you need to go here:
And choose List of Private Practitioners
lynmynott LouiseRoberts
Thankyou very much
Well, GP phonecall went badly, she accused me of fixating on my symptoms and said my bloods were normal, i told her that they were not, and that my kidney function was off, mcv high and thyroid levels off too...i said i think I need referring on maybe an ussof my kidneys she said no, as I've been referred to several places, i said that's not true, only been referred to gynae regarding fibroids and colorectal because my bowels are not right, probably linked to whatever is going on...she said she can't keep referring me, i said if she can't help then please refer me on..she said my kidney function is normal when they did it, i had to ask twice for the result..told her to stop saying normal because I am not right at all and can't live like this, she agreed to repeat kidney function and thyroid levels and review my repeat ct( that I had last week because of nodules, apparently thats routine) next week...ive never ever lost it with a gp before...