Querry levoyhyroxine. I dont feel well. Im having migrains and awful tummy upsets as soon as I rose 25mgvto 50 alternate days as told by gp. They wont see me until Sept so Ive come off it altogether. Will I be ill worse than these symltoms on it. I was 5 ts level in Feb, My head is clearer now, no migrains no tummy upset. Is it dangerous no meds. Could my body recover naturalky. I had large goitre part thyrectomy 1 year ago. Feel vety isolated not seeing medics. Its this over 70 nhs talj left behind due to Covud 19 Im thinking. Cant goto gp yet.
coming off levo due to feeling ill.?: Querry... - Thyroid UK
coming off levo due to feeling ill.?

What brand are you taking?
Sometimes we can react to fillers in the tablets and it might be worth trying a different brand.
You may feel fantastic for a few days, full of energy but then it will hit you like a ton of bricks and you will feel very poorly again.
I speak from experience as I stopped my Levothyroxine after not much success, however I had an alternative to Levothyroxine.
I also felt worse on a certain make of Levothyroxine which was Teva, maybe try a different make.
Why are you taking 50mcg on alternate days? Why hasn’t your GP giving you the increase to 50mcg every day?
Can you afford to have your own blood tests privately to see what your results are?
Best wishes
Thank you for that. Gp said 25 one day 50 levo next. again this am I wasnt good. I felt dizzy on getting up and a headache for 2 hours. Im taking early 6am with water as it says dont eat. Wonder if its my timing. Im not feeling good either due to my breathing Ì had a goitre removed which left me with a C bend in windlpipe it caused damage because I didnt have it removed soon enough.
Are you sure you’re not just under medicated?
Am wondering if you are able to read through the Replies posted to your question of two months ago ? Did you manage the vitamin and mineral testing ? Lots of good advice which may help you tolerate Levo more easily. Have a read through and shout if you need more help.
From reading here I am not sure stopping is a good idea ... 🌻
Certainly think the brand of levolthyroxine makes a lot of difference.
For example, I cannot tolerate Teva, makes me feel sick.
The brand Actavis. Absolutely fine. But unfortunately, not always available. Why? Who knows.
It can be very frustrating, but it's worth keeping the chemist informed of any difficulties. The chemists are more knowledgeable about tablet compounds than the Doctors. Best of luck.