Does anyone experience angina attacks with Hashimoto's in the morning and evening and what is the cause is the onnection with adrenals as I am currently taking metativive and wp and adrenavive but suffering very bad angina attacks to the point I thought I might have to call 111, I have also been battling a sever infection of helicobacter which my immune system couldn't fight off for over a year and had 5 lots of triple therapy antibiotics and on the last attempt the specialist said it looked to have cleared with third line but I was very ill taking all the pills and even tho I don't feel well now he said dye off could cause a build up of acid and I have started to suffer sever acid build up type hypersensitive allergic tyoey reactions which are very severe after I take my thyroid supplements so I am struggling taking my thyroid supplements and not sure if they are actually absorbing correctly it says you can eat with then so I usually eat gf toast to absorb it that's the only thing I have found to prevent an attack but then also feeling very slightly hyper due to texture of my skin etc I usually have small signs I look for but I am only taking 1 metative (ll) pill 1 adrenavive (l) and 1/2 wp to see how I feel as I can't seem to take wp on its own without angina and strange heart symptoms like a weak heart feeling in the evenings so I thought it was adrenal fatigue issues as I have been totally exhausted for a year now with the infection on top of all my other issues as I also have me and fibro diagnosis so I am literally exhausted on the verge of signing myself off work even the lockdown hasn't helped me catch up even when iav been sleeping more when ever I can, I think anxiety has contributed aswell and wasn't sure if that was triggering it more but I would of thought the adrenal supplement would of been affective and helped but I am feeling really ill with bad angina in the morning and very bad in the evening? I usually haven't been taking my supplements early just whenever I wake up as I haven't been sleeping well at night I suffer insomnia but I have tried to get myself in a strict sleeping pattern while being off to help as the antibiotics have me sever insomnia which sent me even more out of whack so not in a set routine at minute but even when I am at work I could only take at 9.30 which is late but it seemed to be ok as I had to eat unless I would have a sever acid hypersensitive reaction so not sure what is the cause any opinions and advice would be great! As I nearly ended up ringing 111 and really don't wanna go A n E in a pandemic.
Angina attacks with Hashimoto's : Does anyone... - Thyroid UK
Angina attacks with Hashimoto's

When were thyroid and vitamin levels last tested?
Lots of symptoms could be due to being under medicated
Low vitamins can contribute lots of symptoms too
Low vitamin levels common when under medicated due to low stomach acid
H pylori common issue if you have low stomach acid
Looking at previous posts...did you use to be on levothyroxine plus T3? Or just levothyroxine
What are you currently taking?
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)
If/when also on T3, NDT or Metavive make sure to take last third or half of daily dose 8-12 hours prior to test, even if this means adjusting time or splitting of dose day before test
Is this how you do your tests?
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or thyroid antibodies or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin
Medichecks often have special offers, if order on Thursdays
Thriva Thyroid plus vitamins
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes vitamins
H Pylori and Hashimoto’s
Iav put the results on the last message below. I have a feeling I might be slightly hyper but this angina feeling corms in the morning and then reduces so I can tolerate it through out the day but then it returns at night sever but it's only ever done this when iav not been medicated right either hyper or hypo previously so thought probably best cut my dose out for a day or too incase I was building it up and it was reverse T3 issue but I have never had it checked so might look into private bloods but not sure what to do if it is apart from reduce my dose as I can't take levo I had bad reaction to it and I haven't been to the endo since he refused to give me the correct prescription even a complaint to the CCG did nothing so then I had to self source on my own so a bit stuck as to what to do next
Chest pain can be caused by low iron and ferritin. Have you had your levels tested in the last 6 months?
I haven't had my levels check recently can't remember when it might of been last year but my levels are usually in low end for iron never really optimal. I feel it might be due to being maybe hyper tho as my iron levels never really changed past 10 years but only been getting heart issues since been on T3 with the levo and then NDT but when iav had my heart checked they never picked anything up at a n e so not sure if I can force gp to refer me or not.
I also can't really supplement at moment as I have such a sensitivite stomach but I do want to try an iron supplement when my gut issues have settled
You can't be hyper if you are being treated for hypothyroidism.
You can be over-medicated.
And if you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis you could be going through what people refer to as a "hyper swing". This means that your immune system is attacking your thyroid and killing off the cells. The damaged/dead cells release their load of thyroid hormone thus raising thyroid hormone levels in the blood and lowering TSH. These swings tend to be temporary, and when they stop you are a little bit more hypothyroid than you were before the immune system attack. When enough of the thyroid has been killed off you will be permanently hypothyroid, but until this happens people's thyroid hormone levels (and TSH) can fluctuate.
If you want to try and raise your iron levels with food, this website is helpful :
I can't help much, but have started to get what seems to be atrial fibrillation, especially on waking in the morning, also the pulse is often very loud in my ears. Sometimes there's a headache too. An ECG showed nothing wrong except a higher than average pulse rate. So they are going to give me a 48 hour monitor to check it.
It's as if waking up puts a strain on the heart.
When you wake, the adrenals increase some of their hormones so that heart rate, temperature and blood pressure rise to make us ready to start the day. I don't have any medical qualifications but that makes me wonder if the adrenals are overcompensating for poor thyroid function.
Does any of that ring a bell with you? If you are getting angina as well then it needs to be sorted urgently.

I too am waiting for ambulatory monitoring following episodes of arrythmia. I was woken at night with these... pretty scary, I have to say. They sometimes occur during the day. I spent several hours in A&E at our local hospital recently for some tests and observation.
I have Hashis but my TSH has become supressed (0.05) and my T4 has risen. My Levo dose has been reduced to see if the medication is the cause of the problem. I should also mention that I am elderly and we 'oldies' have to be careful as our metabolism does not function as well with increasing age. If we have other conditions for which we are medicated, then there can be a problem.
I don't know enough about the adrenal glands to comment on their involvement with thyroid hormones but I guess there is one.
What were your last thyroid test results?
I am getting bad angina pain in the evenings so any time it starts from 8 pm onwards I also get hot and shivery too but the gastro specialist thought it maybe something to do with the gallbladder why I feeling burning and shivering but I have always had tests and nothing has shown up, I have abnormal liver enzymes too as bit worried all the antibiotics may have affected my bile flow, I also have strange histamine intolerance reactions that make me really ill at times which I have linked to having hormonal issues leaky gut and likely low Dao so looking into supplements and estrogen dominance symptoms which is likely causing my liver to not function properly and convert t4-t3 correctly but iam only 33 but never been medicated right on levo for over 10 years then also added in liothyronine for past 4 years or so untill it was blacklisted then the endo refused to authorise my prescription so I could get the one I could tolerate as at the time I started having reactions to levo and the brand he prescribed allergic time reactions so was very scary when I caught helicobacter last year it was a sever accute infection I was very ill and I caught it likely from a dog I worked with so it hasn't been underlying previously it has just taken a year of suffering very bad symptoms and several attempts at antibiotic therapy to try to clear it which has probably made every thing a whole lot worse.
I have had atrial fibrillation before and it was when the endo refused to prescribe me the right medication so I had none for about 6 weeks and was very ill in bed very hypo and then I have also had them when I was slightly over medicated I had to go A n E last year on NDT I did get my heart checked out and a ecg but nothing showed up he said it was likely to do with my TSH being supressed so just advised me to reduce it slightly or alternate the dose and cut it out one day for a few days So that's what I have done today but the angina was bad in the morning when I woke up ok in the day but it's now really bad again I can't work it out its slowly got worse past few weeks so not sure it's a build up of being over medicated?
These are my last thyroid results not had my vitamins done for a while but always on low end with vit D and iron I think is on low end but always in range so they never do anything about it.
TSH 0.18
T4 13.6
T3 was taken last year sept time around 5.4
I can't really stomach many supplements at moment due to how sensitive my gut has been made by the helicobacter antibiotics but I have been trying to supplement with vit D thought the pandemic and vit c but I started to cut them out as was worried I am sensitive to oxalates and I already have tenderness around my liver area do was worried it might cause stone formation.
Also just thought I actually do get atrial fibrillation when I am lying down or getting up out of bed or going to bed or if I get up and down to quickly it happens as I thought at one point maybe I had POTs but then I thought maybe it was adrenals or maybe slightly hyper
Do you know you recent levels did they check them when they did your tests ?
I had a 24 hrs monitor on me years a go when I complained to gp about palpations but nothing showed up major I think there was something slight but when I went last year they did all the revelant tests they said to rule out heart issues but nothing showed up.
First step is to stick on one unchanging dose for minimum of 6 weeks, then get FULL thyroid and vitamin testing privately
Alternatively test now, then work on improving levels and retest again a minimum 6-8 weeks later after adding any necessary vitamin supplements
Low vitamin levels likely
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)
If/when also on T3, or NDT make sure to take last third or half of daily dose 8-12 hours prior to test, even if this means adjusting time or splitting of dose day before test
Is this how you do your tests?
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or thyroid antibodies or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin
Medichecks often have special offers, if order on Thursdays
Thriva Thyroid plus vitamins
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes vitamins
Come back with new post once you get results
Low iron causes chest pain
do you know the actual optimal ranges for vitamins that should be aimed for when Hashimoto's
Because I started having histamine intolerance reactions I had very bad reactions to supplements ie, b vitamins so I couldnt take any and went to a kinesiologist to try and re balance my body I went to a few sessions and it helped but then I got sick with helicobacter so unfortunately didn't go bk as I wanted to heal from that first
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
I have had all these tested I went to a mast cell specialist last year they were all in the normal ranges I will post the results as soon as I find them to see how they are against optimal
I know Tpo and tg are high - ones between 200-300 and the other 1000+
They have never changed and gone down in over 10 years so I don't no what the trigger is
I am gluten free been for 5-6 years but I sometimes eat stuff on rare occasions that says may contain or processed in the same factory say if I am out and about which I probably need to avoid completely I don't really eat out tho
The dairy I have is occasionally chocolate but I know that is one thing I need to cut out completely
I doeat gluten free bread at the moment but it has alot of ingredients in that I think I need avoid so gonna cut that out
I usually eat fruit small amount and vegetables and meat and fish and that's it and a few gluten free products with histamine and oxalate issues it's hard to eliminate all the right fruit and veg but I try my best ot I would be on a very restricted diet
When I was on b vitamins and a hair supplement years ok my levels were the best ever TSH 1.5ish and T4 18ish and never felt better but the hair supplement had kelp and iodine in which I show as deficiencent on a hair analysis test but it doesn't seem to agree with me so had to stop them so I find it hard to know exactly what vitamins to take.
I did have a hair analysis test which showed which vitamins and minerals I was deficienct in and I have down research into pyloria which I do think I have and need to improve my zinc levels.
I am just bothered about this angina as it's not going away but I think I am over medicated slightly and maybe it something to do with my stomach issues as I am not on a high dose I am gonna cut them out for a few days and then see i can tolerate 1/2 a wp but I did find when I was on T3 only I started to get these heart issues in the evening aswell so I am wondering if it is something to do with my heart that hadn't shown up on the a n e test or that i need to try another type of NDT I was taking the adrenavive supplement so I don't know whether that is the issue either as I read some people can't tolerate it for some reason.
No I am actually having another episode right now it settled for a while in August ended up in A n E but they only test for heart attack and stroke and won't show you the exact results for some reason as I asked for them to be printed and they refused so as I was really ill and they didn't do anything other than said they would refer me to cardio and still waiting I had to research more adrenal supplements to try as it was the only thing that would curb the symptoms I tried some new adrenal herbs complex and my wp came it worked for a few weeks but then I found my hypo symptoms were coming bk some of the herbs I think we're interacting so had to come off it this week and found out the WP has a batch recall on it and only is 80% strength so gonna have to up my dose since coming off the adrenal herbs my heart's gone whacky again really bad angina type symptoms and arrhythmia.
It can go whacky in hyper or hypo state and it's usually to do with adrenal exhaustion so I am just in the middle of doing a complex adrenal test today in fact to see what's going on with my cortisol levels so it might be worth getting one you can get one online but I am going through a naturopath who uses Genova labs.
For example I have been awake half the night like you I can't sleep with them so fell asleep about midnight then woke up about 2:50 and haven't slept properly since. The naturopath thinks it's high cortisol has been under chronic stress for a long time and if you have been under any type of chronic long term stress that's how it occurs and obviously being in a pandemic on top hasn't helped.
If your hyper you should be able to tell from symptoms aswell usually my skin and hair change my skin gets more shiny and texture changes and my hair gets more greasy and soft and my cuticles are really tight and I sweat more and seem to have energy bursts. Not sure if you get any of those symptoms but it's worth keeping a record.