I am new here and was wondering if anyone could offer advice as things seem to be moving too quick. I am female and 52. On being referring to ENT in April 2019 for a lump under chin, which turned out to be enlarged lymph, not of importance, it was discovered during ultrasound that I had “suspicious” looking nodules on thyroid and decided to re-scan in 6 months. At the 6 month re-scan in Nov 2019 it was decided that a FNA was required. 7 weeks later I was told the test was inadequate and this was to be repeated. Within two weeks of the second FNA my results are thy3f and thy3a, one nodule either side. I have been pencilled in for thyroid removal in 3 weeks if I want the procedure which the surgeon has recommended I have. I have been given no report in writing as yet, no information on thyroid functions, effects afterwards on thyroid replacement drugs which I am really concerned about as having a total abdominal hysterectomy with ovary removal three years ago I am still dealing with the aftermath of surgical menopause. Everyone who offers advice is saying get it taken out why are you hestitating but my heart is saying watch and wait. When I asked the surgeon if I could watch and wait he replied that he had to follow guidelines and recommend removal and if I was scanned in 6 months time what was I hoping for as the result would be the same? I would appreciate any advice thank you
Thy3a snd Thy3f -watch and wait? : I am new here... - Thyroid UK
Thy3a snd Thy3f -watch and wait?

I wonder if you realise you have two posts showing for the same question. Could be confusing ... 🤔 Maybe delete one !

I have deleted your other post as this is a duplicate.
I must say. I don’t have any knowledge of thyroid matters.
But knowing how slowly theNHS works,it does worry me how fast things are moving.there must be a reason why they want operate so quickly
I think,if it was me I would say yes to the operation in 3 weeks and try and find out the information you want. Whatever you decide good luck
I don't know anything about thyroid cancer. I found this link which might be of interest if you know what they are talking about (I don't).
There are other pages about thyroid cancer on the same website.
Good luck.
I had my thyroid removed for the same reason as you . Out of the blue !
In my case , and we are all different, I am better than before . I had symptoms , quite bad, which weren’t related to my thyroid and ‘they’ the doctors said , just before TT that they were normal ! ?
With the help of this forum I have a better quality of life now .
It’s not been easy and I expect I will meet doctors that want to change my dose because of the TSH being very low , but I will fight on to maintain my better health .
Good luck in your decision.