H-pylori,- should I take the prescribed lansop... - Thyroid UK

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H-pylori,- should I take the prescribed lansoprazole if I already have low stomache acid?

Maryam_1 profile image
30 Replies

Trying to understand the purpose of lansoprazole and do I need it

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Maryam_1 profile image
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30 Replies
Treepie profile image

No, but do you have low stomach acid? The test often advocated here is not definitive ,led me to think I had low acid especially as it is often cited here as going alongside hypothyroidism. I wasted a couple of months when I could have been treated for high acid which led to later diagnosis of Barratts oesophagus, hiatus hernia ,ulcers and then lymphoma in the stomach.

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to Treepie

I have had test ultra scan and a colonoscopy- all clear- waiting for a ctc scan oesophogeal scan. The crazy thing is after researching; I was the one who asked my doctor for h pylori test and I was positive . They didn’t think to test for this!!

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Maryam_1

I was also not initially tested for H pylori ,not sure I ever was .It was in my mind as a cause but I did not get a answer until much later ,which I think was having identified lymphoma as the cause of my problems.

Later discovered that H.pylori can subsequently cause lymphoma.

ling profile image
ling in reply to Treepie

Lymphoma in the stomach - is that stomach cancer?

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to ling

It is not the same and is treated differently but it is a form of cancer. Must admit to being confused myself .A lymphoma is in the lymphatic system .

ling profile image
ling in reply to Treepie

Thank you

Blueskyyy profile image

Don’t believe all bs you read

Pylori is present in rough 70-80% of people in the world.

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to Blueskyyy

Yes I know it in many people - as long it’s Dormant and not causing issues it’s ok. However for many people it’s causes a host of issues- it’s triggered a lot of problems for me.

phoenix23002 profile image

Here in the states, antibiotics are often prescribed by the medical profession along with medications that lower stomach acid as treatment for H Pylori . H Pylori is a 'bug' that creates gastritis, ulcers and other stomach discomforts. I would never suggest or encourage you to not work with your doctor or make him/her aware of other modalities that you might try but.... some have wonderful results using 'mastic gum'. Here is one link of many explaining how mastic gum works to help with getting rid of H Pylori. As always, do your own due diligence and research.


Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to phoenix23002

I have already started treatment with the antibiotics. But Who would I work with when using mastic gum, would do it my self or practitioner?

phoenix23002 profile image
phoenix23002 in reply to Maryam_1

I used the mastic gum on my own after researching it's uses. I like the Solaray brand of mastic gum. Certainly let your doctor know about the mastic gum if you choose to try it. He/she will probably know little or nothing about it. I am in the states and have freer access to alternatives and we often strike out on our own for various things.

If the supplements are successful, our doctors usually tell us to 'keep doing what your are doing' and.... 'I don't need to know what that is'. If we aren't successful, these same doctors will fuss at us and especially warn us about self-diagnosing via the internet.

If I were you, I would proceed with your doctor's plan of action, give it a few weeks and then test to see if there is still any h pylori. If there is, then I would turn to the mastic gum (there are a few other supplements that are suggested to help eradicate the h pylori.. don't remember what they are off the top of my head).

Testing after treatment is very important. You want to know that the h pylori is gone. This link is to a publication on line but you can and should do your own research. :)

"Testing for H. pylori.

The H. pylori infection can be detected by submitting a stool sample (stool antigen test) or by using a device to measure breath samples after swallowing a urea pill (urea breath test). For both of these tests to be reliable, it is important to stop taking acid-reducing medications called proton pump inhibitors (like Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix) for two weeks, and to avoid any bismuth products (like Pepto-Bismol) or antibiotics for four weeks before the test. Blood tests (serology or antibody test) are no longer recommended for most people because there are more false positives (abnormal test result when you may not have the infection), and this blood test can’t help tell whether you’ve had the infection in the past or have a current active infection. If you have specific risk factors for stomach cancer, your doctor may recommend starting with an upper endoscopy. For this test, a flexible tube with a camera is passed through the mouth and into the digestive tract. During an endoscopy the doctor can take tissue samples (biopsies) if necessary, as well as do H. pylori testing."


Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to phoenix23002

Hello Phoenix

Thank you so much- I started the antibiotics already and the lansoprazole- a week will be up in Wednesday and then I shall be only lansoprazole. Should I switch to mastic gum then?

phoenix23002 profile image
phoenix23002 in reply to Maryam_1

How long does your doc want you on the acid reducer? Maybe let that run it's course and when you are all finished, wait the 2 - 4 weeks then get tested (see link above) to see if the H Pylori is gone. If it is gone, no need for the mastic gum. If it isn't gone, then try the mastic gum. Again, do your research and look up the protocol for mastic gum/h pylori. If memory serves, 'they' recommend starting off with one mastic gum cap each day for a week, then bump up to two per day (one in am, one in pm), then 3 per day, then 4 per day (again, divided doses) and continue the 4 per day for another few weeks. Then test again.

You are only taking the acid reducer for a limited time so taking it shouldn't be a problem. The theory is that reducing the acid let's any potential ulcers heal... and/or stomach lining.. There is an alternative supplement that heals and helps to recoat the stomach lining that is called 'Nature's Lining' by Lane Labs. Usually a bottle or two will take care of the problem. Antibiotics can damage one's stomach lining so taking a good probiotic along with any antibiotics is always a good idea. PB 8 is a good, relatively affordable probiotic. A yogurt with live cultures can also be eaten each day and can be helpful.

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to phoenix23002

Hi doctor has prescribed lansoprazole for 4 weeks ! Which I am thinking that’s way too long - I shall maybe do it for 2 weeks or a week and switch to something else. A friend has suggested ranitidine and I and looking into this. What’s your opinion.

I have read I should not take probiotics whilst having the antibiotic treatment - are you suggesting I should take the during treatment or after ?

ling profile image
ling in reply to Maryam_1

What is the reason u should not take probiotics while on antibiotics?

humanbean profile image

If you want to know what your doctor ought to be doing in treating H Pylori you might find this link worth reading :


If you click on each of the boxes in the flow chart you can see expanded information for some of them (the white boxes with a green outline) which is worth reading.

I think (but am not sure) that the lansoprazole (a PPI - Proton Pump Inhibitor) improves the effect of the antibiotics and isn't really optional. I'm pretty sure it is an integral part of the eradication therapy.

If your H Pylori is successfully eradicated then hopefully you can stop the PPI without any problems or can quickly wean yourself off. If you have difficulties in coming off the PPI then there are ways and means of helping yourself. But perhaps you can cross that bridge when or if you come to it and can ask for help then.

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to humanbean

Yes it’s a PPI. Thank you

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to humanbean

I do not have ulcer thankfully. Not that I am ware if. They did and ultrasound and colonoscopy the doctors were still waiting to give me a ct scan and an OGD since April!!!!

Only diagnosed h- pylori because I asked for test from my own research and request it from the GP doctor!!!

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Maryam_1

H-Pylori may well have caused inflammation in your stomach and gut - it's a known effect of the bugs. The lansoprazole will (hopefully) help to reduce that as you eliminate the H Pylori with the antibiotics.

phoenix23002 profile image
phoenix23002 in reply to humanbean

Where did you read about not taking probiotics along with antibiotics? I have never heard that before. When you take antibiotics, it kills off the good tummy/gut 'bugs' as well as the bad 'bugs'. Often you will end up with a bad case of diarrhea. The probiotics and/or yogurt with live cultures and/or buttermilk with live cultures can also be helpful in replacing the good 'bugs' that the antibiotics are killing off thereby avoiding an upset stomach (diarrhea).

I don't think 4 weeks is a very long time to be on an acid reducer (pump inhibitor). I just looked up ranitidine and the popular name for that medication is Zantac. I don't know if it is a pump inhibitor or not. The description just says it reduces the production of stomach acid and it is a prescription medication so.... not so different from what you are taking now. I don't know why you would switch. If I were you and have questions, I would ask the pharmacist/druggist. They are usually a lot more knowledgeable than doctors about various medications and their interactions with one another.

I think you need to work with your doctor now, take probiotics to avoid tummy upsets while you are taking the antibiotics and then take a break and have your h pylori test done to see if the rascals are truly gone or not. :) You can even consult with the pharmacist/druggist about taking your probiotic (or cultured dairy products) while in treatment.

ps. I do take my probiotics away from my antibiotic dose of medication.

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to phoenix23002

Hi I was thinking more of probiotics supplements tablets . I shall have yoghurt and aloe Vera to help my gut during this process. Ranitidine or Zantac I was told by a friend is less harsh on the gut. I shall speak to pharmacist. Maybe 4 weeks isnt too long for PPI. I shall think it through, I felt like it was a long time to have low stomach acid, I shall think it through.

Thank you ever so much x.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to phoenix23002

I'm confused now. I haven't mentioned probiotics in any of my replies to this thread. Have you replied to the wrong post?

Edit : It was Maryam_1 who mentioned not taking probiotics and antibiotics together, just a few replies further up (or further down, depending on your gadget).

phoenix23002 profile image
phoenix23002 in reply to humanbean

human bean.. I so apologize. I kept replying to Mary am with the post and it finally went thru. I was horrified when I realized it was replying to you???? Totally confused. I then tried to reply to Mary again and it just wouldn't 'take'. grrrrr.... so I just let it be and hoped I wouldn't confuse you too much. You are completely innocent and I think I am also...LOL... Maybe healthunlocked had a hiccup moment? Again... so sorry. :)

ling profile image

Were you prescribed antibiotics for your h pylori?

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to ling

Yes two types

Gambit62 profile image

Maryam_1 - suggest you talk to the pharmacist that dispensed.

Personally, if you are on anti-biotics to clear the infection I would recommend that you also take the lansoprazole at the same time. It will reduce the acidity but that is needed to give the gut wall time to heal.

Maryam_1 profile image
Maryam_1 in reply to Gambit62

Yes had a chat with the pharmacist - said I should take it and make sure I rid the bacteria.

ling profile image
ling in reply to Maryam_1

Yes, that's key right now - clearing the h pylori out of your system. It can cause very serious problems

Maryam_1 profile image

do not have ulcer thankfully. Not that I am ware if. They did and ultrasound and colonoscopy the doctors were still waiting to give me a ct scan and an OGD since April!!!!

Only diagnosed h- pylori because I asked for test from my own research and request it from the GP doctor!!!

Maryam_1 profile image

Hello it’s been about 3 months now since taking the antibiotics . I had a endoscopy few days ago. And found I had extra acid build up. Doctor , GP had prescribed lansoprazole to mange it. I don’t want to take this medication. I am looking into the mastic gum any other holistic ideas to manage over production of stomache acid.

Thank you

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