Hello peeps, I’m wondering if taking 50mcg of Levothyroxine can cause blurred vision, all day I have been cleaning my glasses, but it’s my eyes,
Blurred vision : Hello peeps, I’m wondering if... - Thyroid UK
Blurred vision

No experience of blurred vision myself and I've been up to 200mcg Levo at one time. If you're on a PC, look to the right of the screen to RELATED POSTS and check out those other threads about blurred vision, you might find something there. If you're on another device, maybe you have to scroll down, I'm not sure as I'm using a PC.
It can be caused by all sorts of things, even things such as dry eyes (from air-conditioning, looking at screen all day, lack of Omega 3 oils etc) or hay fever. If eye drops don't sort it, first stop should be an optician or opthamologist who can do a thorough check in case it's early stages of cataracts etc.
Many Thanks
My eyes get sort of blurry at times. They were very dry for years which I think was partly due to hypothyroidism and partly environmental factors. I used drops everyday. As they have improved (since getting my hypo treated) it feels like the tears are sometimes a bit too viscous, ie not runny enough, and so vision seems not quite as clear as I’d like and I feel I want to rub them clear to make it better - if that makes sense! I put it all down to my body still recovering from hypo symptoms; I don’t feel it was caused by the levo. But that’s not scientifically based, just what I think is happening in my case.
I went to the optician only yesterday becasue of the exact same problem - blurry eyes as if my glasses needed cleaning - much worse on waking and when tired. She told me that I have muscle weakness in my eyes so my eyes aren't working in unision, and drifting to the side. I have a diagnosis of ME and muscle weakness is a symptom of ME. So my opticion thinks it could be a new symptom of the ME. It might be worth a visit to an opticiaon/pthamologist to find out exactly whats going on.
Good luck with getting to the bottom of it.
Get your diabetes level checked out.
B12 could be low , I used to get fuzzy around the edge vision before I started supplementing with B12 it seems to have largely gone now 🤞🏼
Forgot one - dehydration. That's why I always have a soft drink before driving
Hi! I used to have blurred vision all the time while being on 100mcg Levo. During the eye check the ophthalmologist didn't find any problems. In the internet you can find that blurred vision can be one of the hypothyroidism symptoms. I mentioned this symptom to the endocrinologist but he, of course, disregarded it as he did with all of my other symptoms :). The blurred vision problem fixed itself once my FT3 reached the upper side of the range.
Yes u should make an appointment to see your optician for an eye test and advice. It could be something as simple as your eyes being dry or it hay fever (you could try taking antihistamines if you think it’s that)
My own eyes are incredibly dry at the moment. I normally use preservative free eye drops throughout the day - it’s like giving them a drink and it’s amazing the difference in what you can see when you do it. Unfortunately you have to keep putting artificial tear drops in because they are a substitute for your own tears and once they have dried out you need more. A peculiar thing about dry eyes is that they water but it’s a different type of tears though.
So bottom line - go and have an eye test and see what your optician can advise - possibly artificial tears, warm compresses etc.. I very much doubt it has anything to do with taking levo - my eyes were no different when I was taking it.
Hi Malteser56
Blurred vision can be caused by a number of things do you suffer with hayfever or maybe if it continues go see your optician or try eye drops hope this helps !
I would go to the opticians first of all. This may not be what you are experiencing but it does relate to eyes..
I posted some time back now about my experience when I stopped Levothyroxine and used NDT instead. My vision over the years had been getting gradually worse at night especially to the extent I stopped driving at night. After a few months on NDT and as Winter approached I realised I could see oK in the dark again I had no idea it could have been linked to levo but it seemed to be! Suggestions were that levo stops uptake of vitamin A . Now I take Vitamin A in the form of retinol. I also have very dry eyes.
Most likely because up are undermedicated. 50 mcg isonly a starting dose and should be checked after 6 weeks and then most probably increases. This is then repeated till you are on the best dose for you. When our levels are low then lots of out things are a bit off. The see things sharply we need the muscles etc in the eye that hold the lens in the right position to be on the top of their game, if not then the blur starts.
Have you any results you can post with the ranges? That will give us a better idea of how to helpyou.
Oh my god yes. I had blurred vision quite badly when I was hypo, around the time of my diagnosis. I had my eyes tested about two months before and needed mild glasses for reading and couldn’t believe they’d deteriorated since that test. Once I started getting medicated it went away! But the eye test did throw up that the surface of my eyes was drier that normal. Eye drops helped but to be honest the problem is gone now and I’m sure it’s because my levels are really good.
I have had blurred vision from the first pack of levothyroxine on 50mcg, still have it today, think it may cause insulin resistance. Mine get slightly better with a very low sugar diet.
I definitely think it's under medication and, until I read your post I realised that just last week I keep cleaning my reading glasses as my 'phone screen seemed blurry. On Sunday last I started my NDT and , do you know, my vision is so much better- may be just coincidence 😊
I am hypo and developed blurred vision quite suddenly. It was due to dry eye which is one of those things that can happen if you are hypo or have hashis. I got an official diagnosis from the eye hospital and now have to use eye drops every day. It's not a problem. Your GP may be able to help.
I too have blurred vision and kept cleaning my glasses. Then l wondered if it was.my eyes. I went to Optician and he told me l have cataracts. I am now having.op at end of August
Hi yes I do. I have gone back onto mercury Pharma and my vision is blurry. Recently got new glasses nothing wrong with eyes. I used to be good on MP but now found it's changed. I am on 75 I am going to ask for avast again. My vision def improved on it. I had to get my script changed twice before realising it my meds so it is a big problem.
I have noticed my vision is bad when I have other hypo symptoms. I mentioned it to my optician and he knew that eyesight can be affected by hypothyroidism. I now don't take eye tests unless I feel well or at least ok in that respect as it could give a false reading and I could end up with glasses that I don't need!
I have just started on a Levo/T3 combo (six weeks after being on Levo only) and life is looking better in more ways than one! Certainly the blurriness is much much better - was almost like a film over my eyes - and other improvements like more energy and reduced fogginess.
I regularly have blurred vision.... I have Ceoliac as well as being hypo..... both autoimmune... recently I was diagnosed with Sjögren’s... it causes eye issues
I get that a lot! I don't have glasses and some times it gets so bad I can barely focus!
Do you get weird floaters too? It's like eye squiggles.
Hi, one of my symptoms, before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, was blurred vision. An optician told me I needed glasses but once I was on the correct dose of Levothyroxine, for me- alternate 125/ 150mcg, my vision went back to normal. So it’s possible your dosage is a bit low at the moment.
It depends on a lot of things, not any particular thing. How long have you been on Levo? Have you tried any T3? How old are you? You may have cataracts but they're not "ripe" yet. See your optician or opthamologist and use eye-drops. Peace be with you.