am I reading to much into this... my tgab levels are off the scale
is this right : am I reading to much into this... - Thyroid UK
is this right
Yes that definition is correct, I don't know what you mean by reading too much into it but I believe SeasideSusie advised you similarly in your post of 16 days ago. It might be useful to go back to that thread and re-read the detailed advice and explanations she gave you. Put simply, to understand what your TGAb result result means, you have to also consider all other associated factors and test results, including any other elevated antibody results such as TPO. For instance, if your FT3 and FT4 were very elevated, and your TSH very low or suppressed it might be signposting you to autoimmune hyperthyroidism; if your thyroid hormones were very low and your TSH elevated, your TGAb result might be signposting you to autoimmune hypothyroidism; and if you were euthyroid, the TGAb result might be indicating other underlying factors. I've not studied your previous results to know which, if any scenario applies to you; so perhaps read through the replies in your previous posts to remind yourself of what advice was given.
my results from thriva are on here somewhere lol
what is euthyroid?
Being neither hypo nor hyper. Having a healthy thyroid.
Active B12,81.3 pmol/L 37.5-188
Ferritin 57 ug/L 44-150
Folate 13.8 nmol/L 8.83-40
FT3 3.98 pmol/L 3.1-5
TSH 2.8 miu/L 2.5-4.3
TgAb 350 KUL out of range 0-300
TPOAb 12.4 Kiu/L 0-34
T4 104 nmol/L 66-181
FT4 17.1 pmol/L 12-17-22
vit D (25-hydroxy) 23 nmol/L
Your results from 16 days ago.
Your TgAB isn't really high enough to indicate Hashi's, and your TOab is low, so doesn't look as if you have Hashi's.
This is the link to your post with the results, and all SeasideSusie's helpful comment and advice:
thanks for that. was wondering whether I had hashimoto's
Well, we don't really know. Where Hashi's is concerned, you can't prove a negative. Some people have Hashi's without ever having raised antibodies. But, have you ever had a period of hyperthyroidism, with low TSH and high Frees?
dont think so.... e everytime I been tested its come back normal
but I've been getting a lot of palpitations at mo my fit bit is saying g 100. I can feel my heart pounding away