Help....Thyroid hair : Just wondering if anyone... - Thyroid UK

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Help....Thyroid hair

270 Replies

Just wondering if anyone has any tips or products they use/ do to improve hair texture. In such a terrible condition now. At a loss except for shaving it all off 😭

270 Replies
Rapunzel profile image

This is fixable. Don't waste your tears 🤗

in reply to Rapunzel

Thank you 😊 I'm not currently on any thyoid meds. Advised from members on here that i have hashimoto's though. P.S i dont have hair loss. Just the texture had changed so much. Very dry, brittle and breaks easily.

in reply to

Had this too. Had to have hair cut due hair break half way down the shaft. Split ends looked awful. Tangletease comb might help if your hair is wet. Kerastase hair product helped my hair volume as a conditioner. Coconut oil or shampoo has vitamin e and can help . Castor oil rubbed into the scalp can encourage hair growth. If you have a double crown you might find without a skilled hair dresser your hair sits flat at the back where the hair parts and does not cover the crown. Neutrogena hair products are very good too. Shockwaves mousse can help hold your hair shape and give volume. This is a Wella product. Zinc, copper.iron magnesium and vitamins in Floradix tablets might help .

in reply to

Hi sorry you had the same problem. The ends are fine as I get trims regularly. It's the hair near the scalp/roots that are so dry and break. Must have tried every product bit nothing helps

in reply to

If you have dry skin on the scalp and little oil at the roots, Neutrogena anti dandruff shampoo can help the scalp. I use baby shampoo which is mild and which does not dry the scalp. Pro hormone vitamin f found in effamol evening primrose or starflower oil may help prostaglandins function which helps women's hormones. If you have low vitamins and minerals may also affect your skin. Expect you have had recent thyroid and vitamin tests such as b12 folate vitamins a and d. Vitamin d and iron and ferritin levels may not be optimal so may be worth checking .

in reply to

Thank you. I will look into the shampoo. Yes i had a full panel done in may. All normal expert for the elevated tpo and tg antibodies. I suffer terribly from overheating now too. Fans on constant day and night. Even through winter. Can't cope with it much longer. Did you ever experience this? I was vid d deficient but have supplemented and levels are good now.

in reply to

Except for...have you had a diagnosis of hashimotos? I had thyotoxicosis twice and had overheating problems. I thought my hot flushes in my fifties were due to menopause. I took phyto oestrogen . It did help but then found I had a hot flush after drinking certain teas. I could only drink typhoo and was worse on Earl grey s breakfast tea. Then found an Indian tea which was fine. Then the tea companies started to mess about with teas so I could not drink it any more. Eventually I tracked my overheating due to tannins which are high in black tea roasted leaves and roasted coffee beans. The residue of dark rims on cups told its own story. Eventually I had a range of food intolerance tests and found I had multigrain dairy and eggs and bananas. Hot drinks can make you flush as can alcohol and spicy food. I guess you might have gone gluten free but gluten is present in most grains and if you are not intolerant to gluten but to other grains like rice and maize in cornfour and corn syrup or barley and malt then there are multi triggers to histamines which can set you off. If you have not had tests for gluten dairy and egg which are retarded as the main intolerances you could ask your nurse to do these. Gluten may affect the thyroid and gut and other organs. The gluten society has a helpful website explaining how many autoimmune disorders are linked to gluten. Expect you know all this already but hope my experience might help pinpoint other triggers for overheating as well as some endocrine hormone problems.

in reply to

Hi. I don't have an official diagnosis of hashimoto's. It's never been mentioned by a dr. Only from members on here. I had always assumed it was thyroid related. Last summer was the opposite. Freezing cold all the time. Hot water bottles and heated blankets. They it changed to awful heat which is constant now. Spoke to the gp loads about it but she's at a loss now and can't prescribe me anything. It's not hormonal as oestrogen levels were high so not the menopause. Its like a have a mixture of hyper and hypo symptoms. Also is hashimoto's not mainly feeling cold and weight gain? I'm the opposite with the heat and weight loss. Also terrible fatigue and just generally feeling run down and unwell

in reply to

That sounds more like thyotoxicosis or graves disease. Hashis is a combination with flares. Best to go to endocrine specialist after sending your test results to thyroid unlocked. They can analyse them for you and point you in the right direction. You then can understand the results and ask questions.

in reply to

Hi i had paid privately to see an endo. There was no mention about the antibodies or hashimoto's. Not sure if i have graves antibodies as they've never been tested. Having a fill panel done on Monday privately to monitor the levels

in reply to

Hi could you explain what hashis flares are? Sorry if that's a silly question but before it was fluctuating daily from freezing to roasting now it's just constant heat. My dr says it's not something she has came across before and can't prescribe anything to help

ling profile image
ling in reply to

Yes that's correct, Hashis has hyper phases/flares as well.

To confirm Graves, ask for TRAb, TSI antibodies

in reply to ling

Hi i think I would need to get them done privately and possibly only the TSI. Would that alone confirm it?

ling profile image
ling in reply to

TRAb is more widely used. It is said to be a Graves disease activity indicator.

TSI is also a Graves antibody, and is more relevant to thyroid eye disease.

Btw, it's possible to have both Graves and Hashimoto’s.

in reply to ling

I don't know where i could get the trab done privately. Reluctant to ask my Dr as i don't think.they would do it anyway. Do you know of anywhere private? I live in Scotland.

ling profile image
ling in reply to

Put up a new post and ask, stating clearly you are in Scotland. Someone might be able to help.

Let me know how it goes. I will help search and check further if necessary.

in reply to ling

A new post about what? Resukts and symptoms?

ling profile image
ling in reply to

Asking where to get TRAb tested in Scotland.

sohamansour profile image
sohamansour in reply to

That sounds more like adrenal fatigue/low cortisol . Have you checked your cortisol levels?

in reply to sohamansour

Hi yes. I recently had a 9am cortisol test and it was normal. Although I don't know the results or ranges

ling profile image
ling in reply to

Does your overheating dry out your skin?

Are you able to pinpoint the source of the heat?

in reply to ling

Hi no my skin doesn't get dry. I haven't yet found the source of the heat. Fans on constant day and night. Bad enough just now but winter was horrendous. Windows open and fans on too, yet still too warm. Even when it was -6 🤔

ling profile image
ling in reply to

Btw one thing I find really helpful is to wrap ice in a towel, freeze it and then use it to ice the hottest areas of the body. For me, cooling these parts down, helps to bring down the overall heat level.

Nico101 profile image
Nico101 in reply to

this happened to me a few weeks back. up to then it had just been falling out. then it started to go dry and frizzy and snapped off halfway up the shaft as if it were just shrivelling up.

i was off my meds at that time for testing - but it had been falling out before that. i then tried nioxin - gave it 4 goes - and this made my hair 1000 x worse!

back on my green people shampoo and conditioner and started eating chicken livers with brekky, as my ferritin is very low.

my wp throid arrived today, so hoping that will help, too.

Krisinua profile image
Krisinua in reply to

Same here its peri menopause I'd like to know why this doesnt happen to everyone

Rosierebel profile image
Rosierebel in reply to

Yes still Planteau 39 will fix it

Baobabs profile image

Not sure why you are not on meds for Hashi’s?

in reply to Baobabs

Hi. Hashi's has never been mentioned to me by a dr. An endocrinologist told me i am only at risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease.. But according to this forum i already have it. My TFT are within range just now. That's the problem. Would hashi's cause the though too?

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to

Can you post your current Thy stim hormone level, FT4, FT3 and vitamin and mineral levels of B12, ferritin, vit D3? How our body is functioning is a far more relevant indicator of hair quality. What we put on it can help but really is simply cosmetic if we are lacking essential nutrients.

in reply to Baobabs

Ferratin 56.4 (13-150)

Folate 12.14 (>3.89)

B12 123 (37.5-188)

VIT d 111 (50-175)

TSH 1.99 (0.27-4.2)

Free t4 20.5 (12.22)

Free t3 5.54 (3.1-6.8)

TPO antibodies 124 (<34)

TG antibodies 151 (<115)

Last may my tpo antibodies were checked by the dr and they were >1000

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to

Hello. Your ferritin is too low for good hair. You need to work on getting your ferritin over 70. More like 80 or even 90. And it's hard to do. I have the same issues. I do supplement iron, and you could stand to do the same for a while. But the ferritin is best addressed by eating iron rich foods. I hate liver so I eat liver pate on toast and black pudding and greens etc. This is why your hair is in a poor state I suspect.

in reply to FancyPants54

Hi i've had a ferratin level of 15 before with the same range. Even the dr said it was a good level 🤔 It doesnt explain the other symptoms though

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

You are really working on yourself … so congrats on the improvement in Ferritin from where it was to where it is and carry on...!!

in reply to unlocky

Again. When it was 15 i hadn't made any changes but it seemed to increase somehow. It does need to be night at least 70. So i will work on that.

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to

GP's don't understand the vital importance of minerals and vitamins sadly. For them even one point inside the reference range is "fine". It really isn't. 15 was dire!

Trichologists (hair specialists) all agree ferritin must be over 70 for hair to be in good growing condition.

in reply to FancyPants54

I agree but according to the gp it was a good level. I need to try and get it over 70. My vit d was 25 which is deficient. I supplemented and git it upto 111.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to FancyPants54

Can you leave out the toast and have crudities instead? Am worrying about all that gluten for you!

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to unlocky

Er, no thanks. I have no intention of being gluten free. I have very opposing opinions on that matter to others in this group. Gluten is not the issue for me at all anyway. And we would all be able to eat gluten except for celiacs if gluten were prepared and cooked properly. Modern bakery goods are dreadful things. Little wonder people get sick.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to FancyPants54

Ok. But maybe not a good idea to recommend ... as in many others it is a trigger. Lucky you anyway....!! xx

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to unlocky

I didn't recommend it to others. Although I think there is a lot wrong with the blanket "you must be totally gluten free". I have actually been gluten free in the past, I wanted to see what difference it made. None was the answer. I am fed up of everyone on this site automatically recommending it to everyone else. It's not that simple.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to FancyPants54

Ok Apologies! But you advise that you're eating toast to help with liver intake. If someone followed that idea it could be a problem if they are gluten-intolerant or pre-coeliac. Also, for some it is 'that simple'.... it was for me! Further we have to consider cross contamination and the fact that dairy interacts with the thyroid negatively also … in addition to the AIP is a way to go to test this... if you wanted to. But dietary changes are beyond some people. You're making what changes you feel up to. That's great I applaud you!

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to

Sophie yes your ferritin is too low for good quality hair growth. Needs to be at least 70 in that range and yes you will need supplementation to increase it. It does take several months and won’t happen overnight so be patient. Your doctor knows nothing about vit/min levels that’s why he thinks it’s ok. It most certainly is not. I’m hoping someone more experienced will reply re your thyroid levels. FT3 and 4 and thy stim hormone look fine, however your antibodies are high and indicative of emerging auto immune thyroid disease. You must keep a close eye as a heightened thy stim hormone will be evidence that your thyroid is struggling to produce enough T3 and T4 and in this case your FT3 and 4 will gradually reduce. This will lead to many and varied thyroid disease symptoms. By the way your B12 could be higher. At that level of ferritin my hair was not regrowing, falling out, horrible quality and receding/thinning. It took ten months after my ferritin level was 70 plus for regrow at my forehead to be noticeable. I keep my ferritin level just under top of the range and this works for me. My hair is magnificent and never have I had a head of hair like it. I was diagnosed with Hashi’s two and a half years ago. Meanwhile keep a short hair cut, trimmed regularly and go easy on hair colour if you use it. I use lightweight hair oil to give a shine and make it look a little better whilst you wait. I hope this helps!

in reply to Baobabs

Hi i was advised on here not to supplement with iron to.increase ferratin but to eat iron rich foods. I can eat liver pate. How much or often do you suggest a week. So o don't have hashimoto's yet? I've had symptoms since last may. It's possible to have symptoms before it showing on bloods? Sorry for all the questions.

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to

Can’t advise as I didn’t go this route.

in reply to Baobabs

So you don't think i have autoimmune thyroid disease yet? I'm confused now as previous members have said that i do

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to

Sophie post again with your latest results detailing your symptoms and someone much more experienced than me will reply and advise. This post may have been missed by some as your focus is on hair. You actually require advice on your thyroid state and accompanying symptoms.

in reply to Baobabs

I have done that. I am having a private test done by blue horizons on Monday so will see if there's any changes then. Unfortunately it doesn't include vitamins this time.

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to

Can’t you ask for necessary vits/mins to be tested. This is private?

in reply to Baobabs

I could ask if they could add it on. Now sure if that's possible now though. Maybe too late

ling profile image
ling in reply to

Haha, it's getting confusing with the many replies and from different people : )

This one's from FancyPants54.


in reply to ling

I know it's confusing. Just need some help now as I have been struggling for months now

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Yes. Autoimmune thyroiditis shows up in tests of antibodies in the previous year before manifesting. Meaning we can take steps to quit gluten (assess other allergies eg dairy and Nightshades - Tomatoes in my case) and start work on increasing nutrient density and vitamin and mineral intake. You have obviously done a lot already or something very significant (eg starting thyroxin???) to have brought your Abs down from 1000. I salute you. That's just amazing xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

in reply to unlocky

Hi I don't know how long they have been elevated for. Only first tested in may last year. I hadn't cut anything out my diet so not sure how they have decreased. Not on any thyroid meds either. Not sure what's going on 🤔

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Really. Well that is very curious. Have you had a trauma and been working on yourself since eg with meditation or just calming and composing thoughts?

in reply to unlocky

Nope. Nothing at all. I thought they would have increased not decreased.

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Hi again

In answer to your question about symptoms before it showing on bloods... Let me tell you this.. End of Aug last year my gp reluctantly took more bloods fm me after me bugging him again.. Came bk as within range... Gp was furious with me for waisting his time... 19th sep last year went bk to GPS as I could not stand it anymore took bloods came bk as T3 24,2...thats weird to me... Gp as still not apologised to me for his out burst.. 🙄🙄

in reply to birkie

Hi. So you have now been diagnosed as hyper? Can i ask what your symptoms are? If any similar to me.

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to


I was diagnosed as hyper then graves.. Thyroid removed may this year... My symptoms came and went for over 3 years this I attributed to my thyroid being attacked by my anti bodies.. My early symptoms were heat boiling hot sweating bad, slight I'd ran a marathon but had not.. As time went on my symptoms became worse then I developed going to the loo after eating.. Not me as I was always constipated.. Everything was working fast my body was working overtime my tremors became so bad I truly thought I had parkinsons still my gp said its the menupaus.. But did eventually get diagnosed with hyperthiyroidism/graves.. I think also its when you have your bloods done my gp always asked me to come bk in a fortnight for bloods I think it has to be caught when going overactive especially if your attacking your thyroid.. I hope you get some answers from Blue horizon but you need an anti body test... ❤️❤️

in reply to birkie

Hi thank you for the reply. Sorry you suffered so long. My symptoms are blamed on anxiety. Maybe the tremor makes me appear anxious. I.don't know. I have only ever had the tpo and tg tested. Do you know where you can get both graves antibodies privately?

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to Baobabs

Wow Baobabs what a fantastic and informative answer. I've just noticed, since a bit of trauma that my hair has gone dry again and is further thinning. I'm going to try to increase my ferritin. Thank you!

in reply to unlocky

Can i ask what your current ferratin level is? If you know

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

I should retest. Thank you very much for the question. But I'll also look back at prior results. I had got a handle on my symptoms by quitting gluten and by being more mindful would you believe. I did also follow the AIP Autoimmune Protocol (Sarah Ballentine) and have kept up with many of those principles but slipping a bit... must tighten up haha! I think your research is giving you a quiet confidence and some kind of restorative help - since you are doing so well and continuing to improve by taking control of matters in the great way that you're doing. The mind has such a powerful effect. It can be all we need to adjust!!!! You are asking great questions and getting great answers and lots of capable well informed help on here. It is great to witness xx

in reply to unlocky

Hi thank you so much for your kind words. I'm not coping very well just now. Starting to struggle with symptoms now. I have been on a gluten free diet for a month now and it's made no difference yet 🤔 I'n having a full panel done on Monday including the antibodies. I'm hoping they flag something up.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Hi Sophie, I've made further replies that you might not have seen. You're getting some great advice on here. May I repeat my question... have you had a trauma recently? Did you see my recommendation for someone in the states? Sounding very much like an over-active thyroid swinging in but moving between the two high and low... now predominantly going towards high it seems. What do you think? Anxiety is another symptom of an over-active thyroid as you know but his will calm with treatment. It also works the other way. Actively calming the mind eg with meditation... and other techniques that you would choose out of enjoyment and relaxation will really help! xx Is there an activity that you would choose to include as part of an overarching protocol of supplements and life changes including nutritional support such as offered by am y me yers in particular since she had Graves and is committed to that specifically. What is your favourite hobby to relax with?

ling profile image
ling in reply to

What is the range for FT4?

TPO and TG antibodies are positive. These two tests are for Hashis.

in reply to ling

12-22 mine is 20.5

I know but thinking maybe not hashis as I don't feel cold now. Just awful heat and weight loss not weight gain

ling profile image
ling in reply to

Sophie. It's possible to have both Graves and Hashimoto’s.

The positive TPO and TG antibodies indicate you are at higher risk of developing Hashimoto's since the blood test is in range.

TPO is also indicative of Graves.

The overheating and weight loss are suggestive of Graves. I think it's really important to have your TRAb tested. If it's really Graves, you need to be medicated asap to get the weight loss under control. In the meantime, eat more nutrient dense foods and protein to maintain weight.

If the weight loss is dramatic and rapid, I suggest if you do not know where to get TRAb tested, walk in to a hospital emergency services and have it done. Surely a hospital will have TRAb testing??

If having the Graves antibodies tested, please also have TSH FT4 FT3 tested. You need to know your current levels.

in reply to ling

Hi i am getting the tsh, t4,t3 and both antibodies tested by blue horizons on Monday. They don't do trab unfortunately.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

May I suggest you seek an on-line appointment with Amy Meyers MD in the states USA. She had Graves... it does sound as if you're manifesting a mix. There are herbs to rebalance the over-active thyroid. Please do not have it removed. She did (following the medical model) and regretted that step too far... but has committed to helping others to keep their body parts. She has many dietary resources. Don't stop at just quitting gluten. Its a great start but the nutrient supplementation is primary. And rebalancing. Look up her programme and start following her basic guidelines so that you can report where you are, having covered the basics and ensuring you are addressing the allergen-removals which could be causing this intensive inflammation which you have. Bugle wed is one herb that settles down the over-active thyroid. But you need to be monitored if taking. Am just trying to show you that there is help and resources out there to help you overcome this and to completely recover. I agree with ling... hope you can get those tests for the purposes of reporting to an experienced Practitioner and to save in costs by making as much progress with your investigations as possible and for them to be up to date. She may ask for some repeats or for other missing info.

in reply to unlocky

Hi i should have said. I'm from Scotland. In the uk. I'be just ordered the vitamins and minerals test. 13 included. Vid d b12 ferratin etc

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

You can do on-line consultations. Treating Graves is very specialised and tricky. I would go for the best and find a practitioner who has had the condition.

in reply to unlocky

In would need to get the antibodies tested but not sure where i can get them done.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Wow Sophie. Well done for getting your TPO abs down from 1000. What did you do? And keep on doing it!! Haha. Great that you are getting help to fine tune your other issues. The B group vitamins especially B6 is very helpful for hair health xx as well as the other recommendations here.

in reply to unlocky

Hi there. The answer is i have no idea. They were randomly tested my the nhs last may. No changes to dit or vitamins then they went to thst level. Someone did say the antibody levels do fluctuate so no idea what they are now.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Ok! Well yes its true that they fluctuate. And to me seem like the most significant marker for assessing progress and for indicating allergies etc. They speak to us so loudly. Izabella Wentz (The Thyroid Pharmacist) is keen on anti-bodies for reading and following our progress. But a re-test in UK is refused. Booo! I was so frustrated by that. But may look at private testing such as you are doing. May I suggest you keep a food diary? Have you tried quitting gluten (in the first instance) and then dairy, nightshades and any other possible individual allergies that you might have? ... bearing in mind that you still what to get onto what is behind your condition so you can reverse it. Eg Hidden infections. I forget the list. Again Izabella Wentz offered a list to work through. My most recent tactic has been the removal of my amalgam and also a last remaining root canal in order to address hidden infection. What can you think of that has disturbed you? Might you have a lowered stomach acid? That can be a thing too. x

Rosierebel profile image
Rosierebel in reply to unlocky

Plantau 39 shampoo and conditioner is the best I've tried and can be bought easily from Boots or Tesco sometimes has it as well. I was dubious given adverts do tend to be OTT but this actually works. You do need to use it regularly though it's not a cure in that once used it stops it, rather than it controls it.

in reply to Rosierebel

Hi i've just purchased the keratese products as recommended too. So will give them a try first

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to Rosierebel

Many thanks indeed Rosie xx

I have the same problem and discussed with my daughter who is a nurse/midwife. She bought me mane n tail shampoo conditioner and strengthened from ASOS. As it sounds - it is for horses but also for human use. Only used it once so far but was impressed.

Aquapuss profile image

I had an Olaplex treatment done at hairdressers, you then use the conditioner at home. I did it once per week at first now hardly use it at all. Can even wash hair and leave without conditioner and its not dry or tangled. It works!

in reply to Aquapuss

Hi there isn't any hairdressers near me that use olaplex. I had a profiber conditioning treatment but that didn't really help at all

dinglebell profile image
dinglebell in reply to

Hi you can buy Olaplex online to use at home.

in reply to dinglebell

Hi do you mean the number 3? I did buy it to try and it never really helped much. How did you use yours? Maybe doing it wrong

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to

Until you sort out your nutrition no cosmetic treatment will have much effect. There is no quick fix to this issue.

in reply to Baobabs

I had thought as much. Thank you

dinglebell profile image
dinglebell in reply to

Hi, no you do no.1 and then no.2 first, no.3 is like a top up.

in reply to dinglebell

Hi i don't think you can buy 1 and 2. Only at the hairdressers

dinglebell profile image
dinglebell in reply to

I’ve been having a look about the Olaplex, I did it last year but the seller has stopped selling. I did see a kit selling all three but it was very expensive, and there are some fakes too. If I find a source I’ll message you 😊.

in reply to dinglebell

Hi. Thank you. I did have a look online too and you're right, they are very expensive. I'm having a keratin complex treatment done on tues. I always hate going to the hairdressers though as it's so bad .

Garbbo profile image

I would recommend to try collagen supplements to improve your hair texture. Due to Graves and 20months treatment I’ve lost half of my hair and they became so brittle and dry.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to Garbbo

What a fantastic recommendation. Many thanks for sharing Garbbo…. reminding me to tighten up my Paleo lifestyle and to be stricter. Love it. How are you doing by the way?

ffranny profile image

Yes! After 20 years of under active thyroid and all the symptoms I finally found something that has made my hair feel like it used to.. the old woolly hair is at the ends and will eventually get cut out but new hair is like normal! I am overjoyed ! Hydrolysed collagen. I will Pm you the make I use. I still need extra vitamins iron and vit D but it’s the collagen that made my hair texture go back to normal. It takes time tho it was 6?weeks before I decided there had been a real change..

Essexmum profile image
Essexmum in reply to ffranny

Hi, please can you pm me the make you use as I'm desperate to get my hair back to a good condition. Thank you

Nico101 profile image
Nico101 in reply to ffranny

can you pm me the brand, too? thanks

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to ffranny

Hi ffrany .. would you share publicly. I must get back onto my collagen - its just sitting around unused currently. Haha. Do you know if it has a shelf life? I hope not!! xx

ffranny profile image
ffranny in reply to unlocky

I dont think we can advertise brands on this forum. Funnily enough I have just returned from the hairdressers not having been there since taking this hydrolysed collagen, and she was blown away and wanted the details too! It works for me, maynot work for everyone though.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to ffranny

Fantastic! Thanks so much for this great tip ...and I'm back onto to my unused collagen sitting waiting for me !! xx

in reply to unlocky

Have you ever tried olaplex number 3? With this humid weather i look like I have been electrecuted.....not a good look

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Thanks. This does a super clean of the pores and we boost with a conditioner afterwards... is that correct?

in reply to unlocky

Hopefully that link works

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Haha!! A basil brush appearance....!!??

in reply to unlocky

Haha that's it exactly 😂

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

I just ordered. Thanks for the tip

in reply to unlocky

Will you let me know how you get on? I'm going to try mine tonight. It was recommended by others on here. Are you from the US?

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

UK. From the SE originally. Now living in Wales with my daughter who was born here. Us Celts aye!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx Have found a lots of resources exist over in the US. They mess up the planet but also fix it too!!! Just very different types out there. So many more than us.

in reply to unlocky

OK. I just wondered as you suggested i make an appointment with Amy Myers. A bit too fir to travel 😂 X

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

So you found her?

I would make an on-line appointment. She had what you may have. She's also got various books you can follow. She's an amazing Practitioner. Very skilful. A little loud but she wants to be heard. She has solutions xxxxxxxxx

in reply to unlocky

Ah right. I thought you meant actually going to America 😂

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Haha... no no way!

But on-line its almost even better. Forces you to concentrate, make notes, highly valuable. Will you try it with her? I'll get back to you about the shampoo. Will you report on your progress??

in reply to unlocky

I will have a look but it would depend on the cost as not working just now due to ill health so money is tight.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Understood... but health is wealth. Can you borrow? Anyway explain to her and ask for rudimentary steps that you might follow. But I would say you're a candidate for bugleweed and other herbs which dial down the thyroid and calm things. Have you suffered any trauma? Also have you been taking St John's Wort?

in reply to unlocky

It would depend on the cost first. No never suffered trauma or taken st johns wort.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

How would you feel about keeping a food, mood and symptoms journal?

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to unlocky

What about turmeric? Have you tried adding the root to cooked food and as a tea? It can be very calming and nourishing. Are you eating red meat, eg organic pasture raised lamb and eating enough good fats like Normandy butter and coconut oil? Are you doing your bone broth and greens?

in reply to unlocky

Yeah I have been adding the turmeric to my cooking and also coconut oil. I read about bone broth but not sure how to make it. I do eat red meat and lamb

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

and the greens? So often a weakness.... definitely mine! Am trying to do some greens with every meal plus celery juicing daily.

in reply to unlocky

I eat broccoli, spinach and kale. And green beans. Is yhat what you mean? I had been making smoothies with celery carrots avacado cucumber bananas and coconut milk

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Well you're on to all the good stuff!

Maybe try adding in celery juice? But I think its pretty urgent that you connect with Amy since going hyperthyroid gets more and more difficult to reverse the longer you leave it. My dad was hyper... he got double vision. Just get onto her waiting list. That will give you the chance to raise funds and to put in place as much as you can about her strategies. Maybe buy her book ? Some people also swear by the medical medium. Eg Working on de-toxifying the liver... which can be in bad shape without us realising xx

in reply to unlocky

Hi i ordered the graves antibody test. (Trab) so i will know more then if they comes back positive. Apparent you can have hashis antibodies and graves antibodies

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Understood. Good Luck and will you send an update?

in reply to unlocky

Yes. I will do. Finding the heat awful today. 2 cool baths and a fan on full to try and keep cool 😓

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Hope you succeed but I really would go ahead and contact Amy Meyers. Whatever your condition she can help. It sounds awful. That should not be happening. Thermo-regulation is vital. And its easier to work with newer symptoms rather than letting things become chronic. GOOD LUCK. All the best xxxxxxxxxx

in reply to unlocky

I know. Being freezing cold i can handle. Easier to wrap up. Not so easy trying to cool down. How i miss the cold days now 😔

Buncie profile image

Karastase products are good, and a vitamin supplement for hair is good. I found using an ionising hair drying brush gave a better texture after washing.

in reply to Buncie

Hi which keratese products would you recommend to try to improve the condition of it?

Buncie profile image
Buncie in reply to

Kerastase Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Shampoo 250ml & Fondant Fluidealiste 200ml (Shampoo & Conditioner) Duo

in reply to Buncie

Thank you 😊 Are there any hair treatments you can recommend too?

johnmiller101 profile image

Get your dosage of whole thyroid stable, and take Primrose oil...

in reply to johnmiller101

Hi I am not on any thyroid meds just now as my levels are all within range. I can't take the constant heat anymore. But no dr is able to figure out the cause. All say it's definitely not thyroid related 🤔

johnmiller101 profile image
johnmiller101 in reply to

If you think you are hot, come visit us in Vietnam, average temp these days 100-106 degrees.

Even if your t3 levels are normal, if you can't stand the heat, you may be Hyperthyroid.

Checking your rising temp, if 36.5, you're fine.

in reply to johnmiller101

😂 I think that might kill me off. I live in Scotland where we get really cold winters. And it was horrendous with the heat even then.

johnmiller101 profile image
johnmiller101 in reply to

I live on the beach in a beach house with two powerful air condtioners. The ocean, S. China Sea, is 34 degrees, and if you go out for dinner, fans and air all the time. Here's something interesting, for dinner on the beach here in Hoi An, $6 for the best dinner, chicken and rice, and unlimited cocktails. Try that in Scotland or New York where I am from, John

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Hi again sophie

I could have stood in the artic and not batted an eye lid I was always boiling have 2 large fans windows in flat all open light sheet on my bed frequent cold showers at night I was hyper had hyperthyroidism then diagnosed with graves also had a temor, fatigue, racing heart doc put it down to menupaus YE Rite!! I bugged him for over 4 years my levels were always within range but I was dying.. Within range dose not suit everyone its a disgraceful how doctors treat us 😩😩

in reply to birkie

Hi there. That sounds like me during last winter. -8 degrees. Windows wide open. 2 fans on full blast. Cold baths at night and even then i struggled to sleep at night cause I was too warm. It's hellish!!!!

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Hi sophie2009

I've had my thyroid removed and I must say I'm much better now.. Brfore I would walk around my flat wet.. or sit on my window sill with the window wide open.. That along with tremors were my first indications that something was going on with my thyroid.. 😢😢

in reply to birkie

Hi sorry you suffered for so long. I've suspected a thyoid problems for years. Back and forward to my Dr about various symptoms. Always the same reply. Thyroid is within range. I know something isn't right. Did you need to wait till yours were out of range before being diagnosed? I know that can take years which is tough 😭P.S it's never been thr menopause diagnosis but had them try to blame anxiety. So frustrating. We know our bodies

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Hi sophie

It took over 4 and a half years for my GPS to diagnosis me.. Always came bk as within range but I knew something was not right.. Do you have flare ups? Mine started as me being sort of OK for a couple of weeks then I would suddenly go boiling hot... Not like the change I started that at now 57..and I knew the symptoms.. But this was so different. As I said I would go so hot it was unbearable this lasted all the Time and was nothing like a flush.. My tremors became worse I had a raging thirst.. And I would go to the loo a lot these flare ups could last a week a month or longer.. In my last year before my GPS managed to catch it going overactive my symptoms were their constantly unfortunately I was left for so long my thyroid went toxic.. If I were u do a daily dairy.. See if you have worst days and OK days.. If you go to the loo more loose weight I lost 2 and a half stone but I ate normal and was eating more than I normally would.. I was also exhausted a lot especially climbing stairs and even getting changed.. My skin became very dry to and I had a server itch on my legs arms and chest.. In my opinion it's hard to catch if your anti bodies are attacking your thyroid GPS need to do a full thyroid blood pannle and anti body blood to.. I went on for over 4 years I hope you bug the hell out of Yr doctors or you manage to get some blood tests back from blue horizon

Good luck❤️

in reply to birkie

Wow! That is a long time to be struggling. That's like me. I know something isnt right. To be that hot during winter with fans and cold baths isnt normal. I'm only 37 so i don't know what a hot flush feels like. This is just unbearable heat. It's been constant now for over a month. Spoke to my gp about it again on Monday. Asking for help. I do get really bad fatigue now and just days when feel unwell. Like the flu. I lost weight but not as much a you. Before this started I waa always around 9.7 now eating more and not much exercise i am 8.8

Increased thirst too and also developed a very overactivebladder. Was upto 40 times a day. Slightly better on medication but still an issue.

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to


You sound just like I did.. I went back and fourth to my GPS saw different doctors always the same thing bloods in range and I just went away... My gp had an excuse for me he kept saying the menupause but your young... You could ask for a blood test for your female hormones that's how I found out when I was 42 I was in the menupause.. If they come back OK u may have more ammo to fire at your gp.. I would bet my life your going overactive.. Its hard but you must push your gp unfortunately for me my gp had the menupause over me and I felt like I could not do anything it was only in my last year before diagnosis that I felt so unwell I honestly felt I was dying that I was at my GPS every other week.. What puzzled me was my gp saw me I'd lost weight. Had tremors. Was exhausted. Also fgot to say in my last 2 years my heart started to race.. He saw this and did nothing yet when I saw a new doctor in my surgery she took one look at me and said your thyroid is overactive.... I said yippeeee at last then I said actually I have graves to.. Because I knew I did... And I did have it.. I have absolutely no faith in that gp who could not see how ill I was.. Please keep pushing after all its your health thats at risk ❤️❤️

in reply to birkie

I am pleased you finally got the help you needed but it's sad to hear that it took so long. I don't think i could bear being like this for that long. Or another winter like last year. It was absolute hell. I live with my son and felt bad for him having to live in a house with no heating and windows open all.the time. Had to get an electric heater for his room so he wouldn't freeze. My oestrogen levels were higher than normal so not the menopause. I'm just hoping these bloods shed some light. Also ordered the trab antibody test

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Hi Sophie

I'm crossing my fingers for you that your bloods shed some light on this....but remember just because our blood says normal range that does not mean your well.. I wasn't so be prepared to tell them your symptoms and the severity of them tell them you can no longer go on like this something must be done ❤️ So strange I live with my son to he always complains about the cold flat I got him an electric blanket and put his radiator on in his room only...he goes to his girlfriends a lot now I don't blame him..😫

in reply to birkie

Hi i did say that to my Dr on monday. But she says there's nothing she can give me to help. How can you get help if your bloods are within range? I really can't keep going on like this. Can you remember your levels when diagnosed hyper? I used to put his radiator on only in his room too.

On another note. It says hyper causes hair loss and hypo causes dry brittle hair. I have no hair loss. Just awful dry brittle hair

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to


As for hair Sophie first mine was dry like hay then in my last year it came out in hand's a little story for you about GP took bloods from me at the end of August last year...was really angry with me..came bk normal range...then on the 18th of Sep about 24 or 25 days later from August bloods.. I was so ill I went back to my GP different one as I said she saw the illness right away but I was very ill then my bloods came back as T3 24.2 that was really high she was only concerned with the T3 that indicated hyperthiyroidism overactive thiyroid I knew mine was graves before my doctors or consultants did as I'd been going over my symptoms and it always came up with the thiyroid being attaked.....graves,,,you can have overactive thiyroid with other illnesses other than graves,,,but obviously when my blood was drawn in Aug it was in range then it was drawn on Sep 18th and my T3 was 24.2 just shows you how unpredictable blood tests can be..😡

in reply to birkie

Dry like hay is a good description. Did it improve on meds? Sorry you suffered hair loss too and that you were so ill. If only you hadn't waited 4 years for help. I think i will have a while to go before mine are out of range. Will see if i am positive for graves when the trab is tested.

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Also Sophie bloods should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for best results,, ❤️❤️

in reply to birkie

Yes. These bloods are 9.15 last time it was 12pm non fasting. So I will only drink water this time

in reply to birkie

Hi i forgot to ask. The predominant features of hashis is a goitre and graves, the bulging eyes. I have neither. Did you?

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Hi sophie

I had no goiter and my eyes didn't buldge... I did have a bit of double vision and I know my sight has got worse.. So I don't think everyone has those features that's the first thing my consultant noticed no predominant signs.. My thyroid did however go toxic I think because of the amount of time it took to diagnosis me.. I had graves/ hyperthyroidism so I think gp or consultants should stop going of them signs alone.. I recon if you did have a goiter but Yr bloods were within range you would be treated.. I also think they should not go off bloods alone.. Symptoms should be taken more seriously.. You should put your blood results up on here with ranges Sophie I'm requesting all my blood work fm last year up to now.. Because I don't trust NHS results.. Hope Yr OK.. ❤️❤️

in reply to birkie

Hi I will post my new ones that i get done on monday. This forum has been a blessing. So much information. No i don't trust them either now. I always ask for copies of blood results to keep for my own records. I have been really struggling with this heat. Cool baths and fans on full constantly just to try and keep cool. Do you still struggle with the heat too now?

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

At this moment I'm watching TV with a fan next to me.. 😅😅 I must say tho I'm no where as bad as I was like you I would be boiling all the time and this heat does not help.. Also the heat and sweating was my biggest problem my tremors weren't to bad at first but the heat and sweating ruined my life I could not go out anymore to socialise going to events was a none starter because as I was trying to dry my hair it became weter😢 make up was a no go as it melted off.. And I'm an ex Estee lauder beautician.. I never went anywhere in my last 2 years... Its hell.. But doctors couldn't give a fig... I'd like to see them try to conduct their lives with the constant heat and sweating constantly.. In bed I would think someone had poured water in my bed.. 😢😢😢😢

in reply to birkie

😂 I am too with the fan on full blast. I can sympathise with you. It was absolute hell last winter. It's nothing to do with the weather. Just my body. I know you understand that. I used to go to the Dr's wearing just a vest when it was -8 and everyone else with their winter costs on. Sorry you had to suffer so long. I tend to prefer to stay at home just now too. I feel more comfortable when i can sit with a fan on too. You're right about the Dr's though. Maybe if they suffered this they would be more understanding. It was only a few years ago when I holidayed in spain. Always love the heat and sun. Definitely not now

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Yea I loved the sun was always tanning my self now I stay in the shade if I go out I try to find the coolest places the heat can set me off sweating but as I say not as bad,,,I'm on 100mg of levoroxine now surgeon had me on 125mg but that made me worse it's just a case of getting the right amount of meds now...but I still have graves thats auto immune..and I'm looking in to that at the moment..keep cool..I'm going out with a very good friend tonight to a wedding doo what a nite I've picked it's boiling here,,,mini fan on stand by...😂

in reply to birkie

Yeah i was the same too. Always loved sunbathing. Not anymore. I think the heat would kill me off 😂 If only you could come to my appointments and see if Dr's would listen. It's no life at all just now is it. Staying by a fan day and night to try and keep cool. I didn't like inviting friends round in winter either. Not very nice sitting in a freezing cold house. Hope you enjoy tonight as much as you can.....with your fan 👍😓

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

👍👍 I'll try hope I don't sweat to much.. Be home by 9..😰😰😰

in reply to birkie

Hopefully not. I need to invest in a mini fan. Do they work quite well? I would be home by 9pm too 😂

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Yea they work quite well only downfall is they eat batteries if I went shopping or paying bills I'd take spares out wid's mad seeing someone in a shop in winter wid a fan up to their face I got some weird looks..😂😂😂😂

in reply to birkie

😂😂😂that would be me. The one I saw was one that you charged up. With a USB

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Ho yea I have one of those to but the charge couldn't keep up with me..😂😂😂😂

in reply to birkie

😂😂 I will need to buy and see. Another question is besides graves disease, do you have any other autoimmune diseases? As I read when you have one you're more likely to get another. I am also being investigated for UCTD/LUPUS

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Well it's weird you should say that..before I got my diagnosis of overactive thiyroid I was sent to see a rhumertologist he diagnosis ostioathuritis and said you prob have rhumertoid to..don't think I've spelt those illnesses rite😂 Rhumertoid is auto immune..but doc dismissed that to...I told him years before I had an auto immune illness...unless man..😡😡😡

in reply to birkie

Aw that must be tough having both of them too and painful i imagine. I saw Dr Toft (maybe you have heard of him) endocrinologist. It was him that picked up on lupus. So far nothing is shown up yet. I am waiting on a skin biopsy for the skin rashes i get. Fun and games eh 😂

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Sophie u should see my skin I look like a cat as scratched me to bits n last night my leg on the front was itching like crazy and my little finger..iv now got blisters all over but I popped them scratching so were bleeding I think I'm attaking my skin.......great eh..😢😢

in reply to birkie

Oh no 😢 That sounds terrible. Mine is different. I have a sun allergy now. I break out all over my chest. And with bright lights( like in hospitals etc) I get it on my face too. It's not itchy or sore thankfully. After all the years of loving the sun. Now i'm allergic too it. Have you seen.the dr about your skin? Maybe another autoimmune condition 😢

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to

Yea surgeon said it was toxins from my thiyroid take time to get rid of them..I can also write on my skin and I know that's an auto immune illness GP even saw it but did nothing only gave me antihistamine...think he needs to ge bk to medical school 😡😡😡

in reply to birkie

I think most Dr's I see need to do the same. I repeatedly got told it was just anxiety changed drs

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to birkie

You night find this link about dermographism of some interest:

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to helvella


Yes that's what I think I have although GP is not interested I'm in the process of getting my levo right I'm on 100 mg at the min go bk in Aug to see surgeon for 6 week blood tests..👍🏻

in reply to birkie

Hi there. How are you coping with this heat? I have 2 powerful fans on full blast and still too warm 😢😓

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to


Sorry for the late reply but I think going out on sat has done me in..😭 All my muscles are in pain..especially in my legs I've slept really bad as you say this weather does not help I've already had 2 cold showers and I'm going in for a third's so frustrating..I have no sleep pattern it's been like this for over 4 years I'm thinking of mentioning this to my surgeon. I thought I'd be getting better sleep after my I say I'm not as bad as I was with the heat but it's still bothering me..the fans are my best friends at the moment..😂 Last night I was on top of my bed with just a light sheet on all windows in my flat were open wide as I could get them..then a really horrible thought entered my head someone could get in to my flat through my open windows...well sorry I still left them open..😂😂

How are you feeling today? ❤️

in reply to birkie

Aw sorry you're like that after a night out. I can sympathise. When I go.out for a few hours. Even just to the cinema i am.exhausted and feel all achy. Takes a few days to recover. I've not had any cool baths today but both fans still on full. Had my bloods done this morning at 9.15 I remembered to only drink water this time

😂 I know what you mean. My fans are my best friends just now too 😂 X

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to


Hope you get some answers in Yr bloods Sophie.. 👍👍

in reply to birkie

Thank you. I will post when I get them. Hopefully in a few days

Nico101 profile image
Nico101 in reply to

if you are in range for the nhs, then you are most definitely not in range for good health. dr's are clueless. going through this myself, and it sounds like i'm not far in front of you. you'll learn a lot from the guys on here. i got the same bs from the nhs about my test results being in range when they are not.

trust the advice on here over an nhs dr would be my experience.

in reply to Nico101

Hi sorry to hear you're similar. It's very frustrating isn't it. Do you have elevated antibodies too but other levels in range?

Nico101 profile image
Nico101 in reply to

yes - although my tsh is a bit too high.

in reply to Nico101

Have you tried to get treatment? Can i ask how high? Mine was only 1.99 last checked. Not eaeky morning or fasting. It was 12pm

carolinegodlonton profile image
carolinegodlonton in reply to

I have had elevated antibodies for over 10 years but didn't have high tsh till recently. Also had that heat problem especially hands and feet when I was having a hyper stage. But then as suddenly I would get freezing again. Do you get palpitations or fatigue?

in reply to carolinegodlonton

Hi I also have raynuads so my hand are always cold anyway. Even when the rest of me is roasting. Last summer I was freezing needing heated blanket and hot water bottle then it changed to constant heat. How i miss those cold days 😢 I get really bad fatigue. No palpatations but Dr's always comment on a tremor in my hands. They blamed it all on anxiety.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

not anxiety... except the natural concern you have. So glad you're not falling for that BS !!

in reply to unlocky

No. I know it's definitely not anxiety. Maybe get anxious around Dr's now as I feel they don't believe you now and blame anxiety anyway.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Ok so its a circulation issue for you. What is causing a retraction/protective closure of the venous and arteriole systems superficially... ie at your extremities. This would be to help retain core circulation. Lets think this through....

in reply to unlocky

I've had poor circulation for about 4-5 years. But in the last 6 months it got worse. My fingers would swell up and I got erosions. I had a 3 day course of iloprost infusions at the hospital. Which has helped a bit. I also developed a sun allergy around the same time. I was being investigated for lupus but nothing on that so far. Waiting on a skin biopsy to see if that reveals anything.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Hmmm Horses develop an allergy to the sun when they eat St John's wort. You haven't been taking that have you???? xx

WestBurrafirth profile image

Lots of conditioner, and, as my hair has become thinner, I have got hair extensions - done wonders for my self-esteem! Can toss my mane!

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi glad you got yours sorted. I have tried all different conditions and nothing helps 😔

WestBurrafirth profile image
WestBurrafirth in reply to

It's depressing when this happens to us. Have you consulted with hairdressers? Have you had blood tests to check if you have iron deficiency or something else? Maybe take a supplement to help with skin/hair? Vit A?

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi yes it is depressing. I've always had really healthy hair in good condition. Then it seemed to suddenly change. My ferratin level was 56.4 (13.150) it was as low as 15 before but dr says that was a good level. I go to the hairdressers for a conditioning treatment but don't particularly like going as it's so bad just now.

WestBurrafirth profile image
WestBurrafirth in reply to

My ferratin level was 18 in May and labelled abnormal, but has now gone to 71 (July). The normal range is 20 - 350. Tell the hairdressers what the problem is - I'm sure they will be sympathetic. Good luck.

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi i am actually booked into the hairdressers on Tuesday. Always nevous when i go as it's so bad. I never know what to say to them. Any suggestions? I'm trying to boost my ferratin levels just now

WestBurrafirth profile image
WestBurrafirth in reply to

I think you just have to tell them what the problem is and ask them to advise. I am sure they will be sympathetic and do something.. I'm taking marine collagen which is meant to help skin/hair/bones etc... and Omega 3 -an essential fatty acid. Fatty acids improve skin, hair, lower cholesterol and blood pressure etc... Don't know if this might help your hair in the long term.. I guess you are taking iron to boost ferratin levels. And eating well and taking stuff to ensure good gut bacteria - such as acidophilus complex. I hope the hairdresser trip goes okay. Best wishes

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi i'm having a keratin complex smoothing treatment. To try and get it a bit more managable. With this weather it looks like i've been electrecuted.....not a good look. Hairdressers always have lovely hair too

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi as i don't have a diagnosis of anything yet. (Except members on here say i have hashimoto's) I dont really know what to say to the hairdressers Would that also impact the hair? Although my other levels are in range. I was advised on here not to supplement with iron but to war iron rich foods instead. Which I am doing. Worrying already and it's not till tomorrow

WestBurrafirth profile image
WestBurrafirth in reply to

I don't know - it does seem that both over and under active thyroid can have some similar responses... tiredness applies to both, losing weight is more applicable to overactive.... but I don't know about hair... I think it might apply to both:

It' very difficult knowing what to do and getting an accurate diagnosis.... which isn't much help! Your hairdresser will be lovely to you. Don't worry.

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi thank you. I had thought I was more underactive before as I was always freezing even in summer. Now i've gone the opposite way. Always overheating even in winter. The Dr's are confused as to what's going on. As am i 🤔

I hope she's nice. It'll make me feel less anxious about it

WestBurrafirth profile image
WestBurrafirth in reply to

I had similar confusion re diagnosis. Eventually diagnosed with a form of Graves that may fluctuate between high and low... as if its not enough to just have one! Good luck tomorrow.

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Poor you. Did it take a while for your diagnosis?

Thank you 😊

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi I got my bloods back. The TSH has risen to 2.67 (the highest it's ever been) and the t3 and t4 back down a bit. Just need it to rise a bit more.

WestBurrafirth profile image
WestBurrafirth in reply to

Hi Sophie how did the hairdresser do with your hair? Hope it's looking better

in reply to WestBurrafirth

Hi yes they were lovely. So need to worry. It's a bit better now thanks. She did say if it's an internal problem then there's only so much a hairdresser can do. I'm just praying for the day when my levels go out of range and can then start on treatment.

Sarahkins0 profile image
Sarahkins0 in reply to WestBurrafirth


10 days ago my tests came back and my ferritin was 16 .... busy eating chicken livers atm, desperately trying to get my hairline to grow back!! Really interested to read your post ... how have you managed to get your levels up so quickly?

WestBurrafirth profile image
WestBurrafirth in reply to Sarahkins0

I'm not sure - back in March I had been taking 20mg carbimazole for a few months, I went to a medical herbalist and she recommended various supplements which included Acidophilus and Quercitin supplements, and going gluten-free, and various herbal tinctures, and herbal teas and drinking lots of water, and giving up coffee (no way!). I went for it all! - well except the giving up coffee . By May my T3 T4 TSH levels went back to within normal range (although my ferrtin was still abnormal) and so I was then able to only 5mg Carbimazole (my thyroid is overactive - Graves Disease). My ferritin level recovered in June. )Is this due to taking less carbimizole???). I then had a diet relapse and had gluten during the last month as when I visited friends etc it was tricky to refuse food. My T3 T4 and TSH are abnormal again, but my ferritin still seems to be okay ... so I don't know what worked.... I'm now back on 20mg Carbimazole so will wait and see what the next blood test brings. Not sure this is at all helpful to you! Sorry... Good luck with the chicken livers .. I'm a vegetarian/pescatarian!! Cheers

Krisinua profile image

Products wont help it is due to menopause and it wont hemo because the problem is internal beautician told me that. It is devastating isnt it?nobody warned me this would happen and I only had limited Time with my hair.

in reply to Krisinua

Hi sorry you are having the same problem. Mine isn't thr menopause apparently as my oestradiol levels are high. So I don't know why else it can be 🤔

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

keep thinking. you will get on to this. your superficial blood supply is shutting down in order to enhance/maintain your core function. Do you have coronary heart disease in the family?

in reply to unlocky

No not that i am aware of. Nothing autoimmune either in the family that I know of. Only doing out last year that I have severe scoliosis. Again no one in the family has thst either. The odd one out 😂

caplan profile image

use a good shampoo for dry or damaged hair, for skin if that is dry my doc prescribes big tubs of epaderm its a greasy gunk but its great for making skin nourished.

Ell17 profile image

Food sensitivities can cause terrible overheating (i.e., gluten, dairy, food coloring, other chemicals...). Poor adrenal health can also cause temperature swings.

Thyroid hormone is required for hair growth/health. But, sex hormones also affect the hair. An imbalance can have a negative impact. [The problem nowadays isn't generally a lack of estrogens. Our environment is overrun with chemicals that mimic estrogens and affect levels.] I would suggest a sex hormone panel, as well. Low progesterone and DHEA levels in relation to your estrogen levels can cause a lot of unwanted issues, not only with your hair.

So many variables affect hair growth and integrity. Beginning with identifying food sensitivities, increasing iron levels, balancing thyroid and sex hormones, B vitamins, zinc, Vit D3/K2, healthy fats in a whole foods diet, plant based probiotics, and reducing chemical load by using more natural, cleaner personal care and cleaning products can improve overall health, thus hopefully improving your hair.

Since it appears you have Hashimoto's (even though you don't have a definitive diagnosis yet), Selenium Methionine 200-400 mcg per day is good for the thyroid and helping with autoimmunity. Also, 400-800 IUs per day of Natural Vit E (Mixed Tocopherols) works synergistically with the Selenium.

For adrenal health, you could try 1000-2000 mg Vit C and 500 mg (B5) Pantothenic Acid.

Note: It wasn't until I balanced Progesterone and DHEA that I saw any hair texture improvement. (But, that may not apply to you.)

Liver health is also key. Milk Thistle is excellent for this, 1000-2000 mg per day.

All the best in this twisting, turning, and expensive search for better health and better hair. You are certainly not alone. 😊

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to Ell17

Fantastic answer.... maybe a Naturopath could guide you sophie2009?

in reply to unlocky

A naturopath? Sorry having a bit of a blonde moment 😂

in reply to Ell17

Hi thank you for the very detailed reply. I had a 9am cortisol test and it was normal. No range or results given though. I did have high oestradiol so it's not the menopause. I'm not sure about progrestore. If thats been tested. But the DHEA has and it was normal too. I have been taking selenium for a month now. I eat lots of oranges so i'll get enough vit c that way? I'm going to try and get my ferratin level up to at least 70

Ell17 profile image
Ell17 in reply to

Continue with what you are doing, in addition to trying some of the other healthy changes mentioned. Vitamin and mineral levels are equally important. The process can be quite involved, I know:/

Progesterone balances estrogen. So check on your progesterone level.

Increasing ferritin, levels (iron) is important. It may need to be closer to 80-90 range before you see a change.

But, in my experience, even with replete vitamins and minerals, it's the hormone levels (specifically thyroid and sex) that have a great impact on the hair (texture quality particularly).

I hope you can find your answers.😊

in reply to Ell17

I will continue what i'm doing. I think I would have to do the progesterone privately. I don't think it's a routine test they do. The last mineral test was done by medichecks in may. I always assumed it was thyroid related. Would hashimoto's cause the hair changes too? As i'm informed on here i have that.

Ell17 profile image
Ell17 in reply to

Yes. Hashimoto's causes swings in thyroid hormone due to the immune system attacking the thyroid gland. You want to stop or lessen the attack by finding the food, chemical, or environmental trigger that is causing or aggravating the attack while you still have functional gland left. Gut health plays an important role, as well.

You also need to identify any vitamin/mineral deficiencies. If the attack continues, your thyroid will be slowly destroyed. At some point, you may likely have to take thyroid hormone to replace what can't be manufactured/stored due to gland damage.

There is a lot involved when trying to regain your health (i.e., better diet, filtered water, targeted supplements, avoiding triggers as best you can, etc.) It is more than just taking a few supplements, unfortunately.... How wonderful it would be if it were that easy.:)

There are many experts on this forum that offer sound, actionable advice regarding Hashimoto's. Just start reading the posts. You are in the right place. We are all on the search for answers and best practices.😊

in reply to Ell17

Hi i have had a lot of advice about hashimoto's. Gluten free and optimizing vitamins. It confused me as no dr or endocrinologist had ever mentioned it. Just that I am at risk of developing it in the future

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Welcome to our world and the ignorance - and lack of motivation by "Professionals". We are on our own … but a great community fixing ourselves. Please don't rely on your GP or Consultant... They know nothing of nutrition. My GP was the first to admit this. They are not trained in nutrition. He started to follow one of our famous Functional Med Naturopaths (name escapes me... anyone else....??? Indian or of Asian descent. Help. can't remember. Will come back to me. Haha!). You can do this!!! xxxxxxx Just use your GP for the tests that the NHS will pay for then go for the others elsewhere. It'd be v helpful if you shared what new Labs maybe out there beyond Genova and others. You mention Blue Horizons?? Sounds good if they do Reverse T Test and so on. The full panel.

in reply to unlocky

I know. It does get very frustrating. They're quite happy to have out anxiety or depression meds but not try to find the root cause. I've never heard of genova. The blue horizon is tsh free t4 free t3 and both antibodies. Is genova based in the uk?

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

I think there is a branch in the UK now

in reply to unlocky

OK. I will have a look 😊

Ell17 profile image
Ell17 in reply to

I know how overwhelming it can be. That's why we're fortunate to have forums like this, where we have access to people's experiences and info that should be shared by doctors, but rarely or never is.

I do agree with unlocky that avoiding gluten would be an excellent place to start. And it must be completely avoided, no having a nibble here or there.

Elimination diets can be done on your own, without paying a nutritionist. It's best to stick with fresh veggies, meat, and fruit in moderation, and avoiding foods you already know you have a problem with. Do not buy gluten free packaged foods. You need to be as gluten free as possible, and packaged gluten free products still contain varying (though minimal) amounts. You can find good info on how to do elimination diets. Just Google it. Keep notes on how you are feeling/responding while avoiding the particular food and after you reintroduce it.

None of this is easy. But, it's well worth the effort in trying to feel better.

Food sensitivities can cause many unwanted issues. And they can be difficult to peg because we are rarely affected exactly the same. And an elimination diet is the only way I know to truly find out if you have them.

It's a game of trial and error. Keep reading posts, do your research, become your own health detective, and keep notes. You'll have many ups and downs. But, getting to a healthier place is possible.

Good luck.😊

in reply to Ell17

Thank you again. I have been gluten free for a month now. I am having the thyroid panel done on Monday from blue horizons and thr full vitamin panel. So will post with new results. It's confusing as some me need on here say I have hashis yet others says I am at risk of developing it.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

No one diagnosing Sophie... just suggestions from others. But we are making it all less about a name (medical terms) and more about addressing insufficiencies, imbalances and all the factors which contribute to dis-ease. You're onto it. When instigating the many and various suggestions here may I suggest you try one thing at a time in order to observe the effects and benefits one intervention at a time. Its the best way I know to establish where insufficiencies, excesses or imbalances may lie for the individual. A Naturopath (and you'd want a 'Functional Nutritionist') is in the same category as a Herbalist or Homeopath... except they work specifically with food and nutrition.... aiming for the most 'natural' resolutions and avoiding chemical prescriptions (but not pulling you off anything abruptly). They are great support and can carry out testing that's excluded from the NHS due to budgetary issues. Hope this helps. What strategy are you considering going on from here?

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to unlocky

A Functional Nutritionist or Naturopath that should have said. Have a look under 'Functional Medicine Practitioners UK'. Very much growing in number xx

in reply to unlocky

OK. I.will check.that out. I wouldn't even know where to start. With what questions to ask etc

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

I understand your concern But you will be guided through it. And your first Consultation will normally exceed an hour and be very thorough and detailed. You know as if the Practitioner actually cares about you.....!! Which they will do. I'm excited for you. But do read over all these brilliant suggestions here and start to appraise yourself and maybe try one thing. Going gluten-free would be my first intervention/suggestion... since that is what you will be asked to experiment with. If unwilling to co-operate with compliance on dietary restrictions then the Practitioner may decline to take on such a patient given such a high level of resistance to self care. But its easier to do that you might think especially with support. Check out all the 'Paleo' resources. Its fun to try cutting things out, a community is there. May I ask … have you considered or already tried quitting gluten and grains? Do look at all the resources. Once you get into it you may find yourself feeling revulsion at Pizza Pasta and Pastry... haha!! I know I do. But once you have healed your gut and got some progress you can start to re-introduce things. Is any of this making any sense? Have you heard of the gluten-free life style? I found it easier to cut out all grains to start with. Will you try some on-line searches? I've mentioned some well known Practitioners there is also the 'Gluten-free Warrior', and 'Mark's daily Apple'... as well as the others I mentioned earlier

and many new ones up and coming xxxxxxxxxxxxx

in reply to unlocky

Hi yes i have been gluten free for a month now with no improvements. I've been the dr so many times now with no success. And seen different specialists who have no clue whats going on. Except for the (anxiety) It makes you a bit wary going to new appointments. If that makes sense.

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Yes it defo makes sense. Well done for trying gluten-free. Its a start. Continue with it being very strict and try adding in other exclusions eg dairy. That's challenging I know but when you do see a Naturopath you will have info to report that will save money by having covered these very basic investigations. So you can move on to cover other issues. xx

unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to

Vit C needs to be as high as 10,000 mga to see results. Its fantastic to help overcome inflammation which is behind our conditions. A few oranges won't cut it (if you re not sensitive to them though great to increase roughage) ... and chew on the pith, the white part under the skin, its a great de-toxifier xxx What has changed in your life eg Dental treatment... any shock to your system... bad news etc behind this onset?

Mizzme profile image

I’ve had the exact same thing going on for 2-1/2 years. I tried everything I upped all my vitamins tried oils, shampoos everything I could think of. My hair could not get moisture no matter what I did & I lost so much hair it just thinned out. I already have thin hair so it was horrible. It’s now coming back I have new hair coming in all over finally! The texture has really improved it doesn’t feel like it’s a rock anymore & looks a lot more healthy. I think it’s two things I changed. I went to a dermatologist & he prescribed ketoconazole shampoo to use once a week. You can buy a lighter form itc, Nizoral is one of the brands & use it twice a week. I think this made the biggest difference. It unclogs the hair follicles and takes care of the dry scalp. Definitely use a conditioner after. Second I starting using hydrolyzed collagen or also called collagen peptides. I put it in my coffee every morning & there is no taste. I’ve used a couple different brands they are basically the same as long as it’s grass fed & unflavored. So you don’t have to buy the most expensive brand. After making these two changes it was only about a month when I noticed my hair looked & felt a lot better. Then my hairdresser confirmed I had new hairs all over. I also did start taking a non constipating iron to get my level higher which has helped my nails some but my hair started changing before I added that. I hope it works for you. I’m hypothyroid & peri menopausal but I now think the menopause is the cause. I now have rosacea too & I went up a cup size in my bra (which I didn’t need) and my skin is really dry too, gotta love the change lol!

in reply to Mizzme

Hi i think my Dr has prescribed shampoo like that before. I only used it a few times as i felt it made it even drier. Will need to check if it's the same one. In have been taking absolute collagen as recommended on this forum. I know it's only hair but it can get depressing when it used to be healthy and in good condition.

birkie profile image

Hi sophie2019

Iv lost quite a lot of my hair to my thyroid I had to have a TT.. But my hair is not recovering.. Its so thin and brittle... Iv been using volumising shampoos.. And volume moosese ect.. I even purchased one of them clip in toppers I'm in the process of purchasing a larger one because you can see a lot of my scalp I also purchased a tin of that root colour that's OK for one nite it does cover.. I also pop a good volumeizing conditioner on twice a week.. I'm hoping my hair comes back 🤞🤞

Hope you can sort your hair out good luck


unlocky profile image
unlocky in reply to birkie

Hi Karen .. might you consider some of the nutritional suggestions as made here?

BadHare profile image

Aveda damage remedy is miraculous, but didn't help anywhere near as much as improving my nutrient intake. Avoiding processed foods, good probiotics (kefir), a little extra/better iron & a multi-mineral supplement improved my hair growth & condition, also my nails.

in reply to BadHare

Hi thank you. I'm going to work on improving my ferratin levels to 70 or above. They were 54 in may. Have been as low as 15 before.

Gilbo72 profile image

My hair was in a terrible state, and I have had hair falling out. For the dreadful state I bit the bullet and bought keratase resistance therapist shampoo and pre conditioner, plus a thermal heat serum. I made a conscious effort to stop using heat as much as possible. The range is expensive compared to the super market, but well worth it, it lasts a long time and transformed the condition, it seemed within a few months it had stopped braking and was so much longer. When my hair was falling out, a friend recommended hairburst pills. Again they are expensive but they certainly seemed to work very quickly. I have only done it once, so it could have been coincidence. However I have used neither for about 6 months and my hair is breaking again, and recently has started falling out again, so I am about to buy again.

I think this is one of the worst symptoms that men or even women who have never experienced hair loss gets! It gets me down every time. It can take years to get a good long luscious mane of hair, and a few weeks to devastate it, and you always get someone saying ‘it’s looks fine, you can’t notice!’ Grrrr!

in reply to Gilbo72

Oh yes. I hate that too when people say it's fine. When clearly it's not. I don't have hair loss as such. Just so dry especially at the roots and breaks off. I'm sporting the 'just been electrecuted look today' It is a bit depressing when you look at other peoples hair and its fine. I had thought about hairburst. But it feels like you spend lots of money on different products hoping they might help but never do 😔

Gilbo72 profile image
Gilbo72 in reply to

I used the hairburst vits for hair loss. But for the condition I used the keratase. Do look at the keratase hair products. Especially the therapiste resistance range, it did transform my strawlike hair! I also got some vitapointe leave in conditioner cream (that’s cheap) for a quick fix on very straw like days! X

in reply to Gilbo72

I will do. Is there anywhere in particular online or just the keratese website?

Gilbo72 profile image
Gilbo72 in reply to

All are on amazon, but you could look at keratase website to choose which product!

Gilbo72 profile image
Gilbo72 in reply to Gilbo72

I should point I am talking about two different episodes in my life! One was rubbish, dry, breaking hair and the hair products. The other was hair loss and hairbust. I didn’t use them together, (although I might start as both is beginning to happen at the mo!!)

in reply to Gilbo72

What a shame. Poor you. I need a really good shampoo and conditioner. No matter what i do I can't get any moisture into my hair.

Gilbo72 profile image
Gilbo72 in reply to

That vitapointe stuff is dirt cheap and you can apply it to dry hair and it makes it soft and shiny too. :)

in reply to Gilbo72

I will look.into that too. Can you recommend a good shampoo and conditioner from keratese and hair treatment too? Sorry for being a pain

Rosierebel profile image
Rosierebel in reply to

Planteau 39. I tried it thinking the advertising would just be OTT as it often is, but it is really amazing stuff. It recommends using it daily but I find every other day is OK for me. It contains female hormones so it says, whatever it works.

Hi read your recent may test results. Guess you will find out if your ferritin vitamin d and iron are higher. From these results your folates are low. This is b9 and is natural in green veggies especially dark leaves in broccoli . If you are folate b9 deficient even though your b12 is 123 you could take a supplement such as l methyl/folate or folic acid. The former is the natural form which not have to be processed in the digestive system like folic acid. Although your vitamin D is better it is still insufficient using nmol/L nhs tests . Which say 50 to 100 is normal. A specialist on hospital blog says even 100 is too low and should be 150

Https:// website info says thyroid function may not be optimal until ferritin levels are 90. your ferritin levels are only 56.4

Another link title Iron and thermoregulation a review

PubMed N. C. B. I talks about your iron levels and oxygen levels and how your iron and low ferritin can affect your temperature. Vitamin d k and iron levels are crucial with iron metabolism along with vitamin c and zinc .

in reply to

Hi thank you for the detailed reply. So much information on this forum. I thought 111 was good for vid d. I have still be supplementing so it should be higher now. I love broccoli so no problem eating lots of that. I will try to increase my ferratin. Liver pate, red meats, Brazil nuts. Anything else? I don't like liver itself

in reply to

The vitamin d is well within normal limits but there are two main sorts as you know vitamin D3 is the sunshine vitamin . If you can easily with no redness then exposure on your arms and legs for about five minutes a day during summer months should be enough to convert the pro hormones D3 to last during the winter months. With the ferritin which is the storage element which transports ferroportin and converts into oxygen in the cells linking it with iron if you bave too little then the oxygen levels will reduces so you may get cold or hot especially with hashimotos thyoiditis. Drinking water during the day may increase your oxygen levels as it contains oxygen which goes through your blood stream to top up air oxygen. Shaking a bottle of water or when filling ajug with good water pressure will increase the water bubbles and oxygen. Exercise may help too. As you are not all the time are you surrounded by glass ? You may find an air conditioner helpful. Also if you stick to cold drinks sipping water throughout the day cutting out hot drinks, this may help cool you down. Tepid showers through the day will help. If your temperature is uncomfortable get into a tepidbath so you can soak until your temperature feels better . Pharmacies may well recommend how to raise ferritin levels. Have found Floradix have liquid supplements with vitamins with ferrous sulphate which may be absorbed better. Some doctors prescribe iron on is own which makes you feel sick and is not absorbed. The iron from these might irritate the lining of the gastro intestinal tract in some folks. Hope if you try the zipper water and tepid showers it may help as well as sticking to cold not iced drinks. Had a problem with hyper flares but am more likely to feel cold. Diabetes and high blood pressure make you feel hot too so have a other check for sugar levels which should be tested fasting 12 hours no food only water before the test. If your test with prick blood meter comes up at ten after eating then this may be a sign of diabetes. Take care of b range of vitamins can be found in Brewers yeast and marmite but b12 and b 9 should be supplemented together as they work together. Take care

Rosierebel profile image

My hair went brittle with thyroid problems and started to fall out. I researched for tips and through trial and error have found things that work. Calcium and Vit D, Primrose Oil and Planteau 39 shampoo and conditioner. I have to stick to a combination of all of this now to keep my hair looking good but it is working.

in reply to Rosierebel

Hi thank you. I was vit d deficient but supplemented so levels are optimal now. I must have tried every product but nothing helps. It's depressing, don't you think

Thomas1922 profile image

Hi Sophie2009. I know how you feel about the hair loss. My hair is very fine and thin. It is dropping out and it makes me feel so low. I have ordered some Immortal oil which I read about. Cost is £33 plus postage but it sounds really, really good. Will let you know further when it arrives and what happens with my hair.

in reply to Thomas1922

Hi Thomas. So sorry you're suffering from hair loss. I don't have hair loss.....yet. It's the texture of it that's terrible. Changed from being soft and healthy to so dry brittle and breaking. Fingers crossed the products help you.

vocalEK profile image

This reply addresses the issue of overheating (hot flashes?). I was poking around on Hypothyroid Mom and came across this post about NAD. Apparently NAD helps to regulate body temperature.

I have just started using L’Oréal tangle free shampoo and conditioner and loved it so much I bought the no more hair cuts cream that you leave in. It has transformed my straw like hair to feeling soft and silky and other people have noticed and commented on it too.

Limbolass profile image

The most effective hair thickening & affordable shampoo I've come across is Dr. Konopka's Anti Hair-Loss & Volume Shampoo & Conditioner, it really makes my hair thicker & it's 98% natural ingredients. Several online shops sell it.

in reply to Limbolass

Hi the problem is the texture of it is terrible. So dry and brittle. Just recently got a keratin smoothing treatment done at the hairdressers so that's helped a little

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to

Not sure if you are aware but there are concerns about the safety of keratin treatments so you may want to do some research. This article’s a little old so you may want to find some more up to date research...

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to MiniMum97

I like to avoid as many toxins in products as possible. Ive tried loads and loads of low or no toxin products. I’ve had good results in improving my hair texture with two products - Tropic Skincare conditioner and the hair oil. Don’t use too much of the latter or you obviously look super greasy! I use them together when washing hair but you can use as an overnight treatment. I haven’t done the latter just because I can’t sleep most of them time and don’t want shit in my hair but using after washing is good and so I imagine that overnight works beautifully!

in reply to MiniMum97

Hi thanks for the advice but they have changed the formula now and they don't use harmful chemicals now .

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to

Really, that’s great if that’s the case. Have you got a reference for that?

in reply to MiniMum97

I will have a look to see if i can find it. It's called nanokeratin now

in reply to MiniMum97

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to

That says it contains very little formaldehyde but doesn’t say what else is in it. Personally I would want to see a list of ingredients to check them myself or independent research on its safety before I used it.

in reply to MiniMum97

Yes that's understandable. I have it done because i have so much hair and it's so unmanageable. It does help a lot but expensive too. Until I get on some thyoid meds, there's nothing much else that will help.

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to

I understand you needing to try something. It’s frustrating this disease. Especially when in your position and you know you are ill but can’t get treatment yet, but you see your body deteriorating before your eyes.

I have put on two stone since having thyroid disease. I don’t carry weight well and frankly I look f***ing disgusting in my eyes. I also hate my hair too, I’ve had some success with texture as I described above but I always used to have my hair highlighted but have stopped as although my hair is very bland and not very nice without colour I don’t want to expose myself to the chemicals in a salon and on my hair to have the highlights.

There are lots of endocrine disrupting chemicals in many products. My endocrine system is already pants so I don’t want to risk exposure to any more (well as much as I can because you obviously can’t get rid of exposure completely!).

Is it worth the risk of potentially making yourself more unwell?

in reply to MiniMum97

Aw sorry you're suffering so bad. In my eyes too i look horrible. And very annoying to when people say 'you look fine'

My levels aren't high enough for treatment yet although i do have hashimoto's.

I get confused because i can't put weight on and i'm always too warm which would seem hyperthyroidism.

But members on here say it can be hypothyroidism too.

I know i probably should have research it but i just needed it done. With this weather it's just awful. An electric shock treatment springs to mind. So not a good look.

I hate this disease 😭

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to

I am hypo and hyper. With hyper you get sudden hot flushes when you become roasting hot for 10-20 mins ime - you are not always too warm. I have gained weight but I didn’t lost any weight when hyper.

You can be too hot with hypo. It can cause you to not be able to regulate your temp very well. I feel cold when others are warm and hot when others are cold when hypo.

This disease is pants isn’t it! It’s so insidious. It can feel at times like it’s slowly destroying you physically and as a person too. And it feels like it takes away all your control eg putting on weight but if you try to lose weight or exercise it can actually make you iller, more tired and make you put on weight.

I can totally understand why you feel you want to take back a bit of control. Just be careful you don’t want to make yourself more unwell.


in reply to MiniMum97

Yes that sounds like me exactly. I camy regulate my body temperature now. Feel cold when others are warm and warm when others are cold. Mine aren't hot flushes as it's constant heat.

Does that sound more hypo?

Also had the worst winter ever last year. Windows open and fans on cool baths etc and still too warm.

Any ideas why that would be?

I always thought hyper but maybe not.

Limbolass profile image
Limbolass in reply to

Buy the conditioner too.

Have you tried leave in conditioners?

in reply to Limbolass

Yes i have tried leave ins and all conditioner but nothing helps.

crw2ddd profile image

My thyroid issues made my hair tangled and come out in bunches. I cut it shorter and that helped as well as biotin.

in reply to crw2ddd

Hi sorry you suffered hair loss. It's the horrible texture of mine plus i'm not on any thyroid meds yet. I do take biotin too

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