Irritability with Synthroid help: Has anyone had... - Thyroid UK

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Irritability with Synthroid help

Sealsharp1952 profile image
34 Replies

Has anyone had extreme irritability with Synthroid? I have been feeling irritable weak achy depressed and not sure if Synthroid. I read it can cause this. Thank you

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Sealsharp1952 profile image
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34 Replies
greygoose profile image

Sounds more like under-medication to me. How much are you taking? Do you have any lab test results to share with us? :)

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

Yes thank you

TSH 1.75

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody less than 63 Who Units

Free T3 2.10

T4 Free Direct 1.04

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 13.9

Ferritin 19.0

Folate 16.8

Vitamin B-12

Do you also have an opinion about Tirosint vs Synthroid? I have read horror stories about Tirosint even though it may be better with out fillers but I don’t want to try it and have irreversible side effects like on your heart. Tried Naturthroid but became hyper so dr did feel I should be on a T3/T4 combination. Any thoughts on this please. Thank you

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sealsharp1952

I'm sorry, but we need the ranges for those results. They are meaningless without the ranges. But, I can tell you that with a TSH of 1.75 you are not likely to be over-medicated.

I have never tried either Tirosint or Synthroid, because where I live in France, we only have one brand of T4, and it's not either of those. And, in any case, I've never been able to tolerate T4 very well. But, I'm pretty sure no brand is going to do irreversible damage to your heart unless you take too much of it. T4 is naturally made by the thyroid, and it wouldn't do that if it were likely to damage your heart.

When you say you 'became hyper' on NDT, what exactly does that mean? It's actually physically impossible to become hyper if you are hypo, the thyroid doesn't work like that. You could be over-medicated, but that's not the same thing. So, are you saying that because you had over-range FT3 or because of the symptoms? If symptoms, what were they?

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

I became more hyperthyroid that is what the dr told me and she was concerned for my heart.

Here are the ranges thank you:

TSH 0.39 - 4.60 M/U/L

Antibody 0-100 Who Units

Free T3 1.71-3.71 ph/ml

Free T4 Direct 0.7-1.48 ng/dL

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sealsharp1952

Well, she was wrong. Your levels are nothing like over-medicated/hyper levels. I think she was just making excuses to get you off the NDT, because they don't like it. And your heart is more at risk from being under-medicated than over-medicated.

You haven't given ranges for the nutrients. But, your ferritin and vit D look very low. And, you haven't given a result for the B12. :)

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

Thank you again and sorry I think you misunderstood I have not been on the NDT for years these values are for my Synthroid.

Here are the ranges for:

Ferritin 19.0 - 11.0-306.8 ng/ml

D25 20-80 optimized

Folate - 3.2-20.5 ng/ml

B12 - 180-914 oh/ml

Cortisone - 1.3 mcg/dL

AM 1.2-3.5 had done in morning

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sealsharp1952

OK, well, you didn't explain that. But, your doctor is still wrong, because you cannot become hyper if you are hypo. It's a physical impossibility.

So, as I said, your ferritin and vit D are both very low, and that will be causing all sorts of symptoms. Your ferritin is so low, your doctor ought to be doing further investigations and a complete iron panel.

And you still haven't given a result for vit B12. :)

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

Ok thank you will will talk to dr about this and my b12 is 834 pg/ml. I am taking D3. How would you raise your Ferritin please.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sealsharp1952

Ferritin is the protein that stores iron, so taking iron supplements would raise it. But, you should have further investigations first, to find out why it's so low. :)

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

Ok thank you and what about the B22 that is ok correct? Do you also have any input about Tirosint vs Synthroid as far as causing permanent heart issues or other irreversible problems? Sorry not sure if I asked you this already. Greygoose how did you become so knowledgeable about all of this please. You know a lot.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sealsharp1952

Your B12 is fine. :)

Yes, you have already asked me about Tirosint vs Synthroid. Can't remember exactly what I said, but some people do best on one, and some on the other. It's a very individual thing. But, neither of them should cause damage to your heart unless you over-dose on them - even then I would be very surprised if they did any irreversible damage. They're not drugs, they're thyroid hormone.

As for being knowledgeable, there are plenty that know much more than me. But, it all came from reading - on here, articles, research, etc - and talking to people, and I was lucky enough to have a doctor at one point that explained a lot to me. :)

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

Thank you and thank you for helping so many people. I will go further now with my dr about Ferritin and D because dr said Ferritin was fine. Could this cause feeling weak and air hunger?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sealsharp1952

It absolutely could, yes. But, doctors know nothing about nutrients, and care less. They just don't 'do' it in med school. He thinks it's 'fine' because it's just scraping into the range by the seat of its pants, but when you see that the top of the range is over 300, it's obvious that you're not going to feel so well with a Ferritin of 19 as you would with a ferritin of 300.

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

Thank you again. I had been vegan for quite awhile and now am on a diet with animal products which I hate because we love animals so much and are against factory farming and what it is doing to animals and the environment but I am trying to lose weight and this seems to work for me now.You can get enough iron though as a vegan if you eat a lot of beans and other foods.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sealsharp1952

Yes, I do understand what you mean about animals. But, are you willing to sacrifice your health to your principals? It's a terrible dilemma, I know. I got very, very sick when I went vegetarian - I couldn't even contemplate vegan simply because of all those beans and stuff you need to eat, which I'm not sure is healthy - and even beans won't give you enough B12, because you only get B12 in animal products. Which, surely, is an indication that we are designed to eat animals. Anyway, my B12 went too low, and it took me a long time to find the problem - doctors were of absolutely no help! And, during that time, my Hashi's got worse. So, eventually, I went back to eating small amounts of meat - although I will not eat pork, because it seems to me that pigs come of worse in all this (others might differ, but I don't want to know if you do. :) ). So, I understand perfectly.

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to greygoose

Sorry meant B12 not B22.

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to Sealsharp1952

Thank you again and if you are interested please watch short videos at dr Greger because you can take a B12 supplement. I respect you and your knowledge so thank you and will do my best to get to the bottom if this. Best regards

jgelliss profile image

I dosed with Synthroid pre/post my TT and had all kinds of allergic reactions one was palpitations . Synthroid and/or any other thyroid meds can cause problems if one happens to have allergic reactions to any of the fillers/dyes in the thyroid meds . Acacia is one of the fillers in Synthroid that can cause allergic reactions in many .

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to jgelliss

Ok thank you I will go further because they keep saying my ferritin is fine. My B12 was

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to jgelliss

Sorry answered you wrong yes I know the fillers can affect you in Synthroid but I read what some people were feeling with Tirosint and it worried me even without fillers.

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to Sealsharp1952

With Tirosint one needs lower dose than with any other T4 meds . Since Tirosint is a very potent T4 meds without any fillers .

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to jgelliss

Thank you

danym profile image
danym in reply to jgelliss

what are you taking now?

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to danym

Synthroid 75 mg

danym profile image
danym in reply to Sealsharp1952

when you tied ndt meds, what were the hyper symptoms? I've seen that usually tsh is suppressed with ndt meds.

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to danym

To be honest as best I can remember it was fastest heart rate not sure of other symptoms it’s been awhile.

danym profile image
danym in reply to Sealsharp1952

how long did you try it for. I'm trying armour now and i get some heart palps, but trying to see if it will get better.

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to danym

Many months sorry don’t remember how long but long enough to see if it was right for me.

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to danym

I'm on Levoxyl + NP for my T3 . It was a big game changer for me to switch from Synthroid to Levoxyl . Synthroid just caused me many symptoms and I'm *Very* happy with the change .

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to jgelliss

What symptoms did you get in Synthroid and what is NP you are taking with Levoxyl

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to Sealsharp1952

With Synthroid I had palpitations irritable weight issues I just felt all around awful . NP is a Natural Desiccated Thyroid made from porcine . It has both T3 /T4 . Since I don't do well with Synthetic T3 I get my T3 from NP .

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to jgelliss

Ok yes I use to take Naturethroid but did realize you could take both Levoxyl and NP I thought most people supplement with T3 Cytomel with synthetic.

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to Sealsharp1952

Some do Great with synthetic T3 . I'm just not one of them . I was on Cytomel prior to my RAI . I had terrible headaches to the point I couldn't lift my head off the pillow . I tried it again with T4 and felt thumping and T3 run out . With NDT + T4 it was much smother for me to get my T3 mix with my T4 . When dosing with NDT we need to lower our T4 first since there is some T4 in the NDT already . Otherwise one can get hyper and experience hyper symptoms . Not Fun . One must always journal symptoms test thyroid markers and nutrients to feel their *Optimal*. Slow changes/tweaks are so important that we don't miss our *Sweet Spot*.

Sealsharp1952 profile image
Sealsharp1952 in reply to jgelliss

Thank you

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