I am on the AIP (auto-immune paleo / protocol) diet to help treat symptoms of Hashimoto's. It is helping so much, and was wondering if anyone else is doing the same thing?
Treating Hashimoto's with AIP diet?: I am on the... - Thyroid UK
Treating Hashimoto's with AIP diet?
Well done to you. This is not an easy regime to stick to but when you feel sick on a daily basis you will try anything. This way of eating really suits me and has contributed tremendously to my well being. I am now able to do regular exercise and most days feel fresh and strong, ready to tackle anything rather than sluggish, nauseous and hung over. I manage to eat mostly organic produce also. I'm certain it would help many folk who do not suffer with autoimmune conditions also and would significantly contribute to protection from many diseases. Keep up the good work. You are a strong willed person!
That’s fantastic that you’ve made so much progress - congratulations! I understand how amazing it feels to actually have some energy to do something!!! I didn’t realise quite how fatigued I was before! I totally agree with you about eating organic and how eating this way could help other diseases too. It is a lot of work to maintain the diet as everything I make has to be made from scratch, and of course difficult to eat out. But it’s worth it for how I feel compared to before!! x
I did it last year, and it was fantastic! I did keep in nightshades though.
I have struggled to reintroduce quite a few foods unfortunately, and keep eating things that I shouldn't... But you need to work on healing your gut, and that will hopefully help you to reintroduce a well rounded diet
Stick with it though, I really hope it continues to offer improvement
Great thanks for sharing! Yes I can’t wait to add in more foods. I think my gut is still healing, but I do manage to have the occasional nightshade (just not loads) and also some seeds in small quantities. It is extremely hard work maintaining it but I do feel like it’s been worth it. I’ve also found stress reduction has helped symptoms too, alongside diet. x

It's the weirdest foods that you can struggle to bring back in. I struggled a lot with legumes and oats, and have no symptoms at all from gluten or soya. As odd as it sounds, I'd prefer to avoid gluten than legumes!
It's amazing to see how many people feel so fantastic following this diet though, so we shall keep spreading the news
So true and also it’s so fascinating how everyone’s body is so different and responds to each food so differently! Yes we should keep spreading the message, I really want as many people to know as possible how powerful food can be in healing x

I never reintroduce any foods and rarely eat grains. I simply don't feel the need to. Pre and probiotics get a huge thumbs up from me. Now I take Kefir daily and this has made a significant difference to my gut health.
Yes, everyone’s body reacts differently so what’s good for one may be bad for another. Probiotics are fantastic for me too. I am just amazed at the power of food! x
Does that not get quite restrictive if you're following AIP? It basically ruled out eating anywhere but home for us, and I think it lacks some important nutrients overall (which is fine if you only follow it short term, but long term it's not good for you).
Yes, not full on AIP but strict dairy, gluten and soya free works for me, to stop bloating and other issues such as headaches, brain fog and so on. Not strict on nightshades, nuts or eggs but I think I'm okay with them and white rice too - you've got to get the carbs in! Just need to get my med's optimised now!
Thanks so much for sharing! Yes I am very strict on gluten, dairy and soya too. So glad that you are benefitting from it. I just wish that my doctors could have mentioned diet to me. I was diagnosed at 11 or 12, and I was told all I needed to do was take T4 and that was it. I felt horrendous for years, and only when I changed my diet did I realise that I could feel like a human being again!! I just wish more people knew how much difference diet makes!! Good luck with getting your meds optimised x

Thanks. The only reason I got onto the diet thing was that my husband is coeliac and I became gf for ease and safety at home, and it all developed from there. I am self diagnosed with Hashi's despite the usual story of going to the doc's for years and being offered anti-depressants and having 'normal' TSH. If only I'd known about thyroid anti-bodies a long time ago, I could have bypassed about 12 years of feeling absolutely crap!
Omg tell me about it!!! If only we were informed about antibodies!!! It’s really sad to think how many people’s lives have been wasted like that. I’m just so grateful for the internet! If it was left to my doctors, who knows what would have happened to me by now. X
I have never missed rice and non gluten carbs. My blood vitamin and mineral levels are all top of the range, I exercise daily and have loads of energy so for some like myself, I'm not sure these type of carbs are essential.
I am taking daily Bone Marrow and Beef Liver supplements from New Zealand, the highest quality line of whole-food supplements. I am getting ready to try along with what I am doing now the one pill that contains Grass-fed Beef Organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Kidney, Pancreas). My blood work (iron components) lab work tells the incredible story for me to continue on doing what I am doing. I was having hair loss and all loss hair grew back. I have no skin problems, energy back, my arthritis is still there but less, hugely less pain from inflammation. My state of thinking clearer. My diet for the last 20 yrs, was having meals consisting of no red meat, or poultry, dairy sometimes during those years eating vegan style. I had reverse for myself the diagnoses Diabetic 2. I am an old woman and when I started feeling tired, etc I did not hold the conclusion it was because I was old now. I went for blood tests. I was low in iron and low normal with my thyroid. I had never had problems in the past taking my medication with my Hypothyroid condition. Well, I started reading the research. Organs and glands are nutrient dense, whole food products. There is a wealth of information online especially if you search autoimmune diseases because often they require large amounts of nutrient-rich foods to heal the whole body so the immune system can settle down and the inflammatory process can stop. I can’t stomach the actually cooked meat. I chose the supplements I am taking because it is as pure as you can get...no fillers, non-GMO, grass fed New Zealand cattle...there are no cleaner cattle on this planet ( I am living in the United States) because of the very strict agricultural laws. To refine your search for info, you can look into the autoimmune paleo diet and you should find plenty to read! I will cont to report if anyone is interested because after I take another test with my thyroid gland if what I expect works, I will have more information.
Thanks so much for sharing. Those supplements sound like something I could look into, as I can't stomach eating organ meats either...! Congratulations for how well you are doing, it is very inspirational x
What is the AIP diet please?
Here is most of the info you need: autoimmunewellness.com/what... It's basically a very anti-inflammatory diet, a type of 'paleo' diet, but excludes even more foods that could cause flare ups in those with auto-immune disease. Everyone's body is different, from what i have seen, many people with an auto-immune disease like Hashi's seem to be doing amazingly on it. x

Thank you.