When I send a PM, how do I check that it has been received please,when the post has been turned off for replies.I have sent a PM this morning and was going to do a short post to the member to say I had sent a PM to them.There would be no point in waiting to hear from them if they haven't received it.
Sending PMs: When I send a PM, how do I check... - Thyroid UK
Sending PMs
As far as I know, there is no way of checking that someone has received a message - sorry.
Thanks Louise.Imust admit I tried,but to no avail.I will wait to see whether I get a reply.
However,it is such a good day today.I was denied travelling to Cheltenham this weekend to see my Granddaughter singing in "Oliver".......this,because of all my muscular pain,....too far to drive. My dear grandson has sent a short recording of her singing..I will confess I cried when I heard her....such a beautiful voice.
On top of that,at my Endo hospital visit yesterday, my medication brand was changed
back to that which I had been taking for years,before all the pain.
It's only day 1 but I just feel somehow it is going to work.All is right in my world😊
Hope you have a good day too.x

Awwww - a good day indeed! xx

There is no way of checking. If whoever you have PM'd is an active member then the PM will be received by them, there's no need to make a post telling them you've sent it as they will get email notification and also a red dot will appear next to the bell icon at the top of the page (on PC, not sure what it's like on a phone). Whether they choose to respond to your PM is their choice.
Ok. Thanks for that.As you can guess it was to the member seeking info.on Essex Endos etc. .....just hope they get sorted.
I'm sure your PM would have been received and your information welcome . If PMs have been turned off then you would probably receive a pop up that says "You don't have permission to do that" or something similar.
That's fine .Thanks Susie.