Help understanding blood results : Hi all ..I am... - Thyroid UK

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Help understanding blood results

Buttons10 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all ..I am currently in 100mg of Levothyroxine per day. And I also use Oestrogel . (Hysterectomy / ovaries retained )

However I have recently been feeling dreadful again. Hence why I have had more bloods done. If anyone can help me decipher the attached, I would be extremely grateful . Then I can go to my GP ..forearmed ..

Kind regards

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10 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

As per your original first post

High antibodies confirm you have autoimmune thyroid disease also called Hashimoto's

Low vitamin levels are extremely common with Hashimoto's

Ferritin result is far too low. Needs to be at least around 70

Eating liver or liver pate once a week, plus other iron rich foods like black pudding, prawns, spinach, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate, plus daily vitamin C can help improve iron absorption

Post about FERRITIN from few minutes ago


Good iron supplements

No vitamin D test

Ask GP or buy NHS postal kit £29

Low vitamin D is extremely common with Hashimoto's

Folate and B12 - ok but not brilliant

If vitamin D is low and you start supplementing vitamin D then B vitamins often need supplementing too

All four vitamins need to be optimal for good thyroid function

Other vitamin supplements that may help

You can test first, or just supplement

Selenium supplements can help improve conversion of FT4 to FT3


Thyroid results

TSH low

FT4 high

FT3 is low.

Like many with Hashimoto's and low vitamins your conversion is poor. Getting vitamins optimal should improve conversion

It may be enough...or it may not

With Hashimoto's many benefit from strictly gluten free diet

Are you gluten free?

According to Izabella Wentz the Thyroid Pharmacist approx 5% with Hashimoto's are coeliac, but over 80% find gluten free diet helps, sometimes significantly. Either due to direct gluten intolerance (no test available) or due to leaky gut and gluten causing molecular mimicry (see Amy Myers link)

Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal and slowly lower TPO antibodies

Ideally ask GP for coeliac blood test first or buy test online for under £20, just to rule it out first

Assuming test is negative you can immediately go on strictly gluten free diet

(If test is positive you will need to remain on high gluten diet until endoscopy, maximum 6 weeks wait officially)

Trying gluten free diet for 3-6 months. If no noticeable improvement then reintroduce gluten and see if symptoms get worse

Other gut issues due to being hypothyroid

Retesting thyroid and vitamins in 2-4 months after working on Vitamin Improvements and strictly gluten free

If FT3 remains low look at seeing a thyroid specialist for prescription of small dose of T3

Email Dionne at Thyroid Uk for list of recommended thyroid specialists

please email Dionne at

Buttons10 profile image
Buttons10 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you so much ..for coming back to me so quickly and not to mention all the fab info..

I’m printing it all out as I speak to take with me to the doctors tomorrow. I had worked a little of it out for myself . But where the results say ‘normal - No action ‘ that’s where I thought “surely this can’t be right “ so I needed a more expert opinion.

I had been doing ‘okish’ but never good enough . And for the past 3 weeks I’ve been really struggling.

I am so grateful for your help ..xx

Buttons10 profile image
Buttons10 in reply to SlowDragon

Sorry just to add you asking about my diet ..I eat fresh/ clean and organic where possible . I don’t drink or smoke. I try where possible to be as gluten free as I can. I don’t eat bread at all. I eat ‘a lot’ of salads and fresh veg. I am a meat eater (chicken, beef, pork, lamb..not all in one week tho ;)

Re the Iron ..I do like liver, pate, and black pudding (basically everything you mention)

I’m going to sit down and have a good look at the links tonight ..


SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Buttons10

To be effective gluten free diet needs to be absolutely strictly gluten free (as if coeliac)

Try it for 3-6 months, if no noticeable improvement then reintroduce gluten and see if symptoms get worse

Buttons10 profile image
Buttons10 in reply to SlowDragon

Hi SD ..Just updating you .. I went to my GP this am ..and I had all the info regarding what you said about my bloods .

But I came out feeling pretty deflated tbh . He upped my Levo’ by 25..gave me iron which he said ‘would prob make me constipated’ ..agreed to the bloods for Vit D and Coeliac ..(when I get repeat tested for everything again in 4 weeks !)

I also tried (in vain) to put over to him why I think I might also benefit from a B12 shot (I had also researched my ‘argument’ so that I could back it up ) . However he said that based on my bloods my vit B12 is fine !!!

He wud not accept that it was in the low side.

So I have now booked myself a private B12 shot. Which will be delivered to my home tomorrow. And then a nurse (included in the cost) will come to administer it .

He also said that I should be taking a good quality multi vitamin. When I told him that I was taking Lamberts multi guard ADR (1 tablet, twice a day) he said well just ‘double up’ to 2 tablets twice a day!

I said but then I’m looking at double the cost !

(Approx £30 for 120 ain’t cheap)

So that’s where I am for the moment. I’m hoping that I get some relief with the increase of 25 levo and the iron and B12.

I’ve just walked 5 mins from my house to the chemist and I’m now lying on the bed as if I’ve ran a marathon.

The best of it is ..this is a new GP..a total new practice that I changed to after the other one was as much use a as a chocolate fire guard. And where I live geographically, There’s only one other surgery that I haven’t tried . But it’s much further away.

So Ive done what I can for the moment.

But Thank you so much for your help. And if it’s ok . I will post my new blood results later on in the month for you to check over.

Kind regards L

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Buttons10

Surprised GP agreed to dose increase in Levothyroxine as TSH is quite low.

What was FT4 result and ranges?

You might increase just extra 25mcg on alternate days.

Make sure to get TSH, FT3 and FT4 tested in 6-8 weeks after dose increase. Test as early as possible in morning and fasting and last Levothyroxine dose 24 hours before blood test

Couple of things

On here it's generally not recommend to take multivitamins. Most contain iodine not recommended with Hashimoto's and copper not recommended either.

B12 and folate.

You can get good improvement in both these with supplements. You may not need regular B12 injections.

Supplementing a good quality daily vitamin B complex, one with folate in not folic acid may be beneficial.

B vitamins best taken in the morning after breakfast

Recommended brands on here are Igennus Super B complex. (Often only need one tablet per day, not two. Certainly only start with one tablet per day after breakfast. Retesting levels in 6-8 weeks ).

Or Jarrow B-right is popular choice, but is large capsule

If you are taking vitamin B complex, or any supplements containing biotin, remember to stop these 7 days before any blood tests, as biotin can falsely affect test results

Yes majority of iron supplements can cause constipation

Liver, liver pate or black pudding should help improve levels.

Daily vitamin C may help improve iron absorption.

If you do take any iron supplements then vitamin C at same time can improve iron absorption

Buttons10 profile image
Buttons10 in reply to SlowDragon

My TPO antibody was 95.6 (0.00-9.00U/ml)FT3 - 4.6 (3.10-6.80mol/L)

TSH - 0.426 (0.57-3.60mU/L)

FT4 - 13.7 (7.90-14.00pmol/L)

Re the lamberts :

Two tablets deliver :

Vit D 10ug

Vit E 12 mg

Vit K 20ug

Vit C 100mg

Thiamin 25mg

Riboflavin 12mg

Niacin 50mg

Vit B6 25mg

Folic acid 400 ug

Biotin 150 ug

Pantothenic Acid 150mg

Calcium 400mg

Magnesium 300mg

Iron 14mg

Zinc 15mg

Copper 0.5 mg

Manganese 2mg

Selenium 200ug

Please note prior to my blood tests I was not taking the lamberts (above) for at least two weeks .

🤔🤔has I have taken his advice ..and doubled up on the above ..surely I’d have been ‘over ‘ medicating with certain things .

So ‘to me ‘ that was bonkers advice .

Thanks again ..and I will read those links this evening ..


Buttons10 profile image
Buttons10 in reply to SlowDragon

Just to say ..I totally forgot to mention that since coming back from the GP (with my frustration on full pelt) I git in touch with a company who will send me a B12 shot in the post it’s on its way for delivery tomorrow . And they have since rang me back so see when I would like the nurse to come and administer it (including times available for this weekend) I can’t wait to see how I get on with that 🙏🏻 £90 I might add . But if it makes me feel better 🤷🏼‍♀️..My daughter is a dispensary manager (not where me & hubby live tho ) and she said it certainly wudnt do me any harm to try it .

I’m deffo going to look at those Vit supplements .. as I’m nearly out of lamberts anyway . And tbh they are like horse pills . I sometimes struggle to get them down . So anything smaller is deffo a bonus.


SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Buttons10

You need to test vitamin D soon

Frequently very low. Aiming to improve vitamin D to at least 80nmol and around 100nmol may be better

£29 NHS postal kit

Getting vitamin D at good levels helps many

Better You vitamin D mouth spray is very effective with Hashimoto's as avoids poor gut function

Good thing about Igennus B complex is nice small pills

Buttons10 profile image
Buttons10 in reply to SlowDragon

Brilliant - plenty there for me to go at ..

Thanks again x

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