Just so you are aware, as of tomorrow (first of April, 2019), prescription charges in England, for those who do not hold exemption certificates, rise from £8.80 to £9.00.
And a reminder, being eligible for an exemption certificate does NOT mean you are exempt. You must apply for and receive that exemption certiifcate (Medex) and renew it as required.
If you are not eligible for exemption on any grounds, you should consider a prepayment certificate - especially as the cost of that has not risen.
This year, therefore, we have increased the prescription charge by 20 pence from £8.80 to £9 for each medicine or appliance dispensed. To ensure that those with the greatest need, and who are not already exempt from the charge, are protected we have frozen the cost of the prescription prepayment certificates (PPC) for another year. The 3-month PPC remains at £29.10 and the cost of the annual PPC will stay at £104. Taken together, this means prescription charge income is expected to rise broadly in line with inflation.