Having this done on Wednesday next week and wondered if you can drive yourself home afterwards. There is nothing in the letter to say yay or nay
Short synacthen test: Having this done on... - Thyroid UK
Short synacthen test

I had no problems after the test.
You should be okay, make sure they do an ACTH blood test at the stat - this needs to go on ice. If your base line cortisol is low but your cortisol levels double in the test, they may tell you that you are fine & don't have Addison's or primary adrenal insufficiency, however you could have secondary adrenal insufficiency. Primary is when the adrenal glands are compromised & don't produce enough cortisol. Secondary is when your adrenal glands are working but the pituitary gland isn't sending enough ACTH to the adrenal glands for them to produce cortisol. Treatment for both conditions are virtually the same. Hope that helps a bit? Good luck!

Thank you. They don't explain about primary or secondary adrenal problems just book you in for the test.
The letter would expressly mention it, if it was contraindicated. All that happens is they take a blood draw for the base measurement, inject the synthetic ACTH and you may feel a momentary flash of nausea - blink of an eye, and it's gone - and 30 minutes later another blood draw. Then coffee and a biscuit and you're on your way. I drove home to the Midlands from the Yorkshire hospital, no problem.
I had one two week ago. I’m sure we all react differently. I nearly fainted on the bus back into work . They said you may feel sick , which I was that later night . I’m not sure if mine was a reaction to it , as I felt fine whilst having it. They did say most people are fine with it .
Usually, yes. Even if you have an abnormal reaction. However, it made me cry uncontrollably, so take tissues. I felt great for the rest of the day, though (test was abnormal).
I had the Scathing test last August at my immunologist clinic. It was sub optimal and I have been referred to endocrinologist. Still awaiting appointment.
Whoops Synacthen