Hi all, I’m new to this and I feel so lost. This is a little long winded so I apologies in advance.
Basically, I was told I have goitre and autoimmune thyroid disease a couple of years ago after having an ultrasound scan on my thyroid gland. Everything has been.....ok, although every time I’ve been to a hospital for either kids admitted to a&e or general appointments, I always have a doctor point out my goitre and ask me about it, they always seem shocked that I’m not on any mediation yet, one doctor even told my partner that he should find another wife because things will get bad :/
Anyway, this past year has been challenging, my anxiety has been terrible, I’ve had physical pains from it, irritatable to the point of snapping at my loved ones for the silliest of things, (my partner having tv too loud or one of the kids accidentally bumping into me) I just shouted at them for it, when it’s no big deal. I have a shaky hand, palpitations, mood swings, I’ve lost weight even though I’m eating as much as I always do, I can’t get warm, I’m always so so tired (even when walking I feel I could just curl up and sleep), I have muscle and joint pain, unable to concentrate (my family notice when the “lose me” and give up finishing the conversation) and I feel like I’m just falling apart at the age of 32. I just don’t feel right and I’m sick of people thinking it’s in my head and that I’ll get over it.
Recently seen my doctor about the anxiety and was given citolopram? (Spelling maybe wrong) however after taking them for two and a half weeks, I’ve taken myself off them as they were making my symptoms worse and I was feeling suicidal. I had my routine bloods done, I was convinced that my hormone levels had changed but they’re “normal”, liver function normal, amongst them all, the only thing that came back low was iron and vit D, which I’m taking supplements for now. I was given a pelvis scan to check me over because my menstal cycles are irregular and thankfully everything is normal there.
My anxiety has settled, however my muscle and joint pain, mood swings, palpitations etc are all still there, is there any way these tests can be wrong or are there any other test that can be done? I never make a fuss but I feel like my doctor will get sick of me and people will just see me as a moaner, which I feel I’m becoming. Even my kids have noticed a change in me and that breaks my heart.