Hi, I was told I have Graves Disease I took carbimazole for 4 weeks and since then my levels have been in range for 8 months. However, I have all the symptoms such as excessive sweating, frequent bowel movements, Fatigue, Aches and shortness of breath. My endo does not want to treat me with meds until my ranges show abnormal levels. However, I am suffering from constant shortness of breath and believe this is linked to my thyroid but the endo says as long as my bloods are in range then it can't be my thyroid causing the shortness of breath. I have seen a pulmonary Dr and my lungs are functioning properly so I know it is not that, I have even tried antihistamines. Any advice?
New here-Shortness of breath: Hi, I was told I... - Thyroid UK
New here-Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath can be due to low ferritin. Have you had any iron tests done?
What are your thyroid test results, I know you say they are in range but can you post the results with their reference ranges.
In December 2017 my results were:
TSH- 0.007 (0.27-4.2)
FT3- 6:89 (3.1-6.8)
FT4-23.59 (12-22)
After taking Carbimazole for 4 weeks my results were:
currently my levels are:
FT4- 14.70
After taking Carbimazole for 4 weeks i was told by my endo to stop as he felt the previous endo over medicated me. Since then my bloods have been in range. Currently not taking any meds but my shortness of breath is at its worst. My endo is saying if my bloods are in range then it’s not due to the thyroid. I also had a nuclear scan which shows Graves.
I had my ferritin checked in dec 2017 and it as 81.
My iron then was 10.20
Any advice or help would be appreciated
Reference ranges are needed to accurately interpret your results, they vary from lab to lab which is why we ask for ranges as well as results.
Your December 2017 ferritin result is no longer appropriate, it could have changed dramatically since then. I would ask to have a full iron panel and a full blood count.
I have added the reference ranges now. I will also get a new full iron and blood count done. But I have been suffering with shortness of breath many years before I was diagnosed with Graves. My Endo thinks I have had Graves for many years and it wasn’t picked up as my levels keep changing and then stay normal. In the past every time I have had a thyroid test done it was always in range until dec 2017, which it was then picked up. Thanks
TSH- 0.007 (0.27-4.2)
FT3- 6:89 (3.1-6.8)
FT4-23.59 (12-22)
That could very well have been a Hashimoto's "hyper" phase. I see below your TSI result was negative. I would get Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) and Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies tested for Hashi's. We see a lot of incorrectly diagnosed Graves on here, and it turns out it was Hashi's all along and the Graves diagnosis was given during a Hashi's hyper phase.
The endo was certain I had Hashimotos but when they did the thyroid uptake scan it confirmed Graves. He was in shock and even suggested I could be a hybrid patient who switches from one to another!! He said his educational knowledge does not let him go against the result of the uptake scan. But since then my levels every month have been normal.
How were you diagnosed with Grave's? Did the endo test TRAB or TSI antibodies?
Endo did a nuclear uptake scan to diagnose me with Graves. My TSI in December 2017 was 0.45 Unit IU/L
Negative <1.5
Indeterminate 1.5-1.75
Positive >1.75
Well, I don't know if that TSI is positive without seeing the range used by the lab where the blood was analysed.
Sorry I am new to all of this is and I kee forgetting to add the reference ranges. I have added them to my post now thanks
Well, then, according to those labs, you don't have Grave's. Have you had your TPO antibodies tested? You could have Hashi's.