This is a new one on me. Has anyone tried this? Know anything about it? Wonder if it can be used for those who are poor converters.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) treatment for Hashimo... - Thyroid UK
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) treatment for Hashimoto's?

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If you contact this member is quite knowledgteable and I believe it helped her condition.
Here’s some info that will help.
I’ve researched LDN and it doesn’t work for everyone. But it can help lower antibodies for some with hashimotos.
As the link states you can get a private prescription cheap enough on line with a consultation and start low and increase slowly.
I was on LDN for many months. Zero side effects. It lowered my antibodies, but not significantly.
I’ve been taking LDN, 4.5mls every morning, for almost nine months. I don’t know if it’s lowered my antibodies as I haven’t had them tested for a while but I feel amazingly well. Much better than I did. I sleep like a log at night, am able to exercise and feel a lot less ‘inflamed’ than I did.
May I ask when in the day you take your dose please? I’m also considering taking LDN and have chronic insomnia and crazy high antibodies, so am interested to see if it helps me too.
Hi, I take my LDN 4.5mls at night, just before bed. Can't say it affects my sleep positively or not. What did make a bigger difference for sleep was sorting out my adrenals but that's a whole other story! Think LDN helped drop my Hashi antibodies and general immune boost e.g. don't get so many colds, and weirdly years long back pain eased off.
I've taken LDN at 4.5mg daily since 2015. I haven't tested my thyroid antibodies during that time, so I don't know whether it has affected them.
The reason I started on it was to manage early RA in my hands and wrists, because I was becoming really disabled. It's been very effective for the pain and inflammation. I still have plenty of other health issues though.
I have written in past posts about my husband taking LDN 3.5 mg to try to lower his thyroid antibodies. He just had new blood work and a drs. visit and his antibodies have come down slightly. What I believe the LDN has mainly done is stopped the antibodies from increasing. For several years his antibodies were constantly increasing. He has taken LDN for about a year now and at 3 month and 6 month blood test the antibodies had stopped increasing. Now with this last test they went down slightly...not significantly though. His dr. has just written his new LDN script for 4.5 mg to see if the increase may help more. My husbands LDN is compounded at a local pharmacy and the instructions have been to take just before going to bed. If you read up on LDN you will see what the reasoning is for taking it at bedtime. He never had any side effects and vivid dreams for about a week are the only side effect that some people seem to have. My husbands dr. did say LDN works for some and not for others.