Achey lymph nodes and persistent sinisitis I have hypothyroidism is this linked ?
Lymph Nodes: Achey lymph nodes and persistent... - Thyroid UK
Lymph Nodes

Yes, I used to get both of these all the time until my thyroid was treated with T4 Thyroxine. Now I find that does not help and I take T3 . I haven't had it for years since starting treatment but was plagued with sinus problems from a teenager when no one knew what was wrong.
This could definitely be linked.
I had lots of trouble with my sinuses, nose and throat before medication. Post nasal drip was the most persistent problem but as other symptoms developed and worsened, my tonsils became permanently inflamed and I got regular infections.
Once I started medication, it all cleared up. Now I find if I need a change in medication or have a dip in thyroid health for whatever reason, my nose and throat symptoms are among the first to return.
Do you find you have other persistent hypo symptoms? If so you might find that you need an increase in your medication.
The only way that I have gotten rid of my sinus problems was raising my Vitamin D level which was dire. Last year I started taking Vitamin C everyday. Guess what, not one sinus problem since. History started at around 8 years old, 38 years old major sinus op, 23 years later another major sinus op. I am 72 years old and this only stopped one year ago. I didn't even start these two vitamins for sinus either but to help hypo symptoms, surely this must be connected?
That's great if those vits have been the answer. How much Vit D do you now take?
Well I take a maintenance dose of 1000 one day and 2000 the next. I will post my results in November from Blue Horizon. It's odd but it could be the vitamin C which I only started Aug 2017. It was the first winter since I was eight that I did't catch a cold or have sinus problems.
Many thanks for the info!
For sure, I'm on t3/t4 (NDT) and still get those symptoms at varying times.
I have found the salt water nasal sprays that you can buy at the chemists help with sinus problems. I also take extra VitC if I think I’m getting a cold, plus the good old fashioned remedy of the juice of half a lemon, some honey (to taste), a little pinch of powdered ginger, in hot water before bed.
I’m not sure about the aching lymph nodes, I have begun to experience this symptom recently myself. Considering visiting the GP to get it checked out, but not expecting they will be much help.