Hi everyone,
I have asked this on a FB forum and was really surprised at the replies regarding "Yes". But my question is to people here ....Has anyone got Sleep apnoea and thyroid condition, normally under active?
As many of you may know, I have always had an under active thyroid (was born with a partial non working gland, with a threat of maybe having a goitre, but touch wood, never happened to me) I have always suffered with claustrophobia, but it wasn't until I was nearly 53, when I was really poorly that it was diagnosed that I have sleep apnoea, which they think I may have always had but gone undetected.
Many people think it is associated with being over weight, but that is not the case at all. At my clinic, there are all shapes and sizes and reasons why you might have it. Potentially anyone who snores, could have a form of it. Including my husband, but they say it is only temporary for him.
I have also recently found out that I have a male cousin in his 60's who is a very very slim person and yet he has both under active thyroid and sleep apnoea too.
I am just curious to know if anyone else has been diagnosed with both conditions?
Take care