Does hypothyroid cause sensitivity to other med... - Thyroid UK

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Does hypothyroid cause sensitivity to other medicines?

26 Replies

I want to know if hypothyroidism causes sensitivity with other medications? I am starting to get my thyroid hormone balanced but I still have a slight sensitivity to other medicines. What I mean is medicines have a longer half life and they are stronger being hypothyroid.

26 Replies
Heloise profile image

Solly, why not ask your pharmacist. I would say that thyroid hormone (are you taking it?) is naturally found in every cell in the body so it's not really a medication. Are you talking about pharmaceuticals? Some of THOSE interfere with your thyroid hormone, like antidepressants.

in reply to Heloise

Yes pharmaceuticals like antidepressants. I was just curious about if anyone noticed any abnormal effects with them.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to

Solly, your thyroid acts as an antidepressant since it corrects serotonin and dopamine. You will not need an antidepressant if you optimize your thyroid levels reduce your antibodies. If you have time to watch some of this, Dr. Bergman talks about pharmaceuticals as opposed to supplements that really work WITH the body and not against it.

Aurealis profile image

I wonder if it’s a genetic thing? I’ve been sensitive to medicines all my life even before I became hypo.

in reply to Aurealis

My friend did recommend to get genetic testing. I will look into this some more.

cazlooks profile image

anything that effects change in your body can make it react differently; as thyroid medication is often derived from animal hormones your body may be sensitive to that too, meaning you are already at a sensitivity high and may react more strongly to things, Or you may have always been sensitive to these things but the hormone will make you react more as your body is working harder in every direction. It is complicated but then so is the human body!

Summer64 profile image

I seem to need smaller doses of some medicines, mainly pain killers, and this was happening before I lost my thyroid. They knock me off my feet at normal dose.

JOLLYDOLLY profile image
JOLLYDOLLY in reply to Summer64

Funny you should say that Summer64, I find I do not need the doses of pain killers either. I was in hospital recently and they gave me just 2 mls of morphine and I felt really high! I think our threshold of pain is quite high tbh. I also have a low intolerance of alcohol, unfortunately (ha ha), two glasses and I practically pass out - so cheap to take out! ;)

Summer64 profile image
Summer64 in reply to JOLLYDOLLY

I can't do alcohol either. I swear I can get tipsy on the smell alone lol

JOLLYDOLLY profile image
JOLLYDOLLY in reply to Summer64

Its funny isn't? My daughters laugh at me as they always say my small glass is their bottle lol! I used to enjoy a glass of wine but rarely touch any alcohol now. I think because like you, I feel tipsy. Or I just fall asleep. I wonder if there is a connection??

in reply to Summer64

Lol! 😂 😂😂😂

JOLLYDOLLY profile image

Are you allergic to anything then? I have been on thyroids all my life, never been sensitive, but I believe I have a high threshold of pain, (just as well really) but I don't know if it is coincidence or not. :)

in reply to JOLLYDOLLY

This is an interesting question because I know about something’s that I am allergic too. I will get some drug genetic testing done.

JOLLYDOLLY profile image
JOLLYDOLLY in reply to

Good idea! I have been thinking about it since reading your post. The only thing I can think of that I was allergic too and that was Boots after sun cream, but that was many moons ago. But fortunately so far, no reactions to meds. A little sensitive to shell fish, but nothing else.

Marymary7 profile image

I'm the opposite, when I broke my wrist in three places very badly nothing touched the pain. I presume they gave me something strong in A and E but it was a horrendous pain. They gave me something else to try to ease it but it was ages before I felt relief and staff actually asked me if I took a lot of painkillers but I don't. I hate taking pills and rarely take anything other than my HRT and thyroid hormones. 😎

JOLLYDOLLY profile image
JOLLYDOLLY in reply to Marymary7

The only pain I can't cope with his the nerve damage in my back from a Epidural. I find that is excruciating, but they will not help me with that. So standing for long is unbearable and hinders my mobility, so I never stand still lol. Of course, it is all in my head!! Any other pain I have experienced, I can just about cope with without pain relief or mild pain relief.

Marymary7 profile image
Marymary7 in reply to JOLLYDOLLY

Are you positive that your B12 level is ok/high enough.... Problems with this can give back nerve pain.

JOLLYDOLLY profile image
JOLLYDOLLY in reply to Marymary7

I have got B12 deficiency and pernicious anaemia but not actually anaemic at the moment. I think with the back, I have a problem with one of the discs too as I had a problem with it when I was pregnant and over the years you do silly things, well I did, in lifting. So overall it is a combination of things. It all seems to centre around my right lumbar region. I am up to date with my B12 shots and results are good.

Marymary7 profile image
Marymary7 in reply to JOLLYDOLLY

Are you on the sister site for b12 deficiency . Lots of info on there. You do sound poorly and it's worth looking at everything.

JOLLYDOLLY profile image
JOLLYDOLLY in reply to Marymary7

To be honest Marymary7, I did not know there was one, but I will have a look shortly. Thank you for letting me know. :)

Marymary7 profile image
Marymary7 in reply to JOLLYDOLLY

Pernicious anemia society. It's brilliant. Read up and learn. Don't trust the 'your results are fine con'.

JOLLYDOLLY profile image
JOLLYDOLLY in reply to Marymary7

Thanks again :)

I will let you know.

heathermr profile image

I think its to do with your metabolic rate dropping dramatically when you have had underactive thyroid problems on a long term basis. Even though I am taking a full replacement dose of T3 medication my metabolic rate is very low and even on a very strict diet I struggle to do enough exercise to keep my weight under control. I have to take medication as I now have Epilepsy and migranes and find that I can only take less than half the minimum dose recommended of the medication or I get huge overdose symptoms. Its really had the Neuros scratching their heads as they don't seem to want to talk to the Endos (no surprise there!!) but they are puzzled as to why I can only tolerate such a low dose and yet it seems to be effective at stopping the fits so far.


in reply to heathermr

How much cytomel are you taking? I wonder the metabolic stuff because medical literature says low thyroid can effect your liver enzymes. I get my liver enzymes check and they look normal but I imagine it must be something more.

heathermr profile image

My body seems to need somewhere between 80 and 90 MCG of Cytomel depending on my level of activity. I know when I need some more because my fingers and knees become stiff and swollen when I need more T3. My TSH is zero and has been for many years probably after a head injury and I have not taken T4 for many years. I have been on a strict diet for most of my life so I think this means my metabolic rate must be very low.


in reply to heathermr

Hi Heathermr I want to thank you for this information and this is something that I can discuss with my doctor about the cytomel. I hope they can figure out your metabolism issues too.

Solly Ono

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