I’ve been prescribed Teva brand and am nervous now after reading about how it might not work for me??? What other brands are available on the NHS do you know? Can I get surgery to swap mine? Thanks
Teva brand?: I’ve been prescribed Teva brand and... - Thyroid UK
Teva brand?

Try it first, and see how it makes you feel. It’s apparently good for lactose-intolerance.

Personally, unless you know you are lactose intolerant, I would start with a different band
Activis, wockhart or Mercury Pharma are most popular/widely available
Thanks, I’ve managed to change the 25mg packet to Mercury pharma (which I was on beforehand) but apparently they don’t manufacture a 12.5 mg dose so I’m stuck with that pack, until I can get a doctor to switch which I’m attempting to do without having to book another appointment!! Oh the joys 😄
Nobody makes a 12.5mcg dose.....it's far too small dose anyway.
25mcg dose is starting dose for anyone over 50 years old
If GP absolutely insists on starting on 12.5mcg then two options
cut the 25mcg in half with craft knife or pill cutter
Or take 25mcg on alternate days
Levothyroxine is storage hormone, so taking on alternate days is not a problem
I was prescribed Teva around a year ago, gave me chest pain and palpitations, had a note put on my file to say no Teva and I have been fine until last script when I had taken a couple and was feeling bad again looked at the pack and guess what - Teva brand again! Off to surgery today to get them changed, at least I know now it is definitely the brand as I was feeling ill without knowing I was taking them so not imagining it.
Update: spent an hour at surgery seeing pharmacist who decided couldn't just change brand as I had symptoms from side effects needed to be seen by doctor so after a total morning have now got another script for different brand. Success of sorts - wonderehY would have happened if I had contd with the Teva????
I have yellow carded it to MRHA
TEVA no problem for me but it is for some.
Thanks for that, I’ll keep an open mind with both😄
Hello Casaclara,
Did you stick with taking the Teva brand of Levo?
Just come across your post as doing research myself on it. All I seem to come across are negative reviews...... was just wondering how you're getting on with it please?
I started Teva yesterday and obviously a bit worried about it bt trying to keep an open mind.
Hi, I didn’t bother taking Teva, managed to swap at pharmacy for Pharma Mercury and now, after a much higher TSH reading after NHS blood test 6.4, (compared to Medichecks) I convinced dr to start me on 50 mcg instead of the woeful 12.5/25 mcg they’d prescribed the week before !! I’ll let you know how I get on