Is any body else having problems getting Amdipharm carbimazole 5mg I have been having the run around for about 2 years now, my doctors pharmacy could not get them, so I went to Boots and they have been getting them ok, until now they have informed me they cannot get that make
Overactive thyroid Carbimazole 5mg Amdipharm make - Thyroid UK
Overactive thyroid Carbimazole 5mg Amdipharm make

Mine come in either a plain white box or a glass bottle, so difficult to tell. I’ve currently got white 20mg in a bottle, and a strip pack of light peach 5mg. Prior to this, I had strip packs of darker peach 20mg. A while back, I had white 20mg in a blue and white plastic pot, but can’t remember the maker.
Are you having probs with other brands ?
Hi Valarian
I had been taking the small white 5mg ones that are carbimazole maker are Amdipharm, they are sealed in a foil and are pale pink, then for some reason my doctors pharmacist, changed them to a white tablet in a bottle these tablet gave me a added complication of acid reflux and the doctor wanted me to take another tablet for the acid reflux!! its bad enough having to have to take the carbs for the rest of my life without taking another tablet, so I insisted on the doctors getting me Amdipharm make, they could not supply that make, so I went to Boots and they have been supplying with them, and no acid reflux, now Boots cannot get me Amdipharm so I am back to square one again, at the end of the day I truly believe its all to do with money and the cost of the Amdipharm make
I know this is a while since you posted this, but just wondering if you are still in the same situation or u managed to swap brands on? I’ve only ever been able to get on with amdipharm and after a relapse I need to be on medication again, problem is they are telling me they can only give me flamingo brand.
Sorry for my late reply, yes I am still having terrible problems getting my Amdipharm brand, I was able to get some at the Co op chemists so every month I have been going to different coops to get them, but now sadly they are getting a new brand in, it is all cost it seems the Amdipharm make are too expensive, I spoke to a pharmacist that told me Neomercazole by Amdipharm they are a small white tablets just put into a tablet pot, she said they are the same as the ones I was getting in the foil pop outs, but my doctor tells me they cannot get those either expense again, it seems if they give me the cheaper brand plus a tablet for reflux its cheaper than giving me the tablets that don't cause me problems, hope this helps you
I have googled it and found that amdipharm have discontinued carbimazole as of 2012, the ones I’m on atm are Accord small white tablets, they gave me flamingo ones that were pink to start with but didn’t agree with me, I don’t feel great on these but it’s only first few days
Neomercazole (carbimazole) tablets 5mg and 20mg will be discontinued from 1 June 2012 by Amdipharm. Medical information on 01268 823049.
I was told by my doctors pharmacy that they could not get Amdipharm brand, so I phoned Amdipharm UK based in London a couple of weeks ago and was told they still make Carbimazole, when I told my doctors pharmacy they were not very pleased with me, I have been on them since 2006 to date, but I don't know how long that will last now, the Coop suggested I tried Lloyds chemists.
I think you have fallen into a trap!
Advanz (formerly Amdipharm./Mercury Pharma) stopped the Neo-Mercazole product but continue to supply carbimazole. See here:
So it’s now advanz?
Yes, but that misses the ownership by Concordia International - and it is that level that is now called Advanz. The branding of the tablets might or might not eventually catch up.
Hi can I just ask the reason I cannot get the Amdipharm brand is because of the price? so my GP supplies are getting the cheapest make of Carbimazole