Hi all!
I'm new here, I've thought I might have dodgy thyroid for ages but the NHS always told me I was fine so I believed them. I've always struggled with energy and cold issues since puberty, before that I was kept nicely warm by my internal radiator, pretty much no matter what the air or water temperature was like!
I've always shyed away from pushing myself as I know I just can't do it, but after the death of the people who raised me and splitting up with a partner I realised that I wanted to try to get myself a career I actually would enjoy and that if I have a health condition that makes it hard, I'll just have to finally address it. So for the last 2 years I've been working on minimum wage and doing higher education qualifications in a new and pretty brutal industry. I knew it would be a nightmare but what can you do?
I'd been propping myself up with supplements to make it through every day, suffering headache and tinnitus bouts that lasted days and feeling like I had about 20 times too much adrenaline, constantly sweating etc. Then at Christmas a virus possibly flu, floored me and straight after Christmas I was into a very manual job outside in the cold all day. I had lost 1/2 a stone and felt constantly ravenous, and was losing more in that job I just couldn't get enough energy in! Every 2-4 days I'd run a fever and have to stay home. I am not overweight and know that many people don't think you can be hypothyroid if you aren't, and though I feel my symptoms mostly fit hypo I was interested to see if maybe I was hyper with the weight loss.
I changed roles and am now back to my normal weight. I got the following private test results. Because of my mouth full of dodgy old amalgam fillings I also got my mercury levels checked but they seem ok. (0.7ug/l reference range is <5.)
I'm in my late 30s, have the vast majority of hypothyroidism symptoms, all of my closest family members have/had type 2 diabetes. I've suffered hirsutism since puberty too so I'm sure something is up with my endocrine system.
I thought to check my old 23 and me data recently too and the first thing that stood out to me was that I have a homozygous DIO2 mutation - the one that ends in ***14, where your brain can't read the T3. That does make a lot of sense for me, I've felt for a long time that I have Asperger's/ADHD or similar. I saw a few other snps flagged up in red too but wasn't as sure what I was looking at. I only know one half of my family and have no idea at all about the health issues of any of my paternal line, which is why I got 23 and me.
Oh and last thing - not sure if it makes any difference but I also know from 23 and me that I have a homozygous MTHFR mutation, I think it's called C677T?
There's a bit more but since this is my first post I'll keep it short for now! What do people think?