Hello, my husband has been on PTU for the past few months and recently has started feeling pain on the right hand side of his abdomen. I of course might be panicking unnecessarily as after his recent journey with Graves’ disease my anxiety has rocketed. PTU may have side affects on the liver. What tests can he have done to check if his liver is ok?
PTU and liver: Hello, my husband has been on PTU... - Thyroid UK
PTU and liver

Hi Kari book him a gp appt he will probably be sent for a ultrasound on his liver and also some bloods to check for liver function but what about gallstones? Many people with thyroid issues have gallstones too, if it was me I would see gp. Good luck🌟
Thanks Rmichelle. He is seeing his GP on the 14th so we will see if the pain doesn’t go away. It’s crazy what happens to my anxiety levels because of this. How are you doing? I have seen some posts that you were worried about Graves coming back. I hope it’s not the case...
Lol ☺ no I've been having some hyper symptoms, could also be the change in dose 2.5every other day now, just rang Endo secretary for my bloods but would not give them out for love or money- she has put them in the post- she did state they were in range- not really helpful, don't you wish they would stop treating numbers eh!!
On the other hand it could be a hashi hyper swing, I think I've given up guessing now☺ at least I'm not hyper then, ha just feel it.
Anyway enough about me, 🙌 hope the pain does go away for h but its best just to check it out the gp will probably want to have a little touch of the area....let me know how he gets on kari.x
Hi kari55
Don't worry your not alone with your anxiety and it's only natural, I'm on the phone to my doctor every week as my health anxiety is crazy (it has calmed down a lot over this last month)
I would read the leaflet for ptu to see what the side effects are and speak with your husbands doctor.
I can't comment on ptu as I was on carbimazole and I probably experienced every side effect on the leaflet which also stated stomach pains. I experienced random stomach pains, I'd feel like I was being poked on and off throughout the day sometimes in the side for about a week then sometimes low abdomen/ back and it would always last for about a week and disappear. I was a little a naughty and never mentioned it to my doctor as at the time I just couldn't cope with anything else going wrong with me plus I probably forgot to add it to my 100 symptom list 😂 ,!
I hope it passes soon for your husband and best to mention it to the doc. is he doing a lot better on ptu? X
Thanks Lisa! He skipped a tablet this morning and says the pain is much less. Not sure if the pain is even PTU related but will see how he gets on. He is so much better now in terms of his thyroid. His white blood cells only stopped falling when he reduced the dose after advice from Elaine Moore. He actually reduced his dose 3 times and told the endo, she didn’t mind. He is still following Paleo/AIP diet. Waiting for his blood results from last week, fingers crossed the levels gone up a bit as last time he was borderline hypo. How are things with you?
That's great he is more settled on ptu. Elaine Moore is great she helped me sort my dose changes out and my endo didn't seem to mind when I did it either, well until my last visit I was on 2.5 mg carbimazole and my endo told me to come of it as he doesn't prescribe such a low dose elaine Moore said to go on 1.25 daily but my endo said it was pointless! We'll see.
I feel so much better thank you I'm a month off carbimazole now had my bloods done this morning so fingers crossed 😬 I have had some side effects from coming off but week on week I can feel improvements and my heart has really calmed down (I kept telling the endo it was the meds giving me palps he wasn't having any of it! I called him up last week to tell him 😂 He wasn't having any of that either!😂)
I'm just dealing with mild dizzy symptom ATM but I'm wondering if it maybe anxiety and will test myself week with it try and see what triggers it! I have an appointment with a nutritionist this week to see how I can support myself now ill discuss paleo and aip with her (I still haven't got round to it! )
hope your keeping well yourself too x
You have done so well. It is really inspirational. I’m grateful that I found this forum as it helped us so much. I’m pretty sure that my husband would have had his thyroid out by now if it wasn’t for this forum and us taking things in own hands.
I wonder what the nutritionist advises you.
I’m ok myself, feeling healthier than ever since eating only real food as I have also gone Paleo to accompany my husband. The only thing is the anxiety as I feel like I constantly anticipate that something is going to fall on our heads again. I know that a lot of people feel the same but I kind of feel stuck in life in general and I wish that stale energy circle gets broken at some point. The most important thing is that my husband is on a right path and hopefully he will be able to achieve remission. X
Thank you I just have everything crossed that I'll Go into remission! Your husband is doing so well and he is so lucky to have you with all your support. It's not only the individual that suffers with this it's people that care and are around us to see how debilitating this can be. I feel really bad as my mum has now got high blood pressure and I'm sure it's down to her stress and worry about me!
If I get any golden nuggets of info from this nutritionist I will let you know but I also have cleaned my diet up and now feeling the benefits. X