Im new here and ive just wrote out the longest post that then decided to freeze so now im going to try and recap but in a very quick and easier to read way *fingers crossed*
Ive had ongoing symptoms for the last couple of years but its only been the last couple of months that ive googled enough to maybe think it could be thyroid related.
My symptoms include
- hair loss. Its so thin and dry
- fatigue. Im forever tired even the toddlers i work with ask me if i need a nap because im forever complaining of being sleepy. I tried not napping on my days off this year incase i was just oversleeping but it was just awful
- my basal body temperature is low. Ive recorded my temp the last two weeks and on average its about 35.8. This has also been noted during a heatwave weve been having in the uk!
- forever cold hands and feet
-cant deal with extreme weather. If its hot i feel like im melting but then if it changes im wrapped in all the layers. Sometimes i feel like i get what i think hot flushes would feel like. My face gets red and hot. My hormone tests also came back normal
-brain fog and confusion/irritability. The start of this year the brain fog was very bad and my work life struggled badly
-pins and needles in my hands and feet
-muscle weakness and severe joint pain. I cant carry anyyhing without pain gor days. I had exercises for joint knee pains from a physio, they helped one knee from grinding but the pain remains. Typing this is playing havoc with my wrists
-i had severe itchiness everywhere last year. I tried chznging my body wash and soap powder and taking allergy tablets. Nothing helped then a couple of months ago i tried using the same bodywash etc and my skin didnt react. I still get itchy sometimes though, just not as severe as it was.
-the last few months ive had dizziness which the dr gave me exercises, they did nothing at tge time, but recently they have slightly improved. Dizziness still occurs every other day but i cant figure out any main triggers
-headaches and sometimes dry itchy eyes that get bloodshot easy. Sometimes trying to focus takes up so much energy
-thumbnails are ridged and flaky. Other nails are ridged and do not have half moons at all. Toenails are ridged and look like they could have a fungal infection starting
-sometimes i feel like i need to wee a lot. Some nights i can get up 2, 3 even 4 timex. Diabetes test came back normal.
-stumbling speech like i cant talk as quick as id like. Its frustrating and something ive never experienced before!
-stomach pain, i wasnt sure if this was an allergy thing or a stress thing. I tried staying away from dairy and off bread but it didnt seem to make a difference. This symptom seems to have settled the last few months.
There are probably lots more but as i said my memory isnt the best. Is it common for symptoms to come and go?
Onto my test results. I was told i was getting the full thyroid tests but have since found out its only been the tsh!
In may it was 1.44 (0.30-4.50mIU/L) bloods taken at 12.05
In june it was 1.07 (0.30-4.50mIU/L)
Bloods taken at 2.00
My ferritin in may was 51 and im currently taking ferrous fumarate to see if this rises enough to see if that will help my hair and energh levels (so far not rly)
Im sorry if this is long and rambly i just need some advice and someone to help me get to the next step because i srsly dont know how im going to live the rest of my life like this because i just dont feel right at all