So.... after months of pushing for a referal I have had 2 appointments with an endo (I already see one for my diabetes so wanted to see a different one for the thyroid issues) and on my second appointment today it wasn't good news...
I was checked for Addisons disease which I haven't got. Iv been told I have hashimotos (without doing a scrape they can't say for definate but my levels are so high theyv said it looks like I have)
They also done every single blood test you can think of to try and figure out what is going on.... I wanted a copy of my bloods but tbh I was so upset with the appointment I just wanted to get from there.
Iv been told that there is no reason what so ever why I feel the way I do every day of my life other than the fact I may be one of these people who have the symptoms regardless of what their levels are doing and how balanced they are...
I'm at my whits end. I honestly feel broken. I told them in my last appointment I can't live like this anymore and I was hoping for answers and all I had today was a plate for of nothingness and lost hope (he said my symptoms are subjective?!)
So I'm reaching out to anyone in the same boat as me... 9 years of levothyroxine and not a single day without the symptoms stopping me from doing something or sending me back to bed... What do people do?! What can I do to try and get my life back seeings as on paper I'm fine?!
Plz find below my pic of results. I had what they told me the "full works" including tests that had to be authorised before carrying out... however the results iv been sent just look like the basic and nothing compared to the results he showed me on screen