rgic to iodine: I dont know if my experience will... - Thyroid UK

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rgic to iodine

saab93 profile image
7 Replies

I dont know if my experience will be relevant . I became ill on a small dose it turns out I am allergic to iodine

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saab93 profile image
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shaws profile image

From the following link it seems that it is rare to be allergic to iodine.



Millie22 profile image

When I had my thyroid removed, over 40 years ago, I was given an intravenous solution of I am not sure what. I can only remember that my whole arm became very red and swelled like a balloon. I was told that I had an iodine allergy and to always tell medical staff when I was having treatment. I have had no problems since and it has always been a mystery to me. It is so long ago that I cant find out now. Could this be radioactive iodine treatment. You are the first person I have come across with this allergy.

serenfach profile image

When I had a wonky kidney, I had a scan using iodine injected. I went into shock within minutes and came out in a rash and my skin peeled off. I was kept in hospital for a while after and was told I was allergic to iodine. I did not have Hashis then, but developed it soon after and I believe the two were connected.

When I was having a colposcopy, I had mentioned it. They used iodine to stain the cells on the neck of cervix. A few drops fell on my thigh, and immediately blistered. Luckily the nurse spotted this or can you imagine what would have happened!!!! OOhh matron!

I have told medical professionals a number of times since, none of them believe me.

I am then not believed when I tell them most local anaesthetics do not work either (Ehlers–Danlos syndrome) and they think I am a total nut-case! As I had the kidney removed (and the Adrenal gland) the one remaining adrenal gland struggles and often overdoes itself. So then I tell them no adrenaline. By now they are ready with the white backwards coat.

All these are fully documented in my notes, but when did the medical profession ever read notes?

Anyway, yes, it is possible. No, you wont be believed. If they try to use it, just ask it they are ready for a claim of negligence or malpractice. That stops them!

Take care and hug.

milkwoman profile image

Curious - what allergic reaction did you experience. Was it immediate?

saab93 profile image

My allergy to Iodine was discovered when I had surgery and they used an iodine wash to clean the area they were operating on. I was having a hysterectomy and my reaction was to blister as if I had been burnt and to be ill as if I had consumed a poison. They decided after the surgery that I had a hernia they were going to do a proceedure called a herniagram where they inject the Iodine as a die that would show up on xray so they could tell the extent of the damage. It was just normal iodine not radioactiive. I was told by the Radiographer that if they had injected me with Iodine I would certainly have been seriously ill in extreme circumstances it could be fatal

CSmithLadd profile image
CSmithLadd in reply to saab93

I believe what you have in not an iodine allergy (as those don't truly exist), but instead, what is known as Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH).

Gluten is the cause of DH. But exposure to iodine by those who have DH can trigger a flareup (blistering of the skin, etc.).

"Case reports in scientific literature over the past half century have demonstrated an association between iodine exposures and flare ups of dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), a skin manifestation of non-celiac gluten sensitivity that results in itchy, blistering skin rashes.

"According to John J. Zone, MD, Professor and Dermatology Chair at the University of Utah and CDF Medical Advisory Board member, “There is little question that ingestion of large amounts of iodine dramatically worsens DH. It should be understood,” he continues, “that iodine does not cause DH. It worsens DH. Gluten causes DH.”

"According to Dr. Zone, a low-iodine diet is not recommended for patients with DH, as small amounts of iodine found in vitamin pills and most foods are not a problem. Additionally, inadequate iodine intake can cause health problems like goiter and hypothyroidism. If you are adhering to a strict gluten-free diet and are experiencing DH flare ups, consult with a dermatologist expert in celiac disease, to determine if foods or medicines high in iodine are the cause.

Read more at celiac.org/blog/2015/10/der...

"Treatment [for DH is the same] as with celiac disease, strictly following a gluten-free diet for life is the only complete treatment. ... If you use medications to relieve the itching caused from DH, but do not follow a gluten-free diet, you run the risk of also developing the intestinal problem – celiac disease and other complications.


If you are not totally Gluten-Free, then it is highly important to your health to be so if you have DH. Personally, I wouldn't take any medication for DH as they cause negative side-effects to your health. Just giving up gluten in all forms is the way to be rid of all problems associated with DH.

Giving up gluten isn't difficult, I've done it myself and have been GF for two years. When you want good health, you'll do what is necessary to restore it.

Hope this is helpful to you. I'm here if you have any further questions at all.

CSmithLadd profile image

What happened is you had a reaction to iodine + another substance which when combined caused a reaction. It is a scientific impossibility for iodine to cause a reaction by itself because iodine is not an allergen. Therefore, what you were told isn't possible: as no one actually can be allergic to iodine.

"It turns out the iodine molecule is too small and simple to cause an antibody response, which is why scientists ruled it out as an allergen. However, iodine could theoretically act as a hapten – a molecule too small to cause issues by itself, but which can combine with another substance to stimulate an antigen-antibody response."


Even shellfish allergies (often said to be due to an iodine allergy) are not quite what they seem:

"The truth is that scientists have ruled out iodine as the cause of these allergic reactions after identifying four proteins from shellfish that cause true allergic responses: tropomyosin, arginine kinase, myosin light chain kinase, and sarcoplasmic calcium binding protein. Like any food allergy, these proteins stimulate a true immune system response."


It's a mistake made all the time. But if they'd only think about it... they'd realize an iodine allergy can't be possible because we cannot live without iodine. It is a nutrient vital to all functions of the body -- meaning it is imperative to life itself. The thyroid is useless without iodine, and thyroid function is what regulates all other organs and systems of the body.

"The function of the thyroid gland is to take iodine, found in many foods, and convert it into thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid cells are the only cells in the body which can absorb iodine. These cells combine iodine and the amino acid tyrosine to make T3 and T4."


All thyroid hormones are produced via iodine/iodide (whether natural or synthetic).

"... iodine is a key component of thyroid hormone. In fact, the names of the different forms of thyroid hormone reflect the number of iodine molecules attached -- T4 has four attached iodine molecules, and T3 has three -- showing what an important part iodine plays in thyroid biochemistry.

- If you aren't getting enough iodine in your diet (and most Americans don't), no matter how healthy your thyroid gland is, it won't have the raw materials to make enough thyroid hormone."


All we need is knowledge. The more we know, the more we can be proactive in our own healthcare.

Hope this is helpful to you.


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