What heart rate do you have when you are optimally treated? 37 year old woman. So to those who feel well, what's your heart rate? Thanks!
Resting heart rate on optimal treatment - Thyroid UK
Resting heart rate on optimal treatment

A 'normal' heart beat is usually between 60 to 100 per minute. We also know that a slow beat can be due to being hypo. Link:
My husband's has been around 32 pbm but that's because he played squash.
Thanks! I'm suspecting I need to lower levo back down again. My resting HR as a runner and 37 years old is now 73 before diagnosis under 60. I also have a fluttering in my right ear.
Just reduce by a 1/4 tablet at a time. I am not medically qualified which I should state more often. Myself when on levo - it was the levo that caused my very bad palps. How do I know that? Because they stopped when I stopped levo and switched to T3. T3 calmed everything down so I am assuming we can be affected by the fillers/binders in the products but not the hormone itself.
Is this a recent development? If so may be worth getting your ferritin checked
I had palpitations a few months back but my t4 was not much higher than normal. Doctor thinks it may have been low ferritin levels. Now I have been supplementing I don’t get them anymore

Despite suppressed TSH and good levels of FT4 and FT3 my resting rate is only around 55-59.....and I am definitely not an athlete.
When I reduced T3 by 5mcg for four months (to appease GP who didn't like low TSH) resting heart rate dropped to 52-55, sometimes even lower. Felt very odd when heart rate went under 50. At that point I bought a Fitbit to prove the point.
I am also using Fitbit for the last 3 years to track my activity, sleep and resting heart rate. I'm a 38 yo male and the resting heart rate has been between 58 and 76; however, those were only interval extreme values, normally is between 64 and 70 and around the middle of it I seem to thrive.
Hormone dosage, activity and sleep levels have proven to influence it and I am using heart rate and temperature as a dosing factor, besides tests and symptom relief.

Highly variable - with my inexpensive Xiaomi Mi Band 2, I see from 48 to (very occasionally) 110.
Prior to being hypo I used to hover between 65-70, active gym goer.
Now hypo, it is usually mid 50s, sometimes lower. With every dose increase, about two weeks in, HR rises, sometimes as high as 61, but then it drops again. I assume my body just gets used to the new dose, and not yet optimal (currently 100 mcg).
When exercising, fitbit claims it can go as high as 140...
This was one of the symptoms that got me going to the docs pre-diagnosis as mine had dropped to around 40! I’m still ‘discussing’ optimised medication levels with my GP... my resting heart rate is currently 48-50. I reckon it should be closer to 60 to be normal for me.