I get my own bloods done at Blue Horizon so i can see what my t3 and t4 are up too. My t3 is mid range and my t4 just slightly above range. My gp saw the results and thinks i should reduce my levo from 150 mcg to 125 mcg. What do others think? Idid try it for a few days and actually slept better but am worried if gp reduces it i wont get it back up again if needed. I am taking 125mcg some days and the full 150 mcg on other days depending on how i feel. Maybe this is silly? Also, worried my t3 may drop which i really dont want although maybe it doesnt work like that? Would have to swap brands too as activas dont do 25 mcg.
I dont get responses sent to my email anymore or alerts. Is there something i need to do in settings or the like? Sorry for so many questions!