Have just had a blood test as I'm on T4/T3 combo and my stupid endo didn't test FT3 when I went back after 3 months. Tested it in the afternoon of my appointment when I'd taken the T3 in the morning, so it came back as slightly over range at 7.8 (range 3.6 - 6.4). We'd been arguing about the merits of T3 and when I told him I had teh DIO2 gene, he said I could up the T3 by another 10mcgs. I didn't want to do this without testing, hence the appointment today. I told the nurse I wanted FT3 testing and she said that she had put it on the form (apparently it's not automatically included when you ask for TFTs). She said that the lab will only test it if the thyroid results are abnormal! They will be abnormal as I also have a pituitary problem so the TSH is always well below range, which does freak out the Drs. What a ridiculous state of affairs!!! Will have to wait and see whether they've included the FT3 when the results come back. All my symptoms have gone with the addition of 20mcgs of T3, except the weight gain. The only time I have ever been able to lose weight is when T3 is over range but I don't want to go too far over range and risk other problems. I know that the FT3 test only shows the T3 that's circulating in the blood. Can anyone advise how we test for T3 at tissue level? Any responses would be gratefully received.
FT3 testing: Have just had a blood test as I'm on... - Thyroid UK
FT3 testing

Something I'd to know too!

There is at least one marker that is a guide to tissue competence. This is sex hormone binding globulin.
Does anyone in a clinical role test this in the U.K. and use it to inform dosing decisions? I am aware of one endo in America that uses this test.
Not sure. Maybe Addenbrookes as a speciality hospital
That is my local. Endos I saw would not discuss T3 options as liothyronine desert here and would not confirm if bloods would include FT3. Had to give up completely as was told my TSH and FT4 were good.
Classic quote from endo 1 when pressed as to why levo did nothing to alleviate symptoms of hypo: “we don’t actually know much about women”.
In what way is Addenbrookes a speciality hospital?
I've posted similar question before but no one seems to know.