An interesting article on low stomach acid and connected conditions. Oddly it lists thyrotoxicosis but not hypothyroidism but the list is taken from an older source. The research it mentions is interesting though.
Low Stomach Acid Article: An interesting article... - Thyroid UK
Low Stomach Acid Article

Great Article . Thank You For Sharing . From my own personal experiences was when I was not fully dosed with my thyroid meds I suffered with terrible heart burn and acid reflux and terrible burnings . I further felt like a lump in my throat . Once my thyroid doses where well adjusted all the symptoms resolved . That's when I saw the connections between low thyroid meds and the affects it has on low stomach acid .
Having UTI and low thyroid meds dosing are connected as well . There are I'm sure many interrelated symptoms connected to low thyroids .
Thank You for this Great Article .
Thank you for posting @Nanaedake.
An excellent article, and is exactly why many of us take Betaine HCl +Pepsin, which my GP had never heard of, and who continues to dish out PPI's such as Omeprazole, when the former would likely be better.
Which came first? Low stomach acid or hypothyroidism?
Also, hypothyroidism is the lack of ample thyroid hormone T3 in the cells. When deficient in thyroid hormone, almost any symptom of dysfunction can affect the body in any area. This is why so many hypo people (whether they've been properly diagnosed or not) have a myriad of different symptoms that their doctor is ignorant about understanding. Conventional medicine is built on exploiting the symptoms of hypothyroidism and treating each symptom separately as being of unknown causes -- or they put them all under the "auto-immune" umbrella and say there is no cure.
They are wrong.
When we can't get enough nutrients in place for proper thyroid function (for whatever reason), then the lack of thyroid hormone T3 (Triothyronine converted from T4/Thyroxine) in the cells will result in dysfunction in many areas of the body. That includes a marked decrease in stomach acid, which then exacerbates the problem by worsening malabsorption (we need stomach acid for absorption of nutrients).
We need ample levels of nutrients in place to facilitate conversion of T4 into T3, or hypothyroidism results. Getting a conventional doctor to check all levels of nutrients is nearly impossible. They don't want to do it. Since the body depends totally on nutrients for good health, doesn't that mean conventional doctors care far less about our health than we're led to believe? To me, it most certainly does. Even those physicians who would like to help are bound by the standard protocol of conventional medicine. I get it. Thus, I choose to do without them in order to become healthy.
Conventional doctors are taught to keep prescribing health-destroying drugs like proton-pump inhibitors for acid reflux. Ignoring the root cause of it, hurting the organs of the body, and ultimately rendering the patient to a state of overt hypothyroidism. What sense does that make? None. But we all know it certainly makes profits. And to think that all the patient needed in the first place was optimal thyroid hormone or perhaps nutrient replenishment so that conversions of thyroid hormone could take place.
Those who have acid reflux and take proton-pump inhibitors (acid suppressors), are literally turning themselves hypothyroid without knowing it. Acid reflux is most often caused by too little stomach acid (due to hypothyroidism) causing the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (flap) to sometimes be ajar. The LES flap is sluggish because it is lacking enough thyroid hormone (T3) for it to always close tightly. The acid from the foods eaten are then allowed back up through the open LES flap. This is what causes acid reflux as we know it.
In other words, conventional doctors are hurting patients by getting paid to write prescriptions which merely mask symptoms but do not treat the underlying cause. Anyone on PPIs should wean off them. Weaning off PPIs is like withdrawal from heroin. It's horrible. The body has become accustomed to it and brings about a flood of acid in the stomach when you try to stop taking it. I have no doubt there's a reason for that: M-O-N-E-Y. Most who try to lower dosage or stop taking it think they must really need the drug because of the terrible side effects when stopping.
Pharmaceutical companies really are drug dealers. We should never forget that fact.
Whenever your body has an issue, try looking up nutrients and their respective symptoms when a person is deficient. It's amazing what you will find there.
The only real cure for acid reflux is optimal thyroid hormone.
I learned these things firsthand, but now many, many doctors are learning the same things and their patients are recovering with good health.
Thanks for posting that link, Nanaedake.