Hi, I’ve been posting for the last couple of months because I’ve been feeling pretty under par. I think I may finally be getting somewhere. My GP took bloods back at the beginning of March and ordered a TPoAb test. As it was taking forever to come back I went and ordered my own medichecks test which soda law arrived back the same day as the test from my GP. I got a phone call from the GP himself to tell me the test was positive and to ask when I was seeing the endo!
GP result was 432 (Positive >100)
Medichecks results posted below. I also note that my tsh is all over the place, tests from jan and early March had a tsh of 4.3, another test mid March showed 2.8 and the medichecks is showing 4.8!
That coupled with the TGAb and TPoAb leads me to think it’s Hashimotos?
Hopefully the Endo will agree when I see him on 15th and give me some treatment to stop me feeling so rubbish and to help me stop the weight gain! I’ve also decided to try going gluten free to see if this helps with my symptoms.
Who knows this might be progress at long last!