Hi everyone,
Any information or anyone experiencing problems with Morning Side T3? I currently have Tevo, (which not sure of). Latest prescription is for Morningside though.
Hi everyone,
Any information or anyone experiencing problems with Morning Side T3? I currently have Tevo, (which not sure of). Latest prescription is for Morningside though.
I was doing really well on Mercury Pharma Lio. Then my pharmacy changed me to Teva. I’ve really gone downhill on the Teva. Weight gain, headaches, constipation, brain fog. Haven’t tried Morningside yet. Keep a careful eye on symptoms if you’re taking Teva.
Yes I am experiencing constipation brain fog and weight gain
Never realised until I read one of our friends here asking the same question. Fortunately now I have the new prescription, I can put those to one side and try the Morningside version. I am on 20mcg at the moment. Plus 200 mcg of T4.
Take care and thanks for responding fortunata
I like Morningside, you need to ease yourself into it as I believe it is stronger than Mercury Pharma.
Thanks for the heads up Shelley1954. I am going to start them tomorrow even though I have the Tevo version to finish.
I am on 20mcg at the moment of T3. Plus 200 mcg of T4.
I will let you know how I get on with it.
Take care and thanks for responding
Was going to post similar question as my T3 Is always from Mercury but latest script is Morningside. Will start tomorrow but feeling wary!
I’ll let you know how I get on because I usual have mercury pharma T3 but I’ve been given Morningside for my next prescription. Haven’t tried it yet and am rather nervous of the change.
Thanks everyone. I didn't realise I was on Tevo until a week ago, my previous prescriptions had been Mercury Pharma but now this prescription is Morning side. So a little wary like you all, but time will tell.
I have had some of the side effects of Tevo which is unusual for me, such as the dreaded constipation, so would like to get back to "normal" if possible on that front.
We will have to keep each other posted!
Thanks for responding and advice. Catch up soon x
When you find something you are happy with tell your GP to put in your notes and tell the pharmacy to put it on your card to always have that brand as it is the only one your body is happy with.
I felt exhausted after a month of Morningside (I take T3 only)....and then was given teva and didn't feel any better. It could have been coincidence as I have other autoimmune diseases, and I think they were flaring, but my doctor (the pharmacy is part of the surgery) has just changed me back to mercury pharma and I am happy with that as they've kept me feeling ok for a couple of years. Hope you get on well with it.
Hi JD, There are many posts on thia forum re TEVA levo. You might want to check them out. I will no longer accept levo from Teva if it were the only game in town. I don't leave the pharmacy counter until I check my bottle and see they haven't filled my Rx with Teva.
I now have a new prescription of Morningside which appears to be doing ok. Some of the symptoms I was experiencing with Tevo have now started to disappear so I will make sure that they do not put Tevo on my next prescription.
Thanks for taking the time to respond irina1975.
Take care