My Hashimoto’s Story: I thought I would share my... - Thyroid UK

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My Hashimoto’s Story

Ldoak44 profile image
15 Replies

I thought I would share my story in the hope it may help other people suffering with hashimoto’s. At the age of 43 and a year of suffering chronic UTI’s, stomach pain and digestive issues I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease, lymphocytic colitis Dec 2015 and commenced a gluten free diet which helped Initially unfortunately this was short lived. The digestive issues along with many other symptoms creeped in. I was tired, panicky, cold and felt wired at night making it almost impossible to sleep. After nearly a year suffering with diarrhoea before my Coeliac diagnosis I was now suffering constipation.

I had read a lot about autoimmune conditions so I knew there was a strong correlation between Coeliac and thyroid issues so I took myself to the doctor and got my thyroid tested and sure enough the results came back showing an under active thyroid. The doctor was quite blasé about this, he didn’t go into much detail about the condition and only offered me levothyroxine saying this will make you feel better.

Even though I felt so bad I held off taking the medication and decided to research my recent hashimoto’s diagnosis further by joining groups and reading lots and lots of books. Long story short what kept coming up over and over again through my research was diet. I knew I had an issue with gluten which got me thinking what else could I have a problem with. Apart from gluten the other food group which kept popping up in my research was dairy so I came off dairy.

I had been off dairy for 2 weeks and didn’t feel much better so I decided to give it a few more days and I’m glad I did. The digestive issues stopped no more bloating, constipation was starting to subside and slowly I was regaining energy. I’m now a year off dairy and feel 90% better.

I saw my Coeliac consultant a few months ago and explained what was going on with my thyroid and how eliminating dairy from my diet improved my symptoms. He seemed slightly sceptical that diet was the issue with my thyroid but arranged to have my thyroid function checked again and my results came back clearly showing function improvement in my thyroid. I’ve had a further test and I’m pleased to say my thyroid function is now back in normal range. I would like to add coming off dairy wasn’t my only change I started taking vitamins and minerals to get my levels up to an optimal range as some were sitting towards the lower end, doing this helped greatly.

Sorry my story is so long but I wanted to share it as it may help someone else suffering from autoimmune hypothyroidism. If anything of what I have said resonates with you my advice would be to first look at your diet as there could be something that you are eating causing an inflammatory response in your body.

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Ldoak44 profile image
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15 Replies
pffft2017 profile image

Thanks for sharing your experience. I've had GORD and have developed Barrett's and have always felt this may be linked to some sort of food intolerance. I may try reducing or eliminating dairy for a week or so. My thyroid finally packed up in 2003 and looking back I'd had hypothyroid symptoms since my teens. It's difficult to find a decent GP.

Ldoak44 profile image
Ldoak44 in reply to pffft2017

Awwh you are welcome and thanks for replying, like you I had GORD for many years prior to my Coeliac diagnosis, I was constantly at the doctors getting palmed of with omeprazole which I never take now. Sometimes you need to give dairy a bit longer I don’t know why I saw improvements coming off gluten within days however with dairy it took several weeks! I am now very strict with my diet I will not eat anything that contains milk it’s hard at the beginning but so well worth it as I feel like a completely different person. Some people may find other foods are their triggers but one of the ways of finding out is trying a paleo diet for 2weeks and then gradually introducing other foods one by one back into your diet. I agree with your comment re doctors I gave up as they seem to be lacking knowledge and help with people that have autoimmune conditions. Everything I have done to improve my health has been through research and reading a hell of a lot on autoimmune conditions and my drive to do this was not purely due to my health issues but also my mums. My mum had one autoimmune condition after another, prescribed so many different drugs and then sadly passed away 8 years ago if I had known then what I know now maybe things could have been different. Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon.

Maxisoul profile image

This is really positive and encouraging news for those of us who believe that dietary changes can potentially get Hashimotos into remission and improve thyroid function. There are a lot of success stories on the internet,and it's great to see one here on the forum. It is certainly hard work and takes time to identify the individual triggers, but so worth it to avoid the potential and actual side effects of thyroid medication. I'm really pleased for you that your efforts have paid off. Thank you so much for taking the time to post your story and for given hope to those of us who wish to try to the same approach.

MissFG profile image

Thank you for sharing such a positive experience it’s nice to see people doing so well!

Can I ask what your thyroid bloods were prior to your dietary changes? I’ve cut out gluten, grains, processed foods and refined sugars. I know I should follow the Paleo diet and I’m getting there. I have found probiotics a huge help too.

However can you improve thyroid function once it’s damaged by hashimotos or does it depend on how early you caught it? My antibodies have reduced by going gluten free but I’m not sure my thyroid will ever recover. So getting the right balance with medication can still be a struggle. Controlling inflammation in the body is also an important factor and diet I agree is key!

Ldoak44 profile image
Ldoak44 in reply to MissFG

Hi I’ve read papers on clinical studies were patients damaged thyroids have regenerated small amounts of healthy tissue once the inflammation attack has stopped so don’t give up on it!

I don’t have my initial blood test results from Jan but I know my TSH was over 10 as I was prescribed Levo. This is when I researched into autoimmune hypothyroidism and decided to come off dairy, I was already off gluten due to the previous years diagnosis of Coeliac Disease. Anyway my last two thyroid function blood tests showed my TSH had dropped to 6.4 and my most recent test showed my TSH was at 4 so it is gradually getting back into nomal range.

One of my decisions to do what I did was one down to reading a news article about a woman who had reversed her Hashimoto symptoms via diet but also having been diagnosed with Coeliac I thought if gluten can stop my immune system attacking my gut surely stopping another problematic food for me may have the same effect on my thyroid and luckily for me (touch wood ) it seems to have worked. I also made sure all my vits and minerals were at an optimal level too and yes I agree a good probiotic is key as well.

I am in no way advocating for people not to take Levo It just didn’t feel right for me. I know of other people who take Levo and then looked at their diet, vit’s and minerals who have now had to start reducing their medication as their thyroid function has improved.

Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon. 😊

MissFG profile image
MissFG in reply to Ldoak44

I agree with what you say and have researched this also. I think when your unwell you have quite a bit of time on your hands haha

My TSH when first diagnosed was 148 and without medication I think I would fail to exist .

I just think maybe it can help in the early stages but if hashimotos has damaged your thyroid beyond repair no diet could correct this.

But agree it’s beneficial to be on the AIP and have optimal vitamins and minerals for everyone whether you catch it early or once the damage is done!

Ldoak44 profile image
Ldoak44 in reply to MissFG

Wow how could you even function let alone stand with a TSH of 148! I agree with what you say as with everything catching it early gives you a better chance of improving the condition.

I feel I am lucky as I was presenting with thyroid symptoms at an early stage and saw my GP for tests. I know my scenario is not the same for everyone and some people have little or no symptoms.

I feel the diet has gradually stopped the inflammatory attack on my body and has hopefully reduced the risk of me developing another autoimmune condition. I already have 3 so I don’t want another one and I know through my mum and research that the risk of developing future auto immune conditions when you already have one is high.

How are you doing now?

MissFG profile image
MissFG in reply to Ldoak44

I’m still struggling but have polymyositis SLE and just being tested for Sjögrens so not had the easiest time.

Everyone ie doctors want to blame symptoms on the other diseases especially my thyroid but I’m optimal FT3 now 🤷🏼‍♀️ like most I have good days even weeks then bad times.

I think whether you have one or many we all can feel sick but getting my immune system under control and my diet I know will help me keeps me positive. And I do all I can to supplement and help myself which I think is essential in improving my health overall.

Give me another few months and I know like you I’ll reap the rewards! 😊

Ldoak44 profile image

That is not easy to deal with but I agree 100% with the way you are trying to get your immune system under control and I’m sure you WILL reap the rewards soon.

Take care 😊

penny profile image

Have you read up about the effect of Vit D on the immune system?

Ldoak44 profile image

Yes I have read books by Dr Sarah brewer and she has emphasised on many occasions the important role vit D plays on our immune system and it’s requirement to fight infection. Vit D also maintains healthy bones, muscle, cell division, teeth etc. Vit D plays a huge part in our overall health, I live in Scotland so sun is very limited here so I’ve been taking a vit d supplement for a few years now.

lynmynott profile image
lynmynottPartnerThyroid UK

Hi Ldoak44

I am so pleased to hear that you are so much better. I always tell people with Hashi's that a gluten and dairy free diet may help them. How do you feel about us using your story for our new website? If you are ok with that, send me an email -

thyr01d profile image

Thank-you Ldoak44, such a cheering story and not long at all.

Ldoak44 profile image
Ldoak44 in reply to thyr01d

Thanks, like many other conditions catching it early on and stopping the attack which in turn prevents further damage has been vital in getting myself better.

It’s been just over a year now since being diagnosed under active and 3 years this year since Coeliac/colitis diagnosis and I feel good I still have issues with low stomach acid especially when consuming meat but I have supplements to help with my digestion(or a glass of wine helps too 😆) but apart from that right now I’m enjoying my new found energy, energy I haven’t felt in quite a number of years now so long may it continue!!!!......fingers crossed 🤞🏻 😊

Barfida profile image

Thank you,

I have recently increased my vitamin d and come off cow's milk and my thyroid antibodies are down to 250. I'm still on100mch of levo . I've had hashimotos for years and now have fibromyalgia. I've recently read gluten ingestion can cause body pain and closely linked to a possible cause of fibromyalgia. I'm struggling with staying off gluten but will keep trying .

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