This may be mad... But, if we went to the Moon ... - Thyroid UK

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This may be mad... But, if we went to the Moon decades ago...let's try this using a 'super-computer'. It could work for all of us!

Poppy_the_cat profile image
19 Replies

We need some clever folk at a University, with the capacity to harness and combine the necessary computing power to create a super computer! We need answers.

Known for my uninhibited approach of 'ask and thou shalt find', I am thinking of something big.

The problem is needing to have a rather Hercule Poirot approach... It's about Not missing the smallest of clues... Nothing is irrelevant!

I observe a great deal. I think about things a lot, I read a lot, I learn constantly from this excellent forum and I ask a lot!

If I were able to compile an in depth, blow by blow questionnaire, with other people's suggestions added of course... obviously without names, but requiring sex and age and ethnicity from a genetic point of view... If we could collect all this tiny"when, to the best of your knowledge, was the first time ever you had to take an antibiotic, at what age and what for?" Etc, etc....

If we could collect this data from all our members (ever the optimist here)... If we could approach a University and say... Digest the data please and gives us your impressions and observations!?

It may sound a bit mad?

Some might say, this is nothing new.... Or it's been done before....

But my reply would be, ah, but have the right questions been asked to begin with!

What do you all think?

Could we do this?

I would like to try!

Poppy the 🐈

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Poppy_the_cat profile image
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19 Replies
greygoose profile image

To what end?

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply to greygoose

To understand better the correlation between the incidents and components that link together to provoke these illnesses, with a view to better understanding their progression and ultimately their treatment.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Poppy_the_cat

Well, call me a cynic, but that's a bit of a long-shot. There might not be any links. Besides, you'd be up against a hell of a lot of opposition, because the medical profession do not want better understanding of these illnesses, nor do they want better treatment.

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply to greygoose

I am convinced there are.

I am not bothered about the Medical Profession; I agree entirely. I believe they want to keep us ill as we are the perpetual cash cow for them. My aim is for Us to further Our knowledge and understanding and possibly to shrug off the labels and the tagged markers we get given, in order to view all of these issues in a global as in a rounded sphere...

I would like us all to give it a try.

After all it's we who know more about how We feel, better than anybody else!


in reply to greygoose

Hi greygoose. True but the Universe might actually help info 'fall into the right hands.' Take care.

A computer is only as good as the data in it and the algorithms it's allowed to use. So if it said, "1'm sorry, Poppy, you are not hypo until your TSH is over 10! that'd be that - worse than now. Can't I have T3? "I'm sorry, Poppy, I'm afraid I can't do that". We already have supercomputers, but I doubt that any form of "AI" will help the little guy or anyone except big corporations who want to sell us things or change our beliefs.

in reply to Angel_of_the_North

What we need are more humans who are not afraid of disagreeing with the Almighty Computer.

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to

But then, what's the point of having the super computer?

Poppy_the_cat profile image

I understand your comment and I agree with it.

But it's not what I am getting at.

Clearly I can't express my concept. Sorry


in reply to Poppy_the_cat

Very clear to me.

Clarrisa profile image

A Mendel approach, I heard he also had divine help.

in reply to Clarrisa

I agree. I've collected sayings and quotes for years. One of my favorites is: "Spirit always waits for the photographer it has chosen'" Can't remember who said it so I'll just say -Unknown.

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply to Clarrisa

Sorry please explain, it gone over my head??

Hi Poppy. Loved your idea. This is how new things are learned; by someone who is thinking "outside the box". You're a very smart cat.LOL. Seriously, I would be happy to provide data. T worked an a nurse for 40 years-will be 74 in a couple more weeks. I think there are so many small details concerning, let's say, one part of the body, that I would bet have major effects on the rest of our systems. But doctors often get caught up in their own little part of our body ( their specialty) that they miss the forest for the trees. I also love to think, figure out things, and try to come up with theories. Many docs don't care for patients to give them ideas but some do. I always read, research, and try to put things together in new ways. "Using the little grey cells" as our friend H.P. says. I have one doc-my favorite- who I saw 2 days ago. I love our visits because conversation always vears off in interesting ways. He actually has told me he learns from me. (I'm not sure of that because he's brilliant.) He listens to me and we work together on my treatment He is my main cardiologist (an Electrophysiologist for my atrial fibrillation). I enjoy people who can 'think outside the box'. He told me once when he was a kid his parents told him he not only thought outside, but he BROKE the box. Anyway, I think progress and more effective treatment more often than not originates from intelligent patients who are fed up, frustrated, and not helped by the medical status quo. So, I'm in. (You realize of course that I am writing this to Poppy -the REAL cat in the photo- as I'm sure you as a human understand she is in charge.) I've had many animals in my life. My favorite was my Siamese cat, Irina Aleksandrovna, who lived with me 17 years. (1977-1995). I now live in Senior living, and we can have a pet but it is strongly discouraged so I don't. I do volunteer at an animal shelter. Can't do much physical stuff like cleaning large dog pens etc. But they are good to me. They have an area called the "Kitty Hotel" where they try to socialize cats to live with other animals. That's where I usually am. Playing with the cats. I miss having a cat but I worry about her being alone when sometimes I go to the hospital so the shelter cats are my '4 legged family'. Thanks for reading this epistle. irina1975

Poppy_the_cat profile image

Irina I love you! You are a star. I love your approach to life!! Everything single thing you say is SPOT ON! Yr Doctor sounds like mine!

I will not give up... I will think my way around it and maybe even discuss my project with a very helpful University too!

I shall write you again!

Poppy and Me 😘Big hugs xxx

in reply to Poppy_the_cat

Thank you. Feel free to PM. Had probs with teachers as a kid sometimes because i usually didn't think like they wanted to teach (especially nuns in catholic school. One good thing about getting older is that now people can just think 'she's an eccentric old lady' and they leave my mind alone! LOL. Take care. irina1975 (Burma)

DippyDame profile image

Access to a super computer is a hugely complicated and costly business!

Dream on.....

Mikka profile image

Dear Poppy_the_cat, I just want to say that I support you and that very many amazing things that changed the world started with an idea that seemed out of reach. If you want it enough and keep taking steps forward, it really can happen.

I'd be happy to help if there is anything I can do.

Poppy_the_cat profile image

Thank-you 😁

Very much

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