I’m in debt forever to all the selfless people in this site who have helped me to get control back on my life and my health. I always wondered why we just read about people who are struggling here, but now I know why. Once we recover, we get busy living life and do not come here anymore. Anyway here to say thank you for all the help I got. And also to tell anyone struggling don’t lose hope. We deserve good health and a full life (even if it takes time).
After a long time, here to say thank you and so... - Thyroid UK
After a long time, here to say thank you and sorry for not being here sharing what I’ve learned.

Couldn't have read this at a better time! Thank you. It's so important to hear of success stories. I'm so pleased for you
I agree Brubru. I've recently dipped back in as I've reached breaking point again with my frustrations and I see the same core of posters are here answering all the posts from those
Recently diagnosed. We are definitely grateful to you longtermlosters who so patiently answer our questions. Thank you!
Every day I’m determined to write a post on here , as I feel terrible.Every night I come home from work and my brain is so mashed I just can’t concentrate long enough to do it. Plus it’s re writing out results , I make so many mistakes...
But I do read lots of interesting posts on here. And it’s great to see them being answered by the dedicated knowable people who know what we are going through. Thank you.
Fifi12 can you take a screenshot of your results instead of writing out? Sorry if that's not possible.
I know tgat feeling too well. Reading and not understanding a thing. Hold on in there. You will find a way. It took me years... but I’m here finally alive and feeling myself! Sending health your way!
Yes your right thank you for your positive comment I am on liothyronine only my only option but I have recovered on it and lead a reasonably normal life now and feel human I am due to see the consultant on march 12 to allow my liothyronine to continue once I get over this stressful hurdle I too really will be on the road to full recovery as I no longer have any thyroid symptoms nor do I have the side affects from thyroxin that nearly took my life away I'm a new person now eat healthy exercise a little and hardly ever have to see a doctor ever now hopefully I will stay this way from here on in thank goodness for forum's like this I wish you continued health..!
Thank you and good luck to you! Wishing you a good and smooth appointment. My last consultant said he would stop my liothyronine I told him I’d rather be dead, than alive/dead on levothyroxine.
Hi there are you still taking liothyronine I hope you are we are all entitled to live a life without misery from the side affects of drugs they are supposed to make us better not kill us off all our chemistry is different we are not the same that is why they have liothyronine for poeple who have conversion issues without T3 I would be dead simple as and like you I would rather be dead than take thyroxin ever again and I love life it is dam shocking we should feel death is our only option it's just not right..!
My husband as I have done have paid a lot of money into the system over the years my husband still pays over a grand a month into it more than enough to cover this drug I need to keep me right I will not give up I don't waste a drop of my liothyronine and appreciate this drug every day of my life it took a long time to recover from my thyroid storm and annoyed me that it got so bad never ever again will I suffer like that hell no .. liothyronine would cost much less in the long term it is very easy for someone to say what they say about liothyronine WHEN YOU DO NOT SUFFER like some people do..
Thanks Brubru. I read these emails daily and find more clues to my puzzle all the time. I have only recently found able to reply myself. And I am so grateful for the generous knowledge and support of the people who answer these questions when others cant. Their patience and dedication makes a valued contribution to so many.
Very much appreciated. Continued health to everyone. May we find our way thru the shadow to the light. All best
I have pinned this for a while as this is something very important which most people forget!
Thanks for popping in!
Thank you!
When you have the chance please share how you got well, it is different for everyone.
When I was ill my life consisted of sleeping and writing on thyroid forums like this one. I may have got my life back but continue to help others pretty much every day.
The power of nutrition and natural health is mind blowing, I used to think it was just about seeing the right dr or taking the right tablet but it’s about getting our cells to communicate again.
Keep on enjoying your life!
Thank you so much! I was exactly like you. Any time I had I’d be here reading and trying to understand info. As you said, each person is different. I’m on T3 only, taking all the supplements we talk about here, eating low carb (mostly keto) and gluten free. I still have days my brain is foggy but no comparison to the living hell that most of my life has been.
This is just so encouraging to read. Thank you so much for popping back! Do you mind me asking you a couple of questions...? What dose of T3 worked well for you? And did you ever had any problems with the low carb regime? I started low carb high fat diet in 2016 and it improved many things for me, but have added in more carb as I read that it's important for thyroid function. It's encouraging to know it's worked well for you, as it is the first way of eating that has helped me not only lose a lot of weight, but also keep it off. My weight has been stable for the first time in my entire life!
Thank you for such a heartfelt post ~ gives great hope to members who are still struggling with symptoms, especially those who have been doing so for many years, like myself. Always uplifting to read these positive stories.....💫
So happy for you ~ warmest wishes Mamapea x
Thank you Mamapea! I was there where you and others are. Lots of reading, patient, fighting my GP, trial and error, but it’s so worth it!!!! Knowing that I was not going crazy, depressed, having periods so painful and heavy that they were like miscarriages every 21 days. It’s been a very long journey but I wanted to tell others that we deserve it. It’s our thyroid it’s not us as our doctors want to make us believe.
Thank you Brubru, it really is heartwarming to read your post and all the comments. To know that the time of reading posts all day, resting and trying to piece the puzzle together will finally end and we can be enjoying our own busy lives again — that’s so good to hear! Yes, I think those who’ve recovered and continue to answer questions here and encourage those of us still struggling are truly generous and compassionate people. It’s great you popped back in, reading this today is just what I needed to keep me going on the path to recovery and being whole again. Wishing you continued good health!!