In November my doctor discovered a nodule in my thyroid, about 19 mm. After a biopsy, I was told it isn’t cancerous (huge sigh of relief), and that we will simply monitor it every six months to see if the size has changed.
Even though it isn’t cancerous, it has caused a lot of unfortunate stuff. I started to snore and choke when I’m eating because it blocks my esophagus at times.
Lately, my voice has been really hoarse. I can’t speak at a normal volume without a sharp, stabbing pain in my neck. I don’t feel that I have a cold. I’m worried that my nodule has grown. I know there are a lot of other reasons for my hoarse voice, but the pain is unbearable and I have to practically whisper to talk to other people.
I guess I just need more reassurance. I’ve been to the doctor but she barely believes I have anything wrong (my OBGYN actually found it) because she can’t feel it when doing a routine thyroid check so she says wait it out, no tests, if it gets worse come back. What if getting worse means growing larger and I can’t breathe?
It’s just caused so much anxiety for months.