Neck pain, hoarse voice on on increase? - Thyroid UK

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Neck pain, hoarse voice on on increase?

Cade83 profile image
17 Replies

So I upped my dose to 100mcg 9 days ago. Since then, I’ve been getting pain in the front of my neck which feels like it spreads to my chest, when I swallow I feel like I got something stuck in my throat and my voice has got hoarse I don’t know whether this has just got worse because something has got worse of it is because of the increase that maybe it making my thyroid swell or something? I’m also finding it harder to breath normally like I can’t take deep breaths. I really want to get a scan but no one will do one without a referral which is really frustrating.

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Cade83 profile image
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17 Replies
Buddy195 profile image

I’m I right that you went from 87.5mcg to 100mcg Levo 9 days ago? I’m definitely more of a tortoise than a hare and need to increase super slowly (eg 12.5 alternate days at first), as I tend to get lots of adverse symptoms/ often feel worse before I feel better.

Are you hydrated enough? If your throat is sore, you may be drinking less. If you are feeling anxious, this will also make symptoms worse.

Go easy on yourself and remember to retest thyroid levels 6-8 weeks after being on a consistent dose. If your throat symptoms do continue, I would ask again for a scan.

Best wishes 🦋

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Buddy195

Yeah I did go from 87.5mcg to 100mcg 9 days ago. Hmmm maybe I just need to chill out but just been feeling so ill lately and freaking myself out.

Although I am maybe slightly dehydrated but I’ve not really changed my drinking habits. It’s only a little sore on swallowing but deep down in my neck not like you would with tonsillitis. The pain feels more inside neck. I’m always anxious atm cause I haven’t felt right for nearly 2 months now. Even when I swallow I feel like my neck moves more than it would normally maybe that’s just me being paranoid.

I’m gonna ask my gp Monday if he won’t send me for one at least give me a referral so I can get one done privately for peace of mind. I am trying to stay calm but it’s hard with how I’ve been feeling lately.

Thanks for the reply 🙂

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to Cade83

Do let us know how you get on at GP. You are right to ask for a second opinion if you are worried about your symptoms.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Buddy195

I’ve seen so many different drs it’s getting ridiculous. I’ve had a few tests for different things but because I’m getting so many random symptoms it’s hard to diagnose something when symptoms are so wide spread and don’t make any sense. I’m seeing a locum Monday so maybe he’ll help. Who knows. I’ll let ya know.

Lalatoot profile image
Lalatoot in reply to Cade83

Cade when I am undermedicated I lose my voice and I get a sore throat. My neck feels fatter and hot.ENT deal with the physical side of the thyroid and throat. Endos deal with the hormones in the blood. So you need to be referred to ent.

The waiting list where I am was long so I looked for a suitable private ent consultant nearby who also did NHS. I paid £200 for a consultation which I had with a week or two. I did not need a referral from a gp. The consultant ruled out a goitre or enlarged thyroid and thought it was globus. He gave me a link to exercises which helped the fatness and pain but not voice. He wanted to double check my throat with a camera but he said that as he didn't think it was a goitre or cancer that he wouldn't do it privately that day at a cost of ££500 but that he would put me on his NHS list for it. I had that 3 weeks later on the NHS and all was clear.

Since I have been better medicated I no longer lose my voice or have throat problems.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Lalatoot

Yeah it’s kind of weird, hopefully this calms down. I have had this feeling for a few years on and off cause I saw an ent I think in 2019 about the same thing and I had a camera up my nose and down my throat and was normal but may do it again just incase. I’m sure that was part of the consult as well. Thanks for the info though 🙂

radd profile image


Glancing back through your previous posts, it appears you have been intolerant of any dose increase for a long time. If your labs are showing an increase it required, this intolerance indicates your meds aren’t working as they should.

Thyroid meds that don’t resolve symptoms aren’t always just pee’d out but can actually start working against us inciting more symptoms (in the form of RT3 and other inactive metabolite), meaning a dose increase risks fueling symptoms to increase.

Thyroid meds should resolve symptoms and should not be taken to be endured. If this were me I wouldn’t increase dose but assess reasons for meds not working such as optimising nutrients, trying to reduce body inflammation through clean diet, healthy life style and optimised natural anti-inflammatories such as Vit D, fish oils and curcumin.

This will also help reduce thyroid antibodies (should yours be elevated) because these sudden onset symptoms and neck pain could also point to Hashi attacks. If you have Hashi, taking selenium can help reduce auto-antibodies and the risk of further attacks.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to radd

Hi radd,

Interesting, I’m not really sure what to do to be honest. I just know something really isn’t right atm. I haven’t felt right for a good 10 months now and whatever it is, is getting worse. An because of my wide range of symptoms, stomach issues, random skin pain, throat symptoms, fatigue, anxiety, random twitching on the left side of my head, losing weight, lack of appetite, kidney function has also dropped, feeling just not right at all no one can diagnose anything. I take vitamin D, B complex and magnesium but I don’t take fish oils or selenium. I may look up selenium again as I don’t know what dose is best. It’s so frustrating when you know you feel ill and you know something isn’t right but no one can tell you what it is that’s going on. An it’s even worse when drs can’t figure it out cause your left spending hundreds of pounds trying to figure it out yourself.

Regenallotment profile image

I used to get this too and totally disagreed with ENT (I flatly refused to accept) who diagnosed silent reflux.

I put a camera down and showed my my inflamed larynx.

He explained it’s caused by low stomach acid, I listened to a IS podcast by Dr Eric Balcavage who explained low T3 conversion from T4 impacts the opening and closing of the stomach valves.

ENT wanted me to try Gaviscon and some here said it was good.

But others suggested raising the head end of the bed at night, I stopped eating after 7pm and stopped drinking fizzy water with meals, betaine with pepsin for big meals and finally going to 125mcg after yet another 8 weeks helped me. I’m now on a different dose but the night coughing as I fall asleep and sore throat on waking have gone.

Just a thought, I was in denial but it really resolved symptoms. 🌱

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Regenallotment

If that was the answer to all my symptoms I’d cry with joy but I can’t see it myself. Do you mean you were getting all my symptoms or just some?

I was hoping if I had low stomach acid that increasing my levo would increase it.

To be honest at this point I’ll try anything because this ain’t normal to feel so ill for no reason.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Cade83

Yes I had all your symptoms. GP made a referral to ENT, had a neck ultrasound followed by MRI (I was convinced I had thyroid swelling) followed by camera up my nostril and down throat. Symptoms are all gone now. Scans showed thyroid to be small so I probably have Ord’s. Wasn’t till 125mcg that the symptoms shifted though. Now back on 100mcg with 5 mcg T3 probably need to adjust down slightly again testing in a few weeks.

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Regenallotment

Hi I just read your bio, wow you sure have a had a journey too. I also started with being subclinical and gp’s wouldn’t do anything until I protested that my fatigue was horrendous. I did have the camera up my nose and down my throat but it was about 4 years ago now so maybe need another one 🤔 I really want a scan of my thyroid just to check cause I constantly feel like it is swollen , even when I swallow half the time. Thanks for the info on Dr Eric Balcavage, I watched one of his videos earlier and it makes so much sense now about bad conversion and that of you don’t have enough T3 it can effect everything as my creatinine is high and eGFR has gone down. An it’s hard because I’m trans if I go by female ranges it would be scary low but now I have to go by male ranges and it’s still low but not as bad and that worries me a lot. My cholesterol is always high as well but I refuse to go on statins. I’d rather try and eat healthy. Although the last one was 5.3 but I wasn’t eating enough before that one. That’s the lowest it’s been in well since I been testing. How did you get someone to put you on T3 cause as far as I know it’s very difficult for anyone to be put on it? I know my stomach isn’t good at the moment so I do wonder whether that has had a huge effect on my absorption of meds. I’m constantly bloated and being on holiday at the moment im not eating well as my family don’t eat very healthy things and I’ve been eating way too much bread which I don’t normally eat. Sorry I’ve gone on a bit. I have drs Monday so I’m hoping I can figure things out cause I honestly have never felt so ill in my life. Normally I can just power through things but this is awful.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Cade83

yeah I hear you . So diet I followed Isabella Wentz and Supergut. GF, DF, absorption definitely improved but I still get stomach upsets so investing in Zoe subscription in the hope that will help me figure out what’s up.

So do you identify as trans male? I think I’ve got that right if you are looking at male ranges now but don’t want to assume or guess. Taking any hormones? Just wondering if you have any interactions there. Could be worth looking at. I’ll be interested to hear what you find. Just thinking about voice changes/Adam’s apples etc could that be a thing or am I being ignorant?

I get my T3 on private prescription from Roseway Labs Pharmacy, legit and legal and £30 appointment, £75 for 3 months supply. You send them private blood tests every 3 months and they do an auto repeat prescription if all well and 6 monthly appointments to review. I feel well supported and they’ve been super nice via email when I’ve had questions.

sending you my best, let us know how you get on.


Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Regenallotment

Sorry for the delay in reply, I was meant to say about the Isabella Wentz go you for doing the 90 day protocol I have the book but that takes determination to stick to that for so long. Even trying to go GF is hard. Zoe looks interesting will have to look into to that more.

Yeah I identify as trans male and yeah I have testosterone every 13 weeks by injection. Changes to voice and stuff would have changed completely by now as I’ve been on testosterone nearly 7 years now. I do sometimes wonder if it has had any undesirable effects though.

Oh ok I wasn’t expecting you to say from a private pharmacy but good that they check your results.

Yeah I’ll let you know how I get on tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll get some answers. I’m not hopeful but hopefully the gp will at least send me for some tests.

Thank you


Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Cade83

yes I am a bit impatient and decided I’d prove to my GP it works for me before attempting to get it on the NHS. Ah I see so the testosterone effects would already be clear. Hmmm I’ll be interested to see what you discover, wishing you all the very best xx

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Regenallotment

Yeah I don’t blame you, GP’s don’t get anything done fast, it’s all a waiting game these days and it gets frustrating when you feel so ill. I’ve probably spent a good few thousand on different tests over the years.

Thank you xx

Cade83 profile image
Cade83 in reply to Regenallotment

Well GP checked my neck but wasn’t worried. Even though I said about symptoms. Doing bloods to check thyroid and other things cause of my fatigue so will see how that goes but blood test is 2 weeks away 🙄trying mebeverine for stomach. See how that goes I guess. Didn’t really say much about me upping my own dose.

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