Hi all,
I was diagnosed hypo in October and have been taking 50mcg Levothyroxine. The GP told me to stop running for 8 weeks because it was making my thyroid worse.
My test results last week were
T4 16.4 (11-23)
TSH 4.2 (0.27-4.5)
Perox-something 28 (<34)
The person who gave me the results said they were "fine" (not the GP, just a results line you ring)
While I'm feeling much better than I was 2 months ago I still have no energy to even walk the dog, never mind go running.
If this is "fine", does that mean this is how life is going to be from now on or have I just not given it long enough to work? I booked a half marathon to celebrate being 50 and I'm just sitting here getting fatter instead of training and getting thinner 😢
Thanks for any advice you can offer.